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Forum Home » Be Gentle » Critique my villanelle about gender dysphoria!

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12/1/2021 11:07:32 AM

Gale Weathers
Posts: 2

by gale weathers

with a razor I crop and cut away

all signifiers of my birth name

so i can finally let my hips sway

prickly pits and nasty days

of dreading dance, searing shame

with a razor; I crop and cut away

what urges you to hiss at me?

how I dare defy nature so seductively?

i have. to let my hips sway

bitches beware of my witty ways

the ones that cross me will know my pain

with a razor; I cut and cut away

those who march to a different drummer though

baby! call me by my chosen name

so i can finally; let my hips sway!

never have I felt so clean and gay

each hair, each foe and all that shame

with a razor I cut and cut away

so i can finally let my hips sway.
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1/16/2022 10:19:29 AM

Constantinos Dino Doonan
Posts: 5
This is a beautiful poem! I really was able to feel the pain.
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2/27/2022 7:30:40 AM

Spirit Cook
Posts: 2
Wow! The imagery of swaying hips says all that needs to be said about gender
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3/24/2022 9:31:57 AM

Evan Meyer
Posts: 7
I love villanelles, and this is a terrific example. I just have a few small suggestions. I rather feel that your 2nd and 3rd stanzas should swap their 3rd lines. See what you think. The first line of stanza 5 made me pause. For the rhythm of the poem, it seems too long. Also "march to a different drummer" doesn't work for me. First, it is a cliche. And then, it generally refers to someone who is following their own way, in contrast to society or 'the norm." That is you, I think, not those who disagree with you. And you are rightly proud of that.

The last stanza just wowed me. Could not possibly be better!
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