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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
10/21/2020 12:45:01 AM

soikeo taybannha
Posts: 1
I like it
Gerold Gyabaah wrote:
Let soothsayers tell
Where the pilgrim's feet will rest.
Oh, warlocks! Cast your spell.
Bewray the fate of this quest.

Will roosters ever crow?
Has this night an end?
Is there a limit to this woe?
Shall the wayfarer's voyage end?

Could the peril of fleeting shadows
From life forever depart?
Will rain, make greener the meadows
To feed the lamb's little heart?

Is it hued like the sapphire sky
Or of the tints of a countryside slope?
Has it wings like birds that fly?
Tell me oh, what colour is a wanderer's hope?
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12/29/2020 9:52:32 PM

shakti Anderson
Posts: 3
I like how it the feeling changes throughout the poem. The first paragraphs frames. The second asks. And then in the third you begin to have hopeful images. "Feeding the lambs little heart" was effective in contrast. I like the image of the color of hope. Maybe you misspelled color. Unless you meant to.

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3/19/2021 8:46:14 PM

stranja depoet
Posts: 6
Thank you so much Shakti.
I appreciate your take on the piece.
And yes “colour” is correct, widely used by Great Britain and all its colonies. In simple terms, “color” is the American way of writing “colour”.

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3/20/2021 11:42:24 PM

Yonathan Asefaw
Posts: 9
Very mystical, I love fantasy poems, they are usually hard write something original though, most of them are very cliché and involves dragons. Yours didn't so. But I want to say that this poem has a lot of creative energy and I liked the ending. I think you could change "has" to does. As that reads better. Good job.
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