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Forum Home » High Critique » Your suggestions please

For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
8/14/2017 7:06:05 AM

Smita Singh
Posts: 1
When it pains in the heart

You just sit quiet in the corner

Seeing them kissing and mingling

Forgetting you like

For them it never existed

One day suddenly they wake up

And realise you never were

When they see you silently leaving

It fumes them and they shout

You are in pains

To them it never occurs

Suddenly as they forgot you

They come with open hands for you

Expecting you forgive and forget

But never leaving the other

If you cry or complain

The whole blame is on you

Can you do what they ask?

Will you accept division of love?

No not me, but may be I am wrong

Will you help me to find my answer.
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8/22/2017 12:52:28 PM

Dean Wood
Posts: 31
Smita, the message you are trying to deliver is clear but there were several things I noticed that detracted from you poem. 1. Wide spacing every line makes it hard to read and loses its effect quickly. Use line spacing to force the reader to pause or to emphasize a question or statement but do not over use it. 2. You have some grammatical problems and puncuation problems. Be sure to use a question mark with every question. Proof reading your poem before publishing will usually catch these. I think you wanted to say "You are in pain" rather than pains in one of your lines. Pay attention to those little things first and your work will improve greatly. Regards, Dean
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