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7/7/2014 8:03:17 PM

cheryl higgins
Posts: 12
When I copy and post my poems to my personal memeber area, they are mashed up and ruined - all the work I did with line endings is gone, and I have to re-scan them and its worse than just typing them in. Do I have to type them in, or is there some way I can format them before cutting and pasting so that they hold their line endings? A soft enter? I am not enjoying the work after I post a poem!
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8/6/2014 11:24:46 PM

Samantha Morgan
Posts: 1
Thank you Cheryl for asking this question! I am so unhappy with how my poems are re-arranged that I am considering not posting any more of them. It is very discouraging! Yet I see some people are able to post their poems in perfect format, making them very easy to read and follow the rhythm. I really hope that someone answers this question, I see you've been waiting a while.
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12/1/2014 2:26:27 AM

Kevin Fairbrother
Posts: 4
Use livewriter or similar maybe that will help I have no trouble and my format stays the same.
cheers Kev. PS only joined today hope this helps.
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