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6/30/2019 9:21:36 PM

Maxim Tamarov
Posts: 2
An oak leaf reflects on its senescence

I am a dead leaf on the ground
Splendid in color, crimson, maybe, mauve.
The wind might pick me up sometimes
And flutter me to some location,
But I express no advocacy for myself.
I may float on the Charles for days
And seem to add a pleasant ambiance,
But as I decompose completely, realize:
I never made it easier to breathe.
edited by Maxim_Tamarov on 6/30/2019
edited by Maxim_Tamarov on 7/4/2019
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7/2/2019 8:54:55 PM

Anna Pratt
Posts: 7
I really enjoyed that! Short and sweet, and nothing in there seems unnecessary. The one thing I'd change is that you misspelled breathe, and you should probably change "completely, realize" to "completely, I realize." Is it right of me to assume the message is about the futility of life, and maybe the futility of art and enjoyment ("pleasant ambiance")? If so, I liked the clear delivery of the last line. The description of the leaf was just enough for me to picture it clearly. All in all, good poem!
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7/4/2019 6:12:05 PM

Maxim Tamarov
Posts: 2
Oops! I did misspell that verb. The "realize," however, was intended in its command form. Did you think it was stronger continuing with the reflection theme? Tinyparrot wrote:
I really enjoyed that! Short and sweet, and nothing in there seems unnecessary. The one thing I'd change is that you misspelled breathe, and you should probably change "completely, realize" to "completely, I realize." Is it right of me to assume the message is about the futility of life, and maybe the futility of art and enjoyment ("pleasant ambiance")? If so, I liked the clear delivery of the last line. The description of the leaf was just enough for me to picture it clearly. All in all, good poem!

edited by Maxim_Tamarov on 7/4/2019
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7/14/2019 6:16:30 PM

Devotchka Lovingrace
Posts: 5
I really liked this so it's hard to find anything to improve on tbh. However, I might be tempted to break this into stanzas.

1st stanza ends at mauve?
2nd ends at myself?
3rd stanza ends at realise?
4th stanza last line.

Either way I'd definitely split the last line from the rest, that break between realise and the last line would add a bit more of an impact.

However, thats just how I tend to write so feel free to ignore me- like I said, its really hard to find flaws.
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