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HelenRoberts - all messages by user

6/6/2021 11:14:00 PM
Just saying Hi Hi, I'm Helen from North Wales in the UK. I haven't been writing poetry for long but been writing in general always. I hope to learn and improve and talk to many others as I go.
6/23/2021 1:39:55 AM
Can I edit the form? I'm still trying to find my way around this website. Is there some way I can put more than one thing on the part where it says whether the poem is rhyme or verse etc? Sorry that isn't very well put, I hope you understand what I mean.
2/20/2023 4:57:10 AM
Thank you! I've just discovered the wonderful comments people have said about some of my poems. As a beginner who doesn't really know what she's doing it's so encouraging and lovely to get comments like that. I just wanted to say Thank You! it means a lot. xxx
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