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Bathroom Quotations

Bathroom quotations. Find, read, and share Bathroom quotations. These are the best examples of Bathroom quotes on PoetrySoup.

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Quote Left Once on a yellow piece of paper with green lines he wrote a poem And he called if 'Chops' because that was the name of his dog And that's what it was all about And his teacher gave him an A and a gold star And his mother hung it on the kitchen door and read it to his aunts That was the year Father Tracy took all the kids to the zoo And he let them sing on the bus And his little sister was born with tiny toenails and no hair And his mother and father kissed a lot And the girl around the corner sent him a Valentine signed with a row of X's and he had to ask his father what the X's meant And his father always tucked him in bed at night And was always there to do it Once on a piece of white paper with blue lines he wrote a poem And he called it 'Autumn' because that was the name of the season And that's what it was all about And his teacher gave him an A and asked him to write more clearly And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door because of its new paint And the kids told him Father Tracy smoked cigars And left butts on the pews And sometimes they would burn holes That was the year his sister got glasses with thick lenses and black frames And the girl around the corner laughed when he asked her to go see Santa Claus And the kids told him why his mother and father kissed a lot And his father never tucked him in bed at night And his father got mad when he cried for him to do it Once on a paper torn from his notebook he wrote a poem And he called it 'Innocence: A Question' because that was the question about his girl And that's what it was all about And his professor gave him an A and a strange steady look And his mother never hung it on the kitchen door because he never showed her That was the year Father Tracy died And he forgot how the end of the Apostle's Creed went And he caught his sister making out on the back porch And his mother and father never kissed or even talked And the girl around the corner wore too much makeup That made him cough when he kissed her but he kissed her anyway because that was the thing to do And at three A.M. he tucked himself into bed his father snoring soundly That's why on the back of a brown paper bag he tried another poem And he called it 'Absolutely Nothing' Because that's what it was really all about And he gave himself an A and a slash on each damned wrist And he hung it on the bathroom door because this time he didn't think he could reach the kitchen Quote Right
Quote Left Why shouldn't I work for the NSA? That's a tough one. But I'll take a shot. Say I'm workin' at the NSA and somebody puts a code on my desk, somethin' no one else can break. Maybe I take a shot at it and maybe I break it and I'm real happy with myself cause I did my job well, but maybe that code was the location of some rebel army in North Africa or the Middle East and once they have that location, they bomb the village where the rebels are hiding, fifteen hundred people I never met, never had no problem with get killed. Now the politicains are sayin' 'Oh send in the marines to secure the area, cause they don't give a shit, won't be their kid over there gettin' shot just like it wasn't them when their number got called cause they were all pullin' a tour in the National Guard. It'll be some kid from Southy over there takin' shrapnel in the ass. He comes back to find that the plant he used to work at, got exported to the country he just got back from, and the guy that put the shrapnel in his ass got his old job cause he'll work for 15 cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile, he realises the only reason he was over there in the first place was so that we could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price, and ofcourse the oil companies use a little skirmish over there to scare up domestic oil prices, a cute little ancilliary benefit for them, but it ain't helpin' my buddy at 2.50 a gallon. Their takin' their sweet time bringin' the oil back, of course maybe they even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink martini's and fuckin' play slolum with the icebergs. It ain't to long til he hits one, spills the oil, and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic... so now my buddy's out of work, he can't afford to drive, so he's walkin' to the fuckin' job interviews which sucks cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin' him cronic hemroids and meanwhile, he's starvin' cause everytime he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate special their serving is North Atlantic scrod with Quaker State.... so what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it, while Im at it why not just shoot my buddy, take his job, give it to his sworn enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe, and join the National Guard. I could be elected President. Quote Right
Quote Left I have piles of poetry books in the bathroom, on the stairs, everywhere. The only way to write poetry is to read it. Quote Right
Quote Left My roommate says, I'm going to take a shower and shave, does anyone need to use the bathroom? It's like some weird quiz where he reveals the answer first. Quote Right
Quote Left My wife and I went back to the hotel where we spent our wedding night. Only this time, I stayed in the bathroom and cried. Quote Right
Quote Left Mitch True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend... Quote Right
Quote Left True love is hard to find. Sometimes you think you have true love, and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego, and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blinfolded, like a goddamn magic show, ready to doubleteam your girlfriend. Quote Right
Quote Left Castro couldn't even go to the bathroom unless the Soviet Union put the nickel in the toilet. Quote Right
Quote Left Whats the deal with toilet paper these days? Its no longer called 'toilet paper'. There are little sissy names for it such as: 'bathroom tissue', and many others. [...] [Pets] never complain. They never bite you, or pee on you because you don't call them 'k9s', or 'Felines'. They just go about their business, like humping your leg, or licking each others genitals. Quote Right
Quote Left If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat! Quote Right
Quote Left Flush twice.... It's a long way back to the tap. Quote Right
Quote Left The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale. Quote Right
Quote Left Like when I'm in the bathroom looking at my toilet paper, I'm like 'Wow! That's toilet paper?' I don't know if we appreciate how much we have. Quote Right
Quote Left Please don't throw cigarette butts on the floor, the cockroaches are getting cancer. Quote Right
Quote Left When your cat has fallen asleep on your lap and looks utterly content and adorable, you will suddenly have to go to the bathroom. Quote Right
Quote Left We aim to please, so please aim. Quote Right
Quote Left Men who consistently leave the toilet seat up secretly want women to get up to go the bathroom in the middle of the night and fall in. Quote Right
Quote Left Profanity is the crutch of inarticulate motherf**ckers. Quote Right
Quote Left I’ve always hid from my emotions. I’ve always run to the bathroom and cried instead of letting anybody see it. Quote Right
Quote Left Please do not throw cigarette butts into the urinals, as it makes them soggy and very hard to light Quote Right
Quote Left Life is like a toilet it's always full of assholes Quote Right
Quote Left All employees: Please piss on your hands before returning to work; the water here is filthy. Quote Right
Quote Left My kids always perceived the bathroom as a place where you wait it out until all the groceries are unloaded from the car. Quote Right
Quote Left JESUS LOVES YOU! ...but then again, so does Barney. Quote Right
Quote Left My mother made me a lesbian' Written below that in different handwriting: 'If I got her the right supplies, could she make me one too? Quote Right
Quote Left I will not charge admission to the bathroom Quote Right
Quote Left How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on. Quote Right
Quote Left How long a minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you're on. Quote Right
Quote Left The only time the world beats a path to your door is when you are in the bathroom. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Bathroom

Quote Left I can envision some day in the future, where 3-D printers are a common 'appliance' in every home. The real question is, does it belong in the kitchen, bathroom, living room, or maybe the garage? Well, I suppose it's hard to know everything. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs