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TheJadedOne - all messages by user

9/29/2023 10:52:15 AM
????!! Hi, how do I post anything aside from poems? I want to add a post on the introductions forum but I don't know how.
10/5/2023 10:44:31 AM
Late Introductions Hi! I named myself Yehoshua Yochanan in this site, but I go by the pen name Jaded One or you can just call me Jade. I like to write poems, short stories, flash fictions, and quotes. I aspire to become a novelist one day, and writing poems is my first step. I like to cook, eat, sleep, and daydream (that's where I get most of my ideas). Almost all of the poems that I post here, came from my fb page that I created on a whim a long time ago because I didn't know of PoetrySoup before. It has little to no followers and likes, but everything there is written by me.

I like to watch movies and my favorite movies are The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit. I also like to listen to any type of music that catches my interest, but I like to listen to classical music the most. I am a senior high school here in the Philippines.

This is a very late introductions, but I hope to have a good experience here. I really appreciate all of the feedbacks, it really helps me as I grow as an aspiring writer. I welcome all of your insights and thoughts about my poems. I hope to have a friend here, or perhaps a mentor to guide me further on my path.
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