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8/24/2017 7:42:33 PM

Crystal Gibson
Posts: 2
I'm very new to this suite and I was just wondering how I post poetry on it? do I just write it in the post bar?
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9/5/2017 9:48:13 AM

Vaibava Ka
Posts: 1
If you figured it, let me know as well
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12/5/2017 9:18:26 PM

Douglas Cate
Posts: 3
Before I start, by which I mean: Before I ask my query, I would like to post all or a portion of this poem that I've tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to post about six times today. Here it is, then:

"This dread disease that has afflicted my home,
This malady, this plague on my house;
This making convertible the former quaintness and provincialism thereof
Into something wholly despicable and disgustingly homogeneous,
That which is yclept "cosmopolitanism," and "worldliness," and "globalization,"
(Or, perhaps "globalism");
That force of rude power that recognizes no potency but that of itself;
The rising tide of puissant, unfocused destruction that threatens to sweep away all, I damn it herewith and herein!
Let it be damned, forever damned!
It is as a marauding force, the soldiery of a vast empire, invading and occupying
My home, my home! O, my poor, beleaguered, inoffensive home!
Nothing done by it ever to any man, woman or child, but an influx of new citizens
Have poisoned the blood thereof, and the body and the soul and the mind
And the now-infected heart!
They eat away at it like some horrid acid!
These many paths, where once I trod, half of them are gone, stripped of
Their hearty, healthful, verdure and turned into dwelling-places,
Habitations, abodes of the damned for the cosmopolitan hordes who have
Descended en masse upon this once-fair city.
Edifices treasured in my youth are destroyed and swept away, leaving behind Only the ashen remnant; or else transformed into
Something wholly unrecognizable.
Little wharves that lined the verge of the littoral precincts of the community,
They are now wholly disfigured by the dread, ravenous
Affliction of cosmopolitanism and homogeneity.
Where are the streets I used to tread?
Where are the thoroughfares and climes of my remembrance?
Where the environs I most enjoyed, through the breadth of which I
Rambled and gamboled?
'Twas a working port...a place to indolence unknown, and but
Little visited by the scourge of idleness.
Sparta has become Athens, and yet I do not rejoice over the Attic change! Would that the artistic and cosmopolitan Athenian would become the
Toilsome, industrious and warlike Spartan again!
(Never did I think I'd e'er utter those words, but yet I have,
And I would fain reiterate them, even herein, were I capable of
So doing.)
The character of the sun has changed, too...evolved into something
Indistinguishable, hidden, darkened, candlelit and moonlighted.
The sun is a body of potency, and the moon is turgid, opaque, lacteal and weak.
And yet, which one now reigns o'er all that that once I loved and in
Which once I was proud to yclept my dwelling-place?"

Now, that is my poem, one about the land of my nativity and youth and the homogenizing amid the rigors of cosmopolitanism that are occurring to it right now and for the 19 years. And, I esteem it quite good, if rambling and discursive, which all my (and all the very best) poems are.

But the question is this: What is it about this poem that makes it, even with a number of edits and expurgations, erasures and deletions, what is it that makes it so impossible to post? Why do the great and almighty personages and dignitaries at PS have such a hard time endowing to it the boon of life, of liberty and of proliferation, of publicity? Why is this troika of endowments being denied to my mere little species of poetry? Never has this right been refused to any other of my poems, unless it be over the abstruse and minute, regulatory points of characters used or something like that; and yet this poem has been denied all those rights that never one of mine before was negated.

So I reiterate: Why? The whole crucial question here is, why? I simply fail to comprehend why, save perhaps for the lengthiness of the title (which I have since repeatedly shortened to the point, almost, of sheer obscureness and incomprehensibility, and all to no avail), that this poem has not yet been published. Not to mention the fact that its a good deal more structured and focused any most of my poetic meanderings. It is cohesive, coherent, attached to an abiding and overarching theme and whole. It is, in a word, poetically speaking, almost perfect. Certainly it is a more sublime article of poetry than any others I've yet written on here. So I still fail to understand why it's being denied. There must be a reason, a factor, a point that negates its existence and publishing, but what?
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12/5/2017 9:29:38 PM

