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2/15/2019 9:38:23 PM

J P Marmaro
Posts: 9
Hi! I've been a member a while. I wanted to broach an issue or two with you, and as there doesn't appear to be a simple "Contact Us" function, I am resorting to this.

First, I was reading a poem which was made of several stanzas of three lines each, the rhyme scheme being AAA BBB CCC DDD EEE FFF... the author labeled it as an ENGLYN (which it clearly is not); it is a TRIPLET (according to the Wikipedia article on Rhyme Scheme). But onsite this is not listed among the poetic forms or given as an option in labeling a newly submitted poem.

On looking at your description of ENGLYN, I couldn't help noticing the description, above, of ELEGY. The example given is a quatrain by Ambrose Bierce called "Elegy". But it is most emphatically NOT an elegy: it is actually a parody (and a rather wicked one at that) of the first verse of Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard". So, to properly epitomize the form, I think you might want to replace the Bierce with an actual elegy!

Finally, regarding your "Best" links ("Best New Poems", etc.)-- who determines what poems are "best"? Because, truth to tell, some of them are, it has to be said, embarrassingly poor. Is there actual human evaluation going on, or is it done by some mechanical, computerized functionality?

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