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Access Quotations

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Quote Left The poor and the affluent are not communicating because they do not have the same words. When we talk of the millions who are culturally deprived, we refer not to those who do not have access to good libraries and bookstores, or to museums and centers for the performing arts, but those deprived of the words with which everything else is built, the words that opens doors. Children without words are licked before they start. The legion of the young wordless in urban and rural slums, eight to ten years old, do not know the meaning of hundreds of words which most middle-class people assume to be familiar to much younger children. Most of them have never seen their parents read a book or a magazine, or heard words used in other than rudimentary ways related to physical needs and functions. Thus is cultural fallout caused, the vicious circle of ignorance and poverty reinforced and perpetuated. Children deprived of words become school dropouts; dropouts deprived of hope behave delinquently. Amateur censors blame delinquency on reading immoral books and magazines, when in fact, the inability to read anything is the basic trouble. Quote Right
Quote Left Apple Computer can argue that its use of the trademark has nothing to do with music. They could say, 'This isn't our music. We're selling access to this service.' That's another argument for a low royalty. Quote Right
Quote Left Earlier feminists were almost universally pro-choice and have dominated political debate until now. Having access to abortion was viewed as the only way women could have full equality with men, who, until recently, couldn't get pregnant. Quote Right
Quote Left Since the dawn of time there have been those among us who have been willing to go to extraordinary lengths to gain access to that domain normally reserved for birds, angels, and madmen. Quote Right
Quote Left The Enemy, who wears her mother's usual face and confidential tone, has access; doubtless stares into her writing case and listens on the phone. Quote Right
Quote Left We're pleased that the Executive wants to widen access to higher education, but we need to make sure that they put in place the necessary support package to make sure students do not have to give up their studies for financial reasons. Quote Right
Quote Left So that we can truly admire this wonderful painting we will have to know ourselves first of all, to accept our limits and understand that if we really want to have access to this wonderful painting of the existence of the world of the Logical Coefficient 2 we will have to look inside ourselves, to see first of all the unlimited Universe, to recognise the infinite from which we were conceived and that lies in each of us in order to be granted access to the infinite outside us. Quote Right
Quote Left The Nature Conservancy has most of its barrier islands open to the public, free of charge, ... It is not appropriate for somebody to turn around and charge the public for access to the same places for their own personal gain. Quote Right
Quote Left Crippling low incomes, lack of access to health care and low education prospects all plague the Chinese countryside. Quote Right
Quote Left I was surprised that we did as well as we did. Per capita spending for mental health has been going down for more than a decade. When per capita spending goes down, patients' access to mental health services suffers. Quote Right
Quote Left More irregular verbs: I address the issues, you launch ad-homonym attacks, he's a flaming maniac and should have his access pulled. Quote Right
Quote Left For four years we have continually improved Dark Age of Camelot with both free and paid content to ensure that the game remains one of the industry leaders. We are excited to offer this new service to our subscribers providing them with almost immediate access to the latest major expansions for the ever-expanding world of Dark Age of Camelot. As always, we will continue to support our community with a mix of free and paid updates available both online and at retail. Quote Right
Quote Left It is our intention, of course, to try to do all we can to improve that bill, ... We want to ensure that seniors have access to these drug benefits through Medicare itself. We want to make sure they know what it's going to cost. We want to make sure they know what they can count on with regard to the benefits themselves. Quote Right
Quote Left We have a plan that creates universal access programs at the state level which allows folks to access insurance if they're denied by their insurer. Quote Right
Quote Left A small child from a developing country has the advantage, from a very early age, of having access to toys which structure his mind, which constitute a sure advantage over the little African child who has never even held a modern toy. Quote Right
Quote Left Women, for centuries not having access to pornography and now unable to bear looking at the muck on the supermarket shelves, are astonished. Women do not believe that men believe what pornography says about women. But they do. From the worst to the best of them, they do. Quote Right
Quote Left You must listen to the protesters who are going to Seattle to express frustration about a system they believe excludes them. Citizens should have a voice not only in the decisions of their own governments, but also in those of international bodies. They must have access to information and be confident a mechanism exists to address legitimate concerns. China will find in America a confident and willing trade partner. Quote Right
Quote Left Access to basic quality health care is one of the most important domestic issues facing our nation. Quote Right
Quote Left Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement. Quote Right
Quote Left Although we have do not have adequate access to all parts of Darfur we do fortunately have humanitarian personnel, including staff from my own office, in each of the three provincial capitals of Darfur. Quote Right
Quote Left We believe that within five years, 96 percent of British consumers will have access to the Internet, whether it be through a personal computer, a set-top box or a mobile phone. Quote Right
Quote Left This would be a very grave violation of a law of state, the law on equal access, which defends democracy by preventing overexposure in the media. Laws of state are made to be observed. Quote Right
Quote Left This broadband-wireless network is one of the largest citywide deployments to date in the United States and will demonstrate the 'digital city' concept whereby government employees and the public have wireless high-speed data access anywhere in the city. Quote Right
Quote Left Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries. Quote Right
Quote Left New capabilities emerge just by virtue of having smart people with access to state-of-the-art technology. Quote Right
Quote Left Anthropology is the only discipline that can access evidence about the entire human experience on this planet. Quote Right
Quote Left There's clearly a difference in the ease of access to guns and the use of guns in violent behavior, Quote Right
Quote Left One of the problems the internet has introduced is that in this electronic village, all the village idiots have internet access. Quote Right
Quote Left I'll ask two questions, ... Innocence or guilt, and whether this person has had full access to the courts of law. Quote Right
Quote Left Experience burned into me the conviction that access to education ought to be based on how much you are willing to learn and how hard you are willing to work, not on how many dollars your family has in their bank account. Quote Right

