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8/13/2013 8:51:20 AM

Amada Gonzalez
Posts: 1
Hello Everyone!
I joined this site a few days ago thanks to one of my coolest friends on facebook. Now I think I have a new addiction that will be replacing the time I normally spend on facebook...LOL!
I have been inspired to share my poetry and writing here and the poets I have already checked out are so truly amazing! I am loving this site so much.
Just a little about me... I am a writer, photographer and artist. I also have quite a challenging Mental Illness that most people I meet have never had to deal with or are able to understand. I have Multiple Personality Disorder and there are at least 12 altar personalities that share this body. I have learned to accept and deal with this and it has not been easy. I welcome anyone who has questions and want to understand and learn more. I prefer to educate instead of wallowing in self pity when people don't understand and react and say the wrong things. Being open about this disability has given me strength and confidence in who I am and in my abilities. There are a few Altars that also write and share the same passions that I have and they will often sign their name on their work. So if one of my works ever have a different name... it would be the name of one of my altars. Eventually... just like on facebook they will come out while I am on this page, roam around until they understand how it all works, and eventually let themselves be know.
So, This is my own unique self and at the moment I can like who I am. If anyone is one facebook and would like me to be a friend just post the link to your page. I go by Skylark Spirit on fb. Looking forward to connecting with all of my fellow writers here.
Peace and Love to you all!
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