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Forum Home » High Critique » My past brought me joy

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
8/24/2018 10:33:07 AM

Florence Ezekiel
Posts: 5
I remember all that I could
The cool breeze from the younger days
I remember all that I could
The lonely skirted path of greens
that I took in company of birds
whence walking off to school
I remember - I remember all this
While I sat on the listening ears of the waltzing river
Stirring intensely at the dangling sparkles of the skies
Stirring deep with my eyes shot
I saw again myself. The girl with the porous brain
I saw me stand at the black board
Fingers clutched at the white chalk
Wetness drooping down my thighs
Legs vibrating vigorously
and the tears broke to freedom
Yes, yes i was scared
The writings on the board were like those on the walls
Seconds and minutes and hours paraded by
Yet my brain stood blank, so also the questions on the big black board
I heard in my head, the weeping whips of the class teacher
The mad slashings on my naked skin
then follows, the thunderous gleeful yelling of my mates
My cries died on grounds of hopelessness
All this I remember
All this I remember so well and clear
as the waters splashed me so hard
and I smiled at my past
How fast things chameleon so fine
Amazing wonders. I am proud of me
My past brought me joy
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