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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
11/4/2023 6:34:47 AM

tom pickering
Posts: 6
Syllable counter shows: 8 6 10 7 7 7 7 6

An uneven count at the start followed by a repeating block of 7 hints to me that you could get a stronger poem by settling on a basic metre and then sticking with it more strictly.

You have avoided the perfect rhyme souls / goals for the assonance of souls / goal - is that deliberate? You can change the sentence to match reasonably easily - albeit at the penalty of inserting a word or two at the start to keep the rhythm the same.
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11/4/2023 10:50:52 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Thanks Tom for your learned response.

I'm not so much into form as function.

This taught to me by Charles Baudelaire and Oliver Goldsmith.

Form? Pretty much irrelevant in my book.

Function? Theme's gotta have a universal point

& initiate further research, or thought, about the subject.

Most of my poems, such as this one written in APA Style,

with links to the encyclopedia articles on the subject.

Simplistic, trite theme? Notsogood

Cheers.... Bob
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11/5/2023 8:19:18 AM

tom pickering
Posts: 6
Bob_Atkinson wrote:
Thanks Tom for your learned response.

I'm not so much into form as function.

This taught to me by Charles Baudelaire and Oliver Goldsmith.

Form? Pretty much irrelevant in my book.

Function? Theme's gotta have a universal point

& initiate further research, or thought, about the subject.

Most of my poems, such as this one written in APA Style,

with links to the encyclopedia articles on the subject.

Simplistic, trite theme? Notsogood

Cheers.... Bob

Wasn't Goldsmith's most famous poetic work (The Deserted Village) strict Iambic Pentameter with an AABBCC rhyming couplets pattern? I'm not sure that his lesson is that you need to jettison form to cover a serious topic.

[edit] Or do you mean the later (and lesser) Canadian poet of the same name? Again seems to use very structured metre and rhyme pattern in his more successful works.
edited by linux99 on 11/5/2023
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11/5/2023 9:47:43 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Keying in on form's irrelevant to writing poetry in my opinion. Stress should be on being prolific, non judgmental and relevant to society. Don't really care about form, other than avoidance of the trite, (verb 2b, is, are, was, were, trite things such as THE, IT , which I include myself when tired). Will leave form to those, like yourself, who consider it relevant, I don't. Regards,.... Bob
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11/6/2023 11:01:57 AM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
linux99 wrote:
Bob_Atkinson wrote:
"...The Sonnet
-by-Bob Atkinson

Lentini believed in arrogance
for he left us his own form
strict instructions codified
aberration from the norm

yes,we feel constrained when we
try to develop in this mode
leaving behind our purpose
for some instructions of a toad

don’t tie my hands when I form
words into meanings specific
to tell of how I feel about
something simple or intricate

for I talk to those of independence
not those who strike out for
constraint of actions resolute
as nothing’s banned or barred...."
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