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10/9/2017 9:34:28 PM
High Critique of Dried Wax Dried Wax

The flame is lit; the wick is burning

Light fills the room so heads are turning

Towards the fire that shines so bright

It calms the soul this stormy night

You gaze upon the dancing flame

But what you don't know is quite a shame

For what lights the flame that heats the air

Lies underneath that flickering flare

The fire shall burn, there is no doubt

But what is left when that flame is out

No longer, then, shall light persist

And the ignored dried wax shall still exist.
edited by unknownkidatschool on 10/9/2017
10/15/2017 9:23:26 AM
A New Poet Hey, Everyone. I suppose to just quickly introduce myself, I'm a teenager who has developed a strong love of literature (and thus, poetry) through (funny enough) an AP Literature class. I've been on this site for just a little bit and I absolutely enjoy reading new poetry of people who have the same passion for it as I do. I believe that Poetry, and even descriptive writing in general, is a great way to express oneself and their ideals. I hope to learn something from the people here and revel in the wonders of writing!
10/15/2017 8:34:43 PM
High Critique of Dried Wax Thank you so much! I see what you mean; the -ing words are very easy and less original than trying to find other rhymes. I really appreciate the insight and will definitely keep that in mind for future pieces
10/16/2017 4:25:10 PM
Question on Poetry Type So I have no idea if there even is a type of poetry that's set up like this. The poem I have written has one quatrain and then a closing line that repeats at the end of every stanza. For example, here's the first stanza:

Here I sit within this grove/Trees around me bend and sway/Nature is a treasure trove/Gold around that's clearly seen/Bending, Swaying

The "Bending, Swaying" part of it is the last line for the entire poem. Any thoughts as to what this is?
edited by unknownkidatschool on 10/16/2017
11/22/2017 12:47:52 PM
The Part of Me that No One Sees Your skin as pale as a morning dove

And eyes that twinkle like stars above

But someone whom I cannot love

That is why you will always be

The part of me that no one sees

Shall I then merely hold this passion?

Until mine regal face turns ashen?

Why torment me in this awful fashion?

It's just not right for you to be

The part of me that no one sees

Try as I might, it will not change

These lucid thoughts seem out of range

And I shall not from you estrange

I do not want for you to be

The part of me that no one sees

NOTE: Please be meticulous on this. I desperately want to improve my writing. Thanks!
11/22/2017 12:55:08 PM
Edit a Poem If you look on the left hand side under "Member Area", you should see "Manage Poems". From there, a link to edit should be at the left of the poem you wish to modify.

Edit: Sorry that's a bit late, I just saw the date on that
edited by unknownkidatschool on 11/22/2017
11/28/2017 8:51:53 PM
The Part of Me that No One Sees Thanks very much for the observation! It certainly is true that love poems have gotten a bit "stale" (for lack of a better word). A different approach at structure sounds like an excellent way to reach a wider audience and strike a greater impact. Thanks again!
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