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Co Quotations

Co quotations. Find, read, and share Co quotations. These are the best examples of Co quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Eagerly, musician,Sweep your string,So we may sing,Elated, optative,Our several voicesInterblending,Playfully contending,Not interferingBut co-inhering,For all withinThe cincture of the soundIs holy ground,Where all are Brothers,None faceless Others. Let mortals bewareOf words, forWith words we lie,Can say peaceWhen we mean war,Foul thought speak fairAnd promise falsely,But song is true:Let music for peaceBe the paradigm,For peace means to changeAt the right time,As the World-Clock,Goes Tick and Tock. So may the storyOf our human cityPresently moveLike music, whenBegotten notesNew notes beget,Making the flowingOf time a growing,Till what it could be,At last it is,Where even sadnessIs a form of gladness,Where Fate is Freedom,Grace and Surprise. Quote Right
Quote Left As each Sister is to become a Co-Worker of Christ in the slums, each ought to understand what God and the Missionaries of Charity expect from her. Let Christ radiate and live his life in her and through her in the slums. Let the poor, seeing her, be drawn to Christ and invite him to enter their homes and their lives. Let the sick and suffering find in her a real angel of comfort and consolation. Let the little ones of the streets cling to her because she reminds them of him, the friend of the little ones. Quote Right
Quote Left An Israeli soldier who just enlisted asked the Commanding Officer for a 3 day pass. The CO says, 'Are you crazy? You just join the Israeli army, and you already want a 3 day pass? You must do something spectacular for that recognition!' So the soldier com Quote Right
Quote Left The moral authority of our most cherished institutions comes from their voluntary nature: the value of advice from a priest, a teacher or a loved one depends in large part on the fact that we are free to ignore it. But judges' pieces of 'advice' are court orders, enforceable ultimately by the raw physical power of imprisonment. It is precisely because of the awesomely enforceable nature of our powers that we must be so circumspect in exercising them. It is one thing for a co-worker, family member, doctor, or clergyman to confront someone about a perceived drug problem; it is quite another thing for a judge to compel drug treatment. Drug courts not only fail to recognize this important institutional distinction, but their very purpose is to obliterate it. Quote Right
Quote Left The stereotypical belief that large numbers of employees are 'going postal' is a bit of a myth. Interestingly, workers pinpoint the general public as the most significant source of this aggression, as opposed to other co-workers or supervisors. Quote Right
Quote Left In all sincerity, we offer to the loved ones of all innocent victims over the past 25 years, abject and true remorse. No words of ours will co... Quote Right
Quote Left I notice well that one stray step from the habitual path leads irresistibly into a new direction. Life moves forward, it never reverses its co... Quote Right
Quote Left Every pilot needs a co-pilot, and let me tell you, it is awful nice to have someone sitting there beside you, especially when you hit some bumpy air. Quote Right
Quote Left To come to the table with that $5 co-pay is not negotiating in good faith. Quote Right
Quote Left Children are not soul-less, unguided creatures made for adults to manipulate like chattel. They are spirited beings, complete at every given moment and age. They have differentiated minds, specialized abilites and unique gifts that give testimony to themselves and their Creator. Children look to us for guidance. And they see us as symbols of love and hate, truth and deceit, selflessness and selfishness, and good and evil.....Children are not our subordinates. They are our co-conspiriators - breathing the same pneuma as us and contributing to a world far beyond present comprehension. Ultimately, in our webs of relationships, it is the children who will write, rewrite, and edit our scripts of life. Quote Right
Quote Left We are pleased to continue our partnership with York Street Capital. This expanded capital commitment helps to fill the growing need for junior capital driven by strong buyout markets and record levels of private equity fundraising. Through York Street, we are providing broader financing alternatives to companies and equity sponsors at a time when flexible junior capital solutions are an important component in financing both buyouts and corporate expansion. We believe that York Street will continue to generate superior returns and provide attractive co-investment opportunities for Teachers' Private Capital. Quote Right
Quote Left It has been years since I have seen anyone who could even look as if he were in love. No one's face lights up any more except for political co... Quote Right
Quote Left Museums, museums, museums, object-lessons rigged out to illustrate the unsound theories of archaeologists, crazy attempts to co-ordinate and get into a fixed order that which has no fixed order and will not be co-coordinated! It is sickening! Why must all experience be systematized? A museum is not a first-hand contact: it is an illustrated lecture. And what one wants is the actual vital touch. Quote Right
Quote Left A sincere and steadfast co-operation in promoting such a reconstruction of our political system as would provide for the permanent liberty and... Quote Right
Quote Left Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the co-operation of many minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than to myself. Quote Right
Quote Left Unity can only come when there is better co-ordination and mutual understanding in the society; when there is no friction of thoughts and clash of ideologies. We should therefore follow the ideals established by the scholars and engage ourselves in virtuous deeds. Quote Right
Quote Left One has but to observe a community of beavers at work in a stream to understand the loss in his sagacity, balance, co-operation, competence, and purpose which Man has suffered since he rose up on his hind legs. He began to chatter and he developed Reason, Thought, and Imagination, qualities which would get the smartest group of rabbits or orioles in the world into inextricable trouble overnight. Quote Right
Quote Left From Chirac and Schroeder we have seen a rhetorical commitment for France and Germany to co-operate but when they have combined it has been to block reforms. They have not produced an actual agenda for advancing the union, unlike the days of Helmut Kohl and Francois Mitterand, when France and Germany really were driving Europe. Quote Right
Quote Left The general fact is that the most effective way of utilizing human energy is through an organized rivalry, which by specialization and social control is, at the same time, organized co-operation. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Congressman Robert Torricelli gave a speech on how to get your Congressperson to co-sponsor and support legislation you want. The Congressman's advice was to pester the life out of your representative. Write/phone and, if possible, visit his/her office. Bring others with you if you can, to show more support. Keep up the pressure, and encourage as many others as you can to do the same until the Congressperson becomes inundated with letters and phone calls. He reminded us that the other side works very hard to stop legislation that would benefit animals, and we must work just as hard, or even harder, if we want these bills to pass.' Quote Right
Quote Left Duane started as our defensive backs coach and has become more and more involved with the defense each year. Since he moved into the co-coordinator spot last year, he has played a key role in developing game plans and preparing one of the most successful defenses in the country. Quote Right
Quote Left There is a diabolical trio existing in the natural man, implacable, inextinguishable, co-operative and consentaneous, pride, envy, and hate; pride that makes us fancy we deserve all the goods that others possess; envy that some should be admired while we are overlooked; and hate, because all that is bestowed on others, diminishes the sum we think due to ourselves. Quote Right
Quote Left Our intelligence, co-operation and many other features we have as modern humans developed from our attempts to out-smart the predator. Quote Right
Quote Left ... individual freedom and individual equality cannot co-exist. I dare say no one since Thomas Jefferson ... has really believed it. Quote Right
Quote Left The money complex is the demonic, and the demonic is God's ape; the money complex is therefore the heir to and substitute for the religious co... Quote Right
Quote Left The so-called method of co-education is false in theory and hamful to Christian training. Quote Right
Quote Left Great God make us friends of the animals. Make us responsible co-inhabitants with them of this fruitful planet. In our dealings with animals, may we be generous; may we exercise our power with compassion and avoid brutality; may we never debase them; may we never use their flesh or their skins wastefully to enhance our appearance; may we respect their right to a good life in their own habitat. In our dealings with animals may we remember that all life is mysterious and precious and God-given and that we are honored and blessed by their presence among us. Quote Right
Quote Left If God is your co-pilot, switch seats with Him! Quote Right
Quote Left Sleep, eat, train, fight -- co-located units that are with the infantry and the armor are right there, very close. You have other support units that also support infantry and the armor, but co-location is the difference between 20 feet and 20 miles. Quote Right
Quote Left We are not without accomplishment. We have managed to distribute poverty equally. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Co

Quote Left The guiding light in life Comes From a spark Within Quote Right
Quote Left Life is a mysterious journey, of shape-shifting, soul transforming conscious experiences -- Time and place are not nearly important as, quality of grace and love honed and hued. Quote Right
Quote Left Silent n calm water boiling inside.. percolating out of those poignant precious eyes. Though vaporize before oozing out.. May it be the surrender or indomitable will!!!! Quote Right
Quote Left As long as there are spring sunrises...buds into roses, kisses into bouquets, chocolates with valentines -- there Love will also blossom...perennial bloom of the Sacred Heart. Quote Right
Quote Left If it’s meant to be for you It will surely find its way to you If it’s not for you it will find excuses not to come to you Quote Right
Quote Left Someday tomorrow will come. Quote Right
Quote Left In the end ... we are all consumed. Quote Right
Quote Left “The deceased collect more tributes than the survivors because tragedy is more difficult than recovery.” Quote Right
Quote Left "A poet is born not manufactured. Many times words come from some kind of pain. Then the words can be felt by the reader." Quote Right
Quote Left "My heart longs for you; now that’s my confession." Quote Right
Quote Left As I have often said, I know writing is another way of inviting others, who are perhaps yet somewhat bewildered as I, to join me with a word-candle in the labyrinth of human, poetic consciousness. Quote Right
Quote Left Why would we want a heaven without loving consciousness to experience and recall friendships infinitely? Silly to think that God would allow us such fond thoughts, and not Himself cherish tender togetherness above all else. Wrong to think that such depth of bliss, such profound cohesiveness could spring out of random evolution unmediated -- Have no doubts. Heaven is our Live Feeling Eternal Companion, and not a random Spiritual Stranger, writer of previously unknown preference and vocabulary. Quote Right
Quote Left When I am connected, in my right mind -- I can do nothing else but love. Quote Right
Quote Left We are equal only an official document, not on actual facts. Are we capable of knocking down the walls of contradiction, or continue to ignore social oppression and not bring those needed changes to reinstate morality? Quote Right
Quote Left Always keep in mind the task at hand and act accordingly when the time comes to grace the stage. Quote Right
Quote Left Death has already defeated the living. I’ve never heard a dead man say he wishes he could live a little… Quote Right
Quote Left An arrogant thought could be a noble pursuit. If you do it? Quote Right
Quote Left Sailing over the most gracious silver moon immersed into stelliferous seiche waves. Happy oysters gaze through sparkling pearls. The silence, the breeze bestows content and delight. solitude frolicking with lavender sillage through the smiling night! Quote Right
Quote Left Deep within, there is a interlude in the sidereal time, many is misconceived by character. Quote Right
Quote Left I write to make myself I guess, one could say, I write to make myself write. Quote Right
Quote Left “Death conveys the timeless truth: the impermanence of all things in the mortal realm.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left “From the mysterious depths of the ocean to the towering peaks of mountains, let us be stewards of all life forms, protecting the precious balance of ecosystems with unwavering resolve.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left “Every drop of water, every breath of air, every blade of grass whispers the same truth: we are but custodians of this planet, entrusted with its care for generations yet to come.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left “In the hands of humanity lies the sacred duty to nurture, not deplete; to protect, not plunder. Our legacy is not measured in conquest but in conservation.” - Aloo Denish Obiero Quote Right
Quote Left "Your enemies know you, as you know them, and truth bears on--face to face ... The Mirror Cracks ... Your friends know you, as you know them, and truth bears on--face to back," by the Poet, posted on my Concrete Poem 05/07/24 'Kiss of Back' Quote Right
Quote Left When you have a conversation with yourself, just listen. Quote Right
Quote Left If you see things in a different light then it becomes visible. Quote Right
Quote Left It is my daily prayer and ardent endeavor as a volunteer teacher assistant, to help at least one child each day, tear down walls of trepidation, and discover, that there is absolutely nothing, no nothing, if they are willing and believing, that they cannot ultimately learn. Quote Right
Quote Left No slave won true freedom by simply asking for it from their oppressors ... slaves won true freedom by suddenlly realizing they weren't slaves in the first place... and that freedom isn't something you earn but something you imbibe. The sooner u realise the better This are not just words Being a slave doesn't mean binded by chains It can be sin or things of the past Let's be overcomers @2023 H2O Quote Right
Quote Left "We all begin as winners in the race to fertilize. So we've all been the recipients of the most coveted prize... life. " -Crystol Woods :) Quote Right

Book: Reflection on the Important Things