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Average Quotations

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Quote Left Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people Quote Right
Quote Left Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. Quote Right
Quote Left Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people. Quote Right
Quote Left I can't make head or tail of Life. Love is a fine thing, Art is a fine thing, Nature is a fine thing; but the average human mind and spirit are confusing beyond measure. Quote Right
Quote Left Whether or not his newspaper and a set of senses reduced to five are the main sources of the so-called "real life" of the so- called average m... Quote Right
Quote Left Holidays are in no sense an alternative to the congestion and bustle of cities and work. Quite the contrary. People look to escape into an intensification of the conditions of ordinary life, into a deliberate aggravation of those conditions: further from nature, nearer to artifice, to abstraction, to total pollution, to well above average levels of stress, pressure, concentration and monotony -- this is the ideal of popular entertainment. No one is interested in overcoming alienation; the point is to plunge into it to the point of ecstasy. That is what holidays are for. Quote Right
Quote Left The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other going in opposite directions. Quote Right
Quote Left Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait. Quote Right
Quote Left When Negroes are average, they fail, unless they are very, very lucky. Now, if you're average and white, honey, you can go far. Just look at Dan Quayle. If that boy was colored he'd be washing dishes somewhere. Quote Right
Quote Left Americans consume, on average, 51 pounds of chicken every year, 15 pounds of turkey, 63 pounds of beef, 45 pounds of pork, 1 pound of veal, and 1 pound of lamb. 'More than ever,' reports our U.S. Department of Agriculture, 'we are a nation of meat eaters.' And now, with help from Dr. Atkins and his wonder diet, we have millions of consumers gorging themselves on nothing but flesh, one excess to correct their other excesses -- no thought whatever of taking their portion of meat even if we grant that meat production and the sufferings involved are necessary. Quote Right
Quote Left Speaking to how elections are framed in the USA: It is not Republican vs Democrat, nor Conservative vs Liberal, nor Rich vs Poor/ middle class but the true battle is average voter vs corrupt politician. Quote Right
Quote Left I am only an average man but, by George, I work harder at it than the average man. Quote Right
Quote Left There was a time when the average reader read a novel simply for the moral he could get out of it, and however na?ve that may have been, it was a good deal less na?ve than some of the limited objectives he has now. Today novels are considered to be entirely concerned with the social or economic or psychological forces that they will by necessity exhibit, or with those details of daily life that are for the good novelist only means to some deeper end. Quote Right
Quote Left It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man. Funny Quote Right
Quote Left A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over lousy fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; from faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to Complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependency; from dependency back again to bondage. Quote Right
Quote Left The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion or ethnic background, is that we all believe we are above-average drivers. Quote Right
Quote Left 'Exactly,' he said, while he leant forward excitedly, for all the world like a Jack-in-the-box let loose. 'Precisely; and you are a journalist - call yourself one, at least - and it should be part of your business to notice and describe people. I don't mean only the wonderful personage with the clear Saxon features, the fine blue eyes, the noble brow and classic face, but the ordinary person - the person who represents ninety out of every hundred of his own kind - the average Englishman, say, of the middle classes, who is neither very tall nor very short, who wears a moustache which is neither fair nor dark, but which masks his mouth, and a top hat which hides the shape of his head and brow, a man, in fact, who dresses like hundreds of his fellow-creatures, moves like them, speaks like them, has no peculiarity.' Quote Right
Quote Left Whether or not his newspaper and a set of senses reduced to five are the main sources of the so-called 'real life' of the so- called average m... Quote Right
Quote Left During my 18 years I came to bat almost 10,000 times. I struck out about 1,700 times and walked maybe 1,800 times. You figure a ballplayer will average about 500 at bats a season. That means I played seven years without ever hitting the ball. Quote Right
Quote Left What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult. Quote Right
Quote Left The average trade book has a shelf life of between milk and yogurt, except for books by any member of the Irving Wallace family - they have preservatives. Quote Right
Quote Left There are some hundred billion (10^11) galaxies, each with, on the average, a hundred billion stars. In all the galaxies, there are perhaps as many planets as stars, 10^11 x 10^11 = 10^22, ten billion trillion. In the face of such overpowering numbers, what is the likelihood that only one ordinary star, the Sun, is accompanied by an inhabited planet? Why should we, tucked away in some forgotten corner of the Cosmos, be so fortunate? To me, it seems far more likely that the universe is brimming over with life. But we humans do not yet know. We are just beginning our explorations. The only planet we are sure is inhabited is a tiny speck of rock and metal, shining feebly by reflected sunlight, and at this distance utterly lost.' Quote Right
Quote Left From infancy, almost, the average girl is told that marriage is her ultimate goal; therefore her training and education must be directed towar... Quote Right
Quote Left Our leading men are not of much account and never have been, but the average of the people is immense, beyond all history. Sometimes I think in all departments, literature and art included, that will be the way our superiority will exhibit itself. We will not have great individuals or great leaders, but a great average bulk, unprecedentedly great. Quote Right
Quote Left America believes in education the average professor earns more money in a year than a professional athlete earns in a whole week. Quote Right
Quote Left I have no expectation of making a hit every time I come to bat. What I seek is the highest possible batting average. Quote Right
Quote Left We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. Quote Right
Quote Left The average educated man in America has about as much knowledge of what a political idea is as he has of the principles of counterpoint. Each is a thing used in politics or music which those fellows who practice politics or music manipulate somehow. Show him one and he will deny that it is politics at all. It must be corrupt or he will not recognize it. He has only seen dried figs. He has only thought dried thoughts. A live thought or a real idea is against the rules of his mind. Quote Right
Quote Left There can be no doubt that the average man blames much more than he praises. His instinct is to blame. If he is satisfied he says nothing; if he is not, he most illogically kicks up a row. Quote Right
Quote Left A mutual and satisfied sexual act is of great benefit to the average woman, the magnetism of it is health giving. When it is not desired on the part of the woman and she gives no response, it should not take place. The submission of her body without love or desire is degrading to the woman's finer sensibility, all the marriage certificates on earth to the contrary notwithstanding. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Average

Quote Left I have no respect for Shaquille o Neal, or any other basketball player that is a bully or trash talker because through their hype and fame, their nothing but the average, grown up highschool bully. Quote Right
Quote Left Having a high center of gravity Places u higher above average Quote Right
Quote Left I wasn't born to be average, it is the dream though Quote Right
Quote Left Having a simple life is not the same as being content. It means you don't own or do as much as the average person, that's it. Minimalism is not the answer. Quote Right
Quote Left The Desire to Excel does not exist in a complacent individuals, such persons become busy being Average, Chômeurs and Mediocre, using most of their life distracting others.... Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs