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Bloody Quotations

Bloody quotations. Find, read, and share Bloody quotations. These are the best examples of Bloody quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Dear Signore Direttore, Now I am a-tella you a story wot I was a-treated at your hotella. I am a-comma from Roma as tourist to London an stay as a-younga cristan man at your hotella. When I comma in my room I see there is no shit in my bed - how can I sleep whit no shit i my bed? So I calla down to the receptione and tella: 'I wanta shit'. They tella me: 'Go to toilet'. I say: 'No,no I wanta shit in my bed'. They say: 'You better not shit in your bed, you sonna-wa-bitch'. What is sonna-wa-bitch? I go down for breakfast into restorante. I order bacon and egga and two pissis of toast. I getta only one piss of toast. I tella waitress, and point at toast: 'I wanta piss'. She tella me: 'Go to toilet'. I say: 'I wata piss on my plate'. She then say to me: 'You'd bloody not piss on the plate, you sonna-wa-bitch'. That is the second person who do not even know me calla me 'sonna-wa-bitch', an why is your staff replying 'Go to toilet', is that a modern tella? I do no understand, Please tella me! Later I go for dinner in your restorante. Spoon and knife is laid out, but no fock. I tella waitress: 'I wanta fock'. And she tella me: 'Sure, everyone wanta fock'. I say: 'No,no you dont understanda me, I wanta fock on the table'. She tella me: So you sonna-wa-bitch wanta fock on the table? Get your ass out of here! How comma this cristian hotel tella the guest in such bad manner? So I go to receptioneand ask for bill, I no wanta stay in this hotel no more. When I have paid the a-billa the portier say to me: 'Thank you and piss on you'. I say: 'Piss on you too, you sonna-wa-bitch, I go back to Italy'. Direttore, I never gonna stay in your hotella no more, you sonna-wa-bitch. Sincerely Dicci Elgre Quote Right
Quote Left LOOKING-GLASS, n. A vitreous plane upon which to display a fleeting show for man's disillusion given. The King of Manchuria had a magic looking-glass, whereon whoso looked saw, not his own image, but only that of the king. A certain courtier who had long enjoyed the king's favor and was thereby enriched beyond any other subject of the realm, said to the king: Give me, I pray, thy wonderful mirror, so that when absent out of thine august presence I may yet do homage before thy visible shadow, prostrating myself night and morning in the glory of thy benign countenance, as which nothing has so divine splendor, O Noonday Sun of the Universe! Please with the speech, the king commanded that the mirror be conveyed to the courtier's palace; but after, having gone thither without apprisal, he found it in an apartment where was naught but idle lumber. And the mirror was dimmed with dust and overlaced with cobwebs. This so angered him that he fisted it hard, shattering the glass, and was sorely hurt. Enraged all the more by this mischance, he commanded that the ungrateful courtier be thrown into prison, and that the glass be repaired and taken back to his own palace; and this was done. But when the king looked again on the mirror he saw not his image as before, but only the figure of a crowned ass, having a bloody bandage on one of its hinder hooves --as the artificers and all who had looked upon it had before discerned but feared to report. Taught wisdom and charity, the king restored his courtier to liberty, had the mirror set into the back of the throne and reigned many years with justice and humility; and one day when he fell asleep in death while on the throne, the whole court saw in the mirror the luminous figure of an angel, which remains to this day. Quote Right
Quote Left It's always in the middle of the bloody night, or when you're half-awake or tired, when your critical faculties are switched off. So letting go is what the whole game is. You turn on the lights and the cockroaches run away. You can never grasp them. Quote Right
Quote Left Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbow'd. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Lies but the horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find me, unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. Quote Right
Quote Left I graduated pretty quickly. When I was eleven or twelve a close friend of the family got lynched. I guess he was about forty years old, married, and we used to play with his kids. I remember the Saturday night a bunch of white men beat him to death at the Decatur fairgrounds because he sassed back a white woman. They just left him dead on the ground. Everyone in town knew it but never said a word in public. I went down and saw his bloody clothes. They left those clothes on a fence for about a year. Every Negro in town was supposed to get the message from those clothes and I can see those clothes now in my mind's eye.... But nothing was said in public. No sermons in church. No news. No protest. It was as though this man just dissolved except for the bloody clothes.... Just before I went into the Army I began wondering how long I could stand it. I used to watch the Saturday night sport of white men trying to run down a Negro with their car, or white gangs coming through town to beat up a Negro. Quote Right
Quote Left A serious writer is not to be confounded with a solemn writer. A serious writer may be a hawk or a buzzard or even a popinjay, but a solemn writer is always a bloody owl. Quote Right
Quote Left The best hope is that one of these days the ground will get disgusted enough just to walk away - leaving people with nothing more to stand on than what they have so bloody well stood for up to now. Quote Right
