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Forum Home » High Critique » A poem about the loss of a poem

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
10/9/2023 1:46:39 AM

Heather Kemp
Posts: 1
When you pour out your soul,
words so fully drowning the page,
Then your thumb hugs delete,
your mind filling with rage.
Eloquently written, to be deemed
"one of your best"
So you summon the growth which
lays the pen down to rest.
It spoke as it tumbled in description
so vivid,
With a press of a key, page left blank,
stark & rigid.
A grin does appear from one side to
the other,
As being present has gifted the knowledge of power.
Power to know that it is all for said
For I am a poet whom can scribe
in each season.

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10/11/2023 4:40:27 PM

Bob Atkinson
Posts: 295
Amazing Poem. Checks most of the boxes - great theme, check.... eloquent voice, check ....words of wisdom, check, lacks dime store words**** it, the, 2b (iz are waz were), not so much. Thing that squashes productivity the most? Self Criticism.... that's a no no.... the poem was great fun to read.

When you pour out your soul,
words so fully drowning THE page,
Then your thumb hugs delete,
your mind filling with rage.
Eloquently written, to BE deemed
"one of your best"
So you summon THE growth which
lays THE pen down to rest.
IT spoke as IT tumbled in description
so vivid,
With a press of a key, page left blank,
stark & rigid.
A grin does appear from one side to
THE other,
As being present has gifted THE knowledge of power.
Power to know that IT IS all for said
For I AM a poet whom can scribe
in each season.

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