Douglas Cate
Posts: 3
Being the poster of the former "quick reply," and that reply being nothing whatsoever near or of "quick", nor short, nor brief; that being so, and me having momentarily hijacked this space and this forum and employed it for my own fell and very selfish purposes, I feel that all the viewers, readers and congregants thereof are owed something by way of an apology from me, or at least an explanation, and let me here and now proffer it: I had tried to post a poem several times today and had no luck. In my desperation, I sought shelter, recourse and advice in the "climes" of the forums, but I was unable to locate one that was immediately concerned with and similar to me and my problem, so I tried to make a new one; but, afterward unable to find it, I assumed it, too, had suffered the fate of obscurity and editorial stillbirth that befell my poem, which was the start of this whole mess. Thus, I found this forum and topic and hijacked for my own purposes. I am sorry to have used up so much of the space dedicated to it, but both my stories (especially the latter, apologetic/explanatory one) were vital to tell. Well, now I am done. Thanks for letting expropriate this, however ephemerally, for my own "baleful" uses.
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12/28/2017 5:36:40 AM

Posts: 1

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2/21/2020 11:52:23 AM

Kathryn Sweeney
Posts: 1
How do you post a poem?
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2/25/2020 9:32:45 PM

ngaire patiole
Posts: 1
How is this done
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5/20/2020 8:32:38 AM

John Noble
Posts: 2
thanks for the info guys

If a little knowledge is dangerous
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5/21/2020 8:41:30 AM

Abdul Basit Ismail
Posts: 2
Islam in my vein
And i stand firm to support its name
The light lightening my aim

Islam uplift me above shame
And provide me with the platform to proclaim
There is no deity of worship except Allah

Islam uproot the best from
The village and central of the uncultured
And in times of barbarism and terror

Islam pronounces peace
And in it lies tranquillity and contentment
Yet the rumors flying in western hemisphere

Islam uplift me upon the podium
which name me a muslim
And fuels me to be sincere and good to humanity

Islam rinses me in a river of patience
Good heart and in a potion Which makeme too proud
To pronounce my name, a muslim

Islam flows in my heart
Lighten my path to success
Teaches me no redemption

Islam creates and nurture
My heart and brain
Of good and sympathy and knowing

Islam means knowledge
As all of it means seeking
And lift women as queens in palanquins

Islam shields women against abuse
By providing them with a beautiful outfit, the hijaab

Islam is no in suicide bombing
Islam is no in terrorism
Islam is no in infringing on people's right
Islam is only yes in proving to the world
It has room for every person who wants to enjoy
Eternal life in jannah.
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5/21/2020 8:42:32 AM

Abdul Basit Ismail
Posts: 2
How is my poem Guys
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6/27/2021 2:44:35 AM

Eduardo Richardson
Posts: 65
Thank you very much for the recommendations. In order to publish my poems, I use various platforms that help me with this, including social networks too. These are great sites where people can read your poems very quickly. The service EduBirdie helped me a lot, which provided me with the opportunity to check my texts for plagiarism. This allowed me to make my poems and prose better written.
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8/16/2021 9:49:55 PM

robert wilson
Posts: 1
I can't do it anymore babe
You had your chances now it's gone babe
You got to know I wish you well babe
Sure we tried but not enough babe
It got so bad you make me sad babe
You stomped on my heart and then you left babe
You gotta know I wish you well babe
I'm so fucking happy that your gone babe
And soon you'll be asking for me back babe
Begging for a chance touch my hand babe
Wishing for that old fashion kissin babe
But I cant let you back in my life babe
I'd rather be alone than ha e you back babe
But remember I sure wish you well babe
You had your chance a d now it's gone babe
I loved you once but it hurts babe
Keep on walking , dont look back babe
You stomped on my heart and then you left babe
You will always be in my heart babe
I know your hoping for a way back babe
You gotta know I wish you well babe
But I just cant let you back in my life babe
Oh **** dam now I miss you babe
I should've known cause I still call you babe
We got so lost and it ain't ok babe
I'm so fucking lost with out you babe
I hope you know how much I miss you babe
Our song ain't the same with out ya babe
I love you so bad it fucking hurts babe
I'm truly so sad that you left babe
I hope you forgive me for it all babe
And now I am alone and i can still smell you babe
But it's too dam late I pushed you away babe
But you gotta know I wish you well babe
Robert Wilson
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8/23/2021 9:47:36 AM

Eduardo Richardson
Posts: 65
Very beautiful verse, thank you very much for sharing it. You are an incredibly talented writer.
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