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Soulsong - all messages by user

4/30/2024 9:31:59 AM
This is me, but who are you? Greetings fellow poet's and Poetry lovers! I found you about a month ago I believe and have posted all my previously written poems as well as a few new ones. I've enjoyed getting feed back so much!!! As well as reading your beautiful words of poetry. It might make some feel unworthy when seeing the standard of poetry here, but I fight that and remember that everyone behind somewhere. I've only recently written, after years working with children, I took a sabbatical. I finally found time to write! I'm 47 years old, married 17 years, and we have a teenage daughter as well as a son who Awaits us in the next life. I write music and lyrics, play the ukulele, and sing. I sew and craft, and write poetry now too! That's me in a nutshell. I look forward to reading more of your work and hearing from you. God bless, Crystol Woods
5/1/2024 3:36:58 PM
Contests questions... When entering a contest, can we read the other contestants entries and comment? If so, how? Thank you in advance!! Xo,-CW
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