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4/14/2019 5:48:20 PM
New poem The silence that we hear
Is the worst curse of them all
It’s forgiveness never given
It’s a warning not to fall
If you knew not to wait
Would you say goodbye
Would you say “I love you”
Or “I’m sorry that I lied”
That silence that you hear
Ringing in your ear
Is a word left unspoken
That still rings loud and clear
5/21/2019 1:29:58 PM
AM I THE ONLY TEEN ON POETRY SOUP? poetrygirl2016 wrote:
hi im poetrygirl2016.... im 14 years old almost 15 im just wondring if there are any more teens on this website........... i like getting criticizam from people tht might go threw the sam things i have felt.... feel free to soup mail me.... i was also wondring how i maybe could get published it seems like a confusing process...Wave
10/17/2019 8:06:46 PM
I need help finishing this poem or starting a new Every day I see him
walking through the halls
He stops and talks to other girls
And I feel my heart fall

He looks at me and I feel small
I want to tell him once in for all
But something inside me stops
And I know I’ve missed my call
3/29/2020 10:38:44 PM
Does anyone else on here write short stories? I would really like for someone to critique a short story I wrote about a schizophrenic. Also, if anyone else would like to share their stories I would be happy to read some.

My short story is called "I'm not crazy" and can be found on my profile if anyone wants to read it
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