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Criticism Quotations

Criticism quotations. Find, read, and share Criticism quotations. These are the best examples of Criticism quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Doubtless criticism was originally benignant, pointing out the beauties of a work rather that its defects. The passions of men have made it malignant, as a bad heart of Procrustes turned the bed, the symbol of repose, into an instrument of torture. Quote Right
Quote Left The strength of criticism lies in the weakness of the thing criticized. Quote Right
Quote Left A louse in the locks of literature. Quote Right
Quote Left Critics! Those cut-throat bandits in the paths of fame. Quote Right
Quote Left I demand that my books be judged with utmost severity, by knowledgeable people who know the rules of grammar and of logic, and who will seek beneath the footsteps of my commas the lice of my thought in the head of my style. Quote Right
Quote Left If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how, the very best I can, and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won't amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference. Quote Right
Quote Left Honest criticism means nothing: what one wants is unrestrained passion, fire for fire. Quote Right
Quote Left Reviewers, with some rare exceptions, are a most stupid and malignant race. As a bankrupt thief turns thief-taker in despair, so an unsuccessful author turns critic. Quote Right
Quote Left Prolonged, indiscriminate reviewing of books is a quite exceptionally thankless, irritating and exhausting job. It not only involves praising trash but constantly inventing reactions towards books about which one has no spontaneous feeling whatever. Quote Right
Quote Left Writing prejudicial, off-putting reviews is a precise exercise in applied black magic. The reviewer can draw free-floating disagreeable associations to a book by implying that the book is completely unimportant without saying exactly why, and carefully avoiding any clear images that could capture the reader's full attention. Quote Right
Quote Left No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not work those who work with him. Don't knock your friends. Don't knock your enemies. Don't knock yourself. Quote Right
Quote Left A man must serve his time to every trade save censure -- critics all are ready made. Quote Right
Quote Left Nature, when she invented, manufactured, and patented her authors, contrived to make critics out of the chips that were left. Quote Right
Quote Left Their is no defense against criticism except obscurity. Quote Right
Quote Left We need very strong ears to hear ourselves judged frankly, and because there are few who can endure frank criticism without being stung by it, those who venture to criticize us perform a remarkable act of friendship, for to undertake to wound or offend a man for his own good is to have a healthy love for him. Quote Right
Quote Left We have our little theory on all human and divine things. Poetry, the workings of genius itself, which, in all times, with one or another meaning, has been called Inspiration, and held to be mysterious and inscrutable, is no longer without its scientific exposition. The building of the lofty rhyme is like any other masonry or bricklaying: we have theories of its rise, height, decline and fall -- which latter, it would seem, is now near, among all people. Quote Right
Quote Left Those who have free seats at a play hiss first. Quote Right
Quote Left To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Quote Right
Quote Left A woman's flattery may inflate a man's head a little; but her criticism goes straight to his heart, and contracts it so that it can never again hold quite as much love for her. Quote Right
Quote Left I am opposed to writing about the private lives of living authors and psychoanalyzing them while they are alive. Criticism is getting all mixed up with a combination of the Junior F.B.I. -men, discards from Freud and Jung and a sort of Columnist peep-hole and missing laundry list school. Every young English professor sees gold in them dirty sheets now. Imagine what they can do with the soiled sheets of four legal beds by the same writer and you can see why their tongues are slavering. Quote Right
Quote Left Your column is a pack of damn lies, a reader wrote to William Safire about a political piece he did in the New York Times. Brushing aside the stern criticism, Safire immediately debated whether it should be damn, the way it sounds, or damned, as the past participle of the verb, to damn. The ed on some words is simply slipping away, he points out. We're seeing more barbecue chicken, whip cream and corn beef. His conclusion: Ears are sloppy and eyes are precise; accordingly, speech can be loose but writing should be tight. Quote Right
Quote Left A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic. Quote Right
Quote Left In my conscience I believe the baggage loves me, for she never speaks well of me herself, nor suffers any body else to rail at me. Quote Right
Quote Left Between the amateur and the professional...there is a difference not only in degree but in kind. The skillful man is, within the function of his skill, a different psychological organization...A tennis player or a watchmaker or an airplane pilot is an automatism but he is also criticism and wisdom. Quote Right
Quote Left What distinguishes modern art from the art of other ages is criticism. Quote Right
Quote Left There are two modes of criticism. One which crushes to earth without mercy all the humble buds of Phantasy, all the plants that, though green and fruitful, are also a prey to insects or have suffered by drought. It weeds well the garden, and cannot believe the weed in its native soil may be a pretty, graceful plant. There is another mode which enters into the natural history of every thing that breathes and lives, which believes no impulse to be entirely in vain, which scrutinizes circumstances, motive and object before it condemns, and believes there is a beauty in natural form, if its law and purpose be understood. Quote Right
Quote Left To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing. Quote Right
Quote Left The visual is sorely undervalued in modern scholarship. Art history has attained only a fraction of the conceptual sophistication of literary criticism. Drunk with self-love, criticism has hugely overestimated the centrality of language to western culture. It has failed to see the electrifying sign language of images. Quote Right
Quote Left That is what the highest criticism really is, the record of one's own soul. It is more fascinating than history, as it is concerned simply with oneself. It is more delightful than philosophy, as its subject is concrete and not abstract, real and not vague. It is the only civilized form of autobiography. Quote Right
Quote Left I am sorry to think that you do not get a man's most effective criticism until you provoke him. Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Criticism

Quote Left "Decisively conforming to the standard of uprightness surely could invite criticism, yet it gives one the freedom to happiness through self-respect." Quote Right
Quote Left My literature is throughout biting criticism. Quote Right
Quote Left My literature is throughout biting criticism. Quote Right
Quote Left Adam Gopnik called Randall Jarrell the “best-equipped” American poetry critic of the past century; he may have been the “best quipped” as well. (Keywords: poet, poets, poetry, poems, critic, criticism) Quote Right
Quote Left Criticism is, indeed, a true great gift-sharing; Sharers need to be, as friends, loving and caring. Quote Right
Quote Left It's Never too Late to talk your heart out, with true friends, to embrace yourself, with own hands, to reach out your folks, with sweet words, to blow away criticism, that’s placed on you, to smile with optimism, when world turns away, to admire yourself, the way you are, And to aspire your vision, with the decision to inspire. Quote Right
Quote Left Criticism is nutrition to strengthen the grasp of discipline. Quote Right
Quote Left Playing the right card in every situation makes you invulnerable to criticism Quote Right
Quote Left There is no success,without risk,failures and criticism.Take them with a smile .Learn to stand after each fall and walk towards your goal in life . Quote Right
Quote Left Constructive Criticism is striving to Become the Best Version of Yourself Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs