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Forum Home » High Critique » Looking for some honest feedback.

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
11/29/2011 5:06:58 PM

Christopher Berry
Posts: 1
So this is a poem I wrote a few days ago that I want feedback on. I think I am getting progressively better with each piece I write, but it's hard to know without serious critique. I'm open to all criticisms as long as they are constructive and thorough. Thanks in advance and I hope you like it:

A Picture Worth A Single Word
By Christopher Berry

Not a thousand words it spoke;
In fact it spoke but one;
A word that somehow troubled me
For it could surely stun
The viewers of this frame: Hate.
A word that we all know;
A word that only sickens me
For damage it does sow.
You boldly called it artwork;
A fairly heavy claim
For persons of such little truth
Who only wish to blame
Others for their shortcomings;
You put us in the wrong;
You propagate your growing hate
And string the world along.
How dare you call this artwork!
How dare you claim a right
To hang this up with other works
That do not hurt or slight
Men and women just like you.
For don’t we hurt? Or bleed?
Do we not feel the very same
Essential human need
For love? To simply belong?
We are art. This is hate.
And of this matter I shall not
Accept your ill debate.

I figured I would explain it after you have read it. It's essentially about seeing an offensive picture and having someone defend the "art" behind it. In addition to being a writer, I am a fairly gifted artist and I am always one to defend anything as "art." This picture is something that blocks that out and ignites a rage so to speak over the nature of the content. I'm sure we've all heard the phrase about a picture worth/speaks a thousand words or whatever. This is about only one word coming to mind: Hate; Outright unambiguous hate that can not be defended as art.
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