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wasted_dreams011 - all messages by user

4/27/2020 6:51:49 PM
An introduction from a veteran! Hello, my username is wasted_dreams011 but my real name is Christopher. I have been posting on this website since 2009 but realized I never introduced myself. I originally began writing poetry around 2004 (at the age of 14) but I discovered writing all the way back in Kindergarten. I'll never forget the teacher saying I would make a brilliant writer. I'm not about to call myself brilliant but I believe that was the spark that ignited my passion in this hobby.

I found a home in both poetry and collaborative fiction. I really dug deep in poetry around 2006. When I began writing poetry in earnest I was writing 5-10 poems a day. As a shy and relatively soft spoken young man poetry was a high I had never known before. I could articulate myself in ways I often struggled to in actual speech due to my shyness.

In 2009 I attended a creative writing class and discovered a certain gift for spoken word poetry. Black Ice was a huge influence on my early spoken word poems. I was published in the literary magazine that year in high school.

To me poetry has always been about self-expression and being an outlet for me. Many of my poems are introspective and personal. Of course I do have the silly poem here and there.

That being said poetry has also been a significant source of frustration as well. I feel like I've been stuck in a rut for a long time.

Anyway, all of that said, I have been happy to share this welcoming environment with you all the last eleven years. Sometimes I've considered giving up the craft but something makes me come back every time. Thank you for reading my rather long winded introduction. I wish you all a fantastic day.
11/2/2021 10:40:50 AM
Advice Desired Hello! I've been sharing poetry here since 2009 but I haven't really posted anything in the forums. I usually post my poetry and mosey on. But over the last handful of years I've been somewhat disappointed with my output. I read the works of others and it blows me away. My writing in comparison feels lackluster. Every now and then I'll write a poem I feel really good about but that's getting rarer and rarer these days.

So if anyone reading this happens to have read some of my poetry I was wondering what advice you would give me. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance and I wish you all a fantastic day.
11/2/2021 10:48:11 AM
Talking about poetry Hello! Happy to see you join the fray! Poetry is an amazing endeavor.

I actually distinctly remember the moment I decided to write poetry. I was in English class in middle school and the teacher read I, Too by Langston Hughes. That poem captivated me so much I thought to myself, "I want to write poetry, too!" Being shy and withdrawn and going through some of the awful things I went through in school I also formed a personal connection to the poem.

That was back in 2003. When I first started writing poems I wrote a lot of limericks. So many limericks. I was writing between five and ten poems every day. It was a very liberating experience to be able to express myself in such a way because I wasn't great at saying things.

Sylvia Plath and Black Ice were also huge influences on me. It was thanks to Black Ice that I began writing spoken word poetry and ended up performing the very first one I wrote at a small function at my high school.
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