Member Quotes About Access

Quote Left If denied access to heaven, on my way down I can see myself yelling up, "Well, my cats would disagree!" Quote Right
Quote Left Love ain't in the accessories we share, love is in the comfort we grant to each other and love is in the capability to recognize and acknowledge it. Quote Right
Quote Left Don has access to spy mobile phones and tabs but the question is who granted it??? Quote Right
Quote Left First, you experience something. Then you understand it. Then you comprehend it. Then you access it. Quote Right
Quote Left Don uses special software for dual access mode to hack and operate any number and account simultaneously. Quote Right
Quote Left Every time, when it says access denied in your life, remember that you'll always have remaining passwords, to unlock. Quote Right
Quote Left Divine spark serves as a key for access to unlock divine energy. Quote Right
Quote Left Values, Ethics; these are not just accessories to bejewel ones personality. These are the core to your right and wrong. These decide the course of your life. Quote Right
Quote Left Talented IOS developers and cyber security experts can make WhatsApp account on your number and they can also gain access to your Google account by directing or disabling code verification process. Quote Right
Quote Left I'm not ok over a generation that's self destructing and I'm not ok over how easily accessible guns are to youngsters and I'm not ok that 1 out of 4 of us youngsters suffers from some major mood disorder and I'm not ok that those who don't seek help or feel like the health or educational system has failed them act irrationally and hurt themselves or somebody else and the fact that this keeps happening year after year after year has to stop Quote Right
Quote Left A mirror will never judge me. My clothes will never defy me. My smile may just be a simple accessory but only my God has power over me. Quote Right
Quote Left at the end of your lifetime it's not the material things you possess that people will remember you for. no one ever said at a funeral of a loved one "hey remember she had so many designer purses? they were so beautiful" nope. but they will remember how you made them feel. the things you taught them. the values they learned from you. when you are gone they will survive on the memories made with you, not the purse or items that were accessories to you Quote Right
Quote Left In the world of oratory, the cunning atheist declares himself a believer to preserve access to the rich fund of stories in religious texts and to the powerful concepts of God, fate, angels, the soul, & the afterlife Quote Right
Quote Left A truly free market might act more like a free-love transaction, more of a mutually cooperative slut and not so much an overpriced whore, only accessible to the highest bidder. Quote Right

Book: Shattered Sighs