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Best Poems Written by Harriet Shea

Below are the all-time best Harriet Shea poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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In-Confident Realities

Disruptions  of realities confront our path through the difficulties
we have to endure, we proceed bravely through, with determination 
self-empowerment bestowing upon us with little expectations to close
 for enduring pain, shadows blocking light from doubting uncertainties 
surround us in times that close each moment continued with clarity
trust, faith in UN-conditional love.

Restore patience upon each laceration that cannot be healed in a short
period of time, when marks correctly appear upon the reassignment of
determined delusional appearance, binding together like steel
understanding amongst the insured confident individuals
with enlightenment conquering the difficulties bravely without
thoughts nor other in-confident realities to mend the impossible of
realities that weren't meant to be understood by no one who have not
been Enlighted with power, strength to endure what must be endured.

