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RobertLiguori - all messages by user

9/25/2021 11:23:08 AM
This place is a joke This place is *not* a joke. It actually has some nice people and a fine community of poets, both readers and writers alike. I'm glad I found it.
9/25/2021 11:32:43 AM
Robert James Liguori Hi. My name is Robert. I thought I was a good poet with just a few poems, then I joined this site and discovered so many poets that I look up to! I also learned about meter and poetry forms. Wow, I didn't realize there were so many poetry forms!!! My simple though emotional poems draw off of being on this Earth for nearly fifty years and my experiences... I'm a very emotional poet and I put everything, heart and soul into each word I write.

I invite you to explore my poems, and feel free to soup mail me, I'll love to read your poetry too!
edited by RobertLiguori on 9/25/2021
2/6/2022 7:34:55 PM
World Peace Where is the poem that will heal the world and bring everyone together?

If you have it, please share.
edited by RobertLiguori on 2/6/2022
pages: 1

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