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Best Poems Written by Ken Allan Dronsfield

Below are the all-time best Ken Allan Dronsfield poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Stellar Ballet

Time's not sleeping but forever creeping
Breathe to live while the blood is hot;
in shadow dreams lies incessant weeping.

Heart beats like the clock, never sleeping
love burns with flames during a nightly walk;
Time's not sleeping but forever creeping.

A moon rising high in this twilight fleeting
with a teary haze, while the clock tic tocks;
in shadow dreams lies incessant weeping.

Love kind and true, now absent and fleeting,
the full moon exhales within a lunar clock;
Time's not sleeping but forever creeping.

Unto a midnight waltz, as feelings seeping
in the stellar ballet stars twinkle in shock;
in shadow dreams lies incessant weeping.

Starved as your ego continues shrieking
devouring hearts within a devious stalk.
Time's not sleeping but forever creeping
in shadow dreams lies incessant weeping.

All Yours (Jan 30) Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Brian Strand

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2021

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Sonnet 21, Old Hiking Shoes

Sonnet 21, Old Hiking Shoes 
(Spenserian Format)

Don't grieve for me here on the attic shelf;
we're joined infinitely as one, you said.
In an old moldy box now, by myself;
my place was there tucked well under your bed.

Don't grieve for me here within the dark dread;
the days and nights meld together as one.
Reflect on happy times, with stronger tread;
sweet dreams now reign as dead leaves in the sun.

Memories fade away after you're done;
the old just crumble away into dust.
Remember all the mountain trails we'd run?
Fear, you showed none, only honor and trust.

Don't grieve I'm here above your clarinet;
on the top shelf, right beside your train set.

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2020

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At sunrise the heron soars effortlessly upon the breeze
waves roll in crashing upon the rocks and beaches
rising tides reach high upon the sands then fade away
the sun breaks through my window and kisses my cheek. 

Round and round and round the great circle of life travels;
much like a whirlpool of bubbles in a small woodland stream.
Day turns to night; night to morn, as clouds migrate on their way
the misty morning rings the bell and the deathbeds overflow. 

Into autumn's burnt ashes and all the saddened masses;
It was winter's chill when my spirit lifted; my heart thrived; 
from a dead frozen shard, and my soul was forever freed.
Just because you're breathing doesn't mean you're alive. 

At sunset the heron soars effortlessly into a colorful twilight
the waves now whisper to the rocks and sandy beaches
great tides fall slowly as the full moon rises in a pink sky
a lullaby rocks me to sleep as moonlight kisses my cheek.

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2020

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Wings On the Water

My dear birds, an inspiration putting quill to paper

I love the way you're chased as waves crash on the beach

Invading my warm days and balmy summer nights

Dreams about the whoosh of grasses in the marshlands.

I’m enamored with the sudden swoosh your wings

Your warble is much quieter through the summer heat.

As the calm fog hides the ocean sprays of November,

you take flight migrating through the drizzle in a southern sky.

And winter shows her whipping winds on the wave crests.

Honking geese leave lonely feathers upon still waters.

Your wing beats, wing beats, fluttering make my days

During strolls on windswept dunes in February.

I walk the paths with a chill in my heart but;

spring quickens my step as I hear a chirp in the brush.

'Onomatopoeia ' Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Emile Pinet

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2021

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Nature Ballad

During sunset reigns small blooms of blue lovely is the enchanting azure bell flower their tentacle roots grasp for evening dew brightest in the midst of the golden hour peepers sing during the long trail home. I wish none were too old for a nature walk. as green grasses will soon wither and die the moon begins rising to a soaring goshawk breezes touch the petals quivering and shy We spend days content in the warmer times watching lightning bugs dancing like stars far away we hear the lovely wind chimes a pair of Mourning Doves call from a tree while a small Red Fox listens rather intently: free.

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2021

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A Soft Silky Breeze

Light winds danced with tall trees. Bare branches swayed in a slow harmony as roots spread during an opus of a crispy moon. Frosted leaves lay in gathering heaps; victims of the equinox and winter’s dearth. I communed with fairies upon a branch; never argue with them while the lunar orb is high lest you become lost on a path to nowhere. I sang a hymn to the winter queen; hastily a snowflake gently kissed my cheek. Twas cool but savory, like first passions on lovers lane. Her breath seemed real and tasted sweet in darkness. The full moon was hanging like a slice of fresh lemon. An epiphany created in the mind of Van Gogh. Some, wrapped in dark cloaks, prayed to their goddess. Peace finally returned to a cool, bewildered forest. I simply sat quietly in a soft silky breeze.

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2022

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Tenure, a Terza Rima Sonnet

Are our spirits that of the great Thunderbird sowing their seeds within the powerful storm are we just feathers afloat like useless words slowly they float down landing within the form. See the steamy breath rise from the buffalo the majestic beast with his coat is quite warm. Are you grasped by a mournful wolves howling woe such lonely sadness during the bright full moon or the growl of a grizzly rumbling off slow. Did you hear screaming rain forests die last June dropped by the millions and now gone forever. most human's slept soundly the night they were hewn. Mother Nature's anger is now our weather; will we see forty below next September?
3/10/2021 While Mother Earth Gently Moans Poetry Content Sponsor: D.W. Rodgers

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2021

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Sonnet 5, Awaken To a Reddish Haze, Shakespearean Form

Nocturne shadow, rise with the Flamingo
charmed by the sunrise a morning sky smiles.
hushed morning song whispers at my window.
Prone on the pillow; love the outer isles.

Daydreams wander; my fan begins the day
sands twinkle like brilliant diamonds sparkling
Winds blow the deep blue waters on the bay.
Tea's steeping as the teapot is whistling.

Old cat yawns awake in the morning light.
dandelion seeds float by with the breeze
grass flows serenely terns hover in flight
waves rise higher on Lanai's southern seas.

Kilauea rumbles the Big Islands shore
I see a reddish haze from my back door.

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2020

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A Silent Rush of Cold

A wispy dream; a velveteen morning;

calming and serene; snow slowly drifting. 

Storms now brewing over the Northern sky

blustery winter's breath I now descry!

Heavy coat and hat; battling icy winds;

animals in the barn; firewood to the bin.

Warmest blanket on the bed; old cat purrs;

knitted throw by the stove; toasty for sure.

Chores are finally done; time to relax;

snowflakes falling now covering my tracks.

Teapot is ready, steam rises up high; 

biscuits from the oven; butter nearby.

Look out the window; hazy from the frost;

snow covers the pond; can't see where I crossed.

Inhaling brisk air; a late snowy blow;

peek out the door brings a silent rush of cold.

All Yours Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Brian Strand

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2021

Details | Ken Allan Dronsfield Poem

Radiance of Mortality

perched upon gray branches in leafless trees blackbirds rest on their journey to nowhere an icy red wine sky leaps into our mind just over the horizon a mysterious radiant mortality looms as it waits church bells toll in the valleys a pain in my head reaches a crescendo the illness rages dirty linen is left here the body quakes and quivers with the fever night brings a moonless horror crickets sing raspy breathing slows body stiffens as the woeful spirit releases death arrives in a radiance of darkness as the sun rises eyes open to a different view of life is death the absolute end or just a new beginning
1/12/2021 Suzette Prime Contest - 5th Place Sponsored by: Emile Pinet

Copyright © Ken Allan Dronsfield | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs