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p. susi etelagi - all messages by user

2/7/2024 1:04:55 PM
Introduction Hello and Greetings to all friends here in this website. It is an honor to be a member of this team and I hope you enjoyed my poems so far. I had joined in this website last year and it was my dream to publish my work as far as I concern I want to become a poet, writer and an author. I have starting writing poems since age 11 dreaming to become one of the famous Samoan poet however in my country too busy and I have no time to show my work to other writers. Therefore, since I am browsing on every website where there's hope for writers like me to publish their work as I have shared my poems on every website available for my work to be done.
Furthermore, I hope we will get along my fellows and let's enjoy love and fun of sharing our own experiences in life through our writings!

I came up with the idea for us all a themes says: "EVERYDAY LIFE EXPERIENCES IS OUR EVERYDAY STORY OF LIFE!"

Wish you all the best and God Bless!
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