Quote Left It is only by softening and disguising dead flesh by culinary preparation that it is rendered susceptible of mastication or digestion, and that the sight of its bloody juices and raw horror does not excite intolerable loathing and disgust. Quote Right
Quote Left OUT of the night that covers me, Black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbow'd. Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. Quote Right
Quote Left I will not by the noise of bloody wars and the dethroning of kings advance you to glory: but by the gentle ways of peace and love. Quote Right
Quote Left And it's true we are immune When fact is fiction and TV reality And the today the millions cry We eat and drink when tomorrow they die Quote Right
Quote Left Those who in quarrels interpose, must often wipe a bloody nose. Quote Right
Quote Left A hundred years ago, the electric telegraph made possible - indeed, inevitable - the United States of America. The communications satellite will make equally inevitable a United Nations of Earth; let us hope that the transition period will not be equally bloody. Quote Right
Quote Left English Bob: What I heard was that you fell off your horse, drunk, of course, and that you broke your bloody neck. Little Bill Daggett: I... Quote Right
Quote Left My effort has been to narrate exposes of the leather trade in India and the meat industry in the US and even spearhead a petition drive against the annual seal hunt in Canada where baby seals are beaten bloody on ice for their fur. I have used my celeb status to fire off letters, pose for posters and motivated designers to create animal friendly fashions and even urged advertisers to stop using unwilling animal actors to sell products. And I will continue to work for the cause, whatever it takes.' Quote Right
Quote Left Behind every beautiful fur, there is a story. It is a bloody, barbaric story. Quote Right
Quote Left War is a most uneconomical, foolish, poor arrangement, a bloody enrichment of that soil which bears the sweet flower of peace ... Quote Right
Quote Left I know about people who talk about suffering for the common good. It's never bloody them! When you hear a man shouting 'Forward, brave comrades!' you'll see he's the one behind the bloody big rock and the wearing the only really arrow-proof helmet! Quote Right
Quote Left Terrorist are picadors and matadors. They prick the bull until it bleeds and is blinded by rage, then they snap the red cape of bloody terror in its face. The bull charges again and again until, exhausted, it can charge no more. Then the matador, though smaller and weaker, drives the sword into the soft spot between the shoulder blades of the bull. For the bull has failed to understand that the snapping cape was but a provocation to goad it into attacking and exhausting itself for the kill. Quote Right
Quote Left Before now poetry has taken notice Of wars, and what are wars but politics Transformed from chronic to acute and bloody? Quote Right
Quote Left Religion is a bandage that man has invented to protect a soul made bloody by circumstance. Quote Right
Quote Left And the wild regrets, and the bloody sweats,
None knew so well as I:
For he who lives more lives than one
More deaths than one must die.
Quote Right
Quote Left ...if the beginnings of love and amorous politics are equally rosy, then the ends may be equally bloody. Quote Right
Quote Left If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible. Quote Right
Quote Left Never was a war did cease (Ere bloody hands were wash'd) with such a peace. Quote Right
Quote Left And the wild regrets, and the bloody sweats, None knew so well as I: For he who lives more lives than one More deaths than one must die. Quote Right
Quote Left You don't run against a bloody stop watch, do you hear? A runner runs against himself, against the best that's in him. Not against a dead thing of wheels and pulleys. That's the way to be great, running against yourself. Against all the rotten mess in the world. Against God, if you're good enough. Quote Right
Quote Left O, what a fall was there, my countrymen! Then I, and you, and all of us fell down, Whilst bloody treason flourished over us. Quote Right
Quote Left Politics at all times lead to bloody wars, and not only politics, but also religions as well as social and economic systems of all times are s... Quote Right
Quote Left Office politics are bloody-minded, but weak on content. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Bloody

Quote Left I don't confine my art to soothe the voice of reason boundaries are for poets who write in their rooms I will write on the sky, on the stars, on the bloody waters of Hell. I will etch my curses, my memories, and my imaginations into the soul of this orphaned world, and I will not apologize for it Quote Right
Quote Left Kuri Yaway pen yak bloody Civilians, PAK army ko galiyan nikaltay hain, Kashkol niazi bhikari Kay pechay Lag kar military par bhonktay hain. Kutay kahin Kay bay gairat dramabaz. Quote Right
Quote Left " Come on now, people have had it far worse than you" Her words cut right through me. Penetrating sharply through my skin, ripping through my veins. Puncturing my heart and tearing my soul. She detected my wounds, lacerating her way through my pain. Exposing deeper, bloody grazes. Bleeding, delayed healing. Quote Right
Quote Left No, I'm not perfect...bloody good guess though! Quote Right
Quote Left ought do but naught then you caint be caught, twas my tweet refraim, better get the words right ought or they'll forget your name......thought not bloody same...Don Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs