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6/25/2019 3:49:39 PM

Arlene Phillips
Posts: 3
I am a new member and haven't got a clue what I'm doing on here as the poetry I've read is nothing like what I write , I guess you could say mine is pretty amateur.but I'll submit some and let you be the judge of that. Bit nervous,

Arlene Phillips I have two daughters, five grandchildren and 4 great grandchidren, so you can gather I am not youn. I have a small dog, and used to be in Competition Obedience reaching Championship level, It was my world till about five years ago, I lost my last two collies 18 months ago and went through a melancholy stage which is reflected in some of my poetry at the time.
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6/26/2019 2:27:59 PM

Darlene De Beaulieu
Posts: 20
Harebell wrote:
I am a new member and haven't got a clue what I'm doing on here as the poetry I've read is nothing like what I write , I guess you could say mine is pretty amateur.but I'll submit some and let you be the judge of that. Bit nervous,

I have never seen your poems on this site.
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6/26/2019 2:35:11 PM

Darlene De Beaulieu
Posts: 20
Harebell wrote:
Hello Arlene Phillips,have you been hidijng, i never seen your poetry. I wnat to read your poetry.
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7/2/2019 1:21:42 PM

Arlene Phillips
Posts: 3
I have now put up four poems [ a new one this evening] I have had some comments on two, but don't know how to reply please help, also I've been asked to put on something about me, How do I do that and where ?

Arlene Phillips I have two daughters, five grandchildren and 4 great grandchidren, so you can gather I am not youn. I have a small dog, and used to be in Competition Obedience reaching Championship level, It was my world till about five years ago, I lost my last two collies 18 months ago and went through a melancholy stage which is reflected in some of my poetry at the time.
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