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Poetry Forum

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Ways to improve your poetry. Post your techniques, tips, and creative ideas how to write better.
2/22/2011 7:44:44 AM

valerie bellefleur
Posts: 1
Last year I wrote over one hundred and sixty poems. This year I am struggling and the words come to mind but cannot get anything good down on paper. Help! Any ideas.. or maybe the muse has left me...
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2/23/2011 2:42:22 PM

shawn gorsick
Posts: 3
hibiscus wrote:
Last year I wrote over one hundred and sixty poems. This year I am struggling and the words come to mind but cannot get anything good down on paper. Help! Any ideas.. or maybe the muse has left me...
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2/23/2011 2:50:29 PM

shawn gorsick
Posts: 3
I have written something around 3500 poems in my life.
When the words stop its not lack of inspiration for poetry is the the ability to pull truth from spiritual life like parable.
If you are not writing don't think of things in life to try and turn reality into poetry. It is no more possible to turn daily life to parable then fiction to religion held sacred by all. Wait ...... get it not what's actions you see in life but the motives of life. Binary code of wisdom and divinity is poetry the rest just coping with unjustifiable deception of truth by story .....politics
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