Book: Shattered Sighs

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For poets who want unrestricted constructive criticism. This is NOT a vanity workshop. If you do not want your poem seriously critiqued, do not post here. Constructive criticism only. PLEASE Only Post One Poem a Day!!!
1/1/2014 9:26:26 PM

Gabe Shelly
Posts: 95

You are an angel--
A Beauty as pure as a little girl's tears,
a dog's last loving nuzzle, an old man's cry--
With this pitchfork I play I hum a tune...
And I hope the wind catches it and tells you for I cannot.
For where you go, I will not follow--
I go down, not up


edited by Gabe on 1/1/2014
edited by Gabe on 1/1/2014
edited by Gabe on 1/5/2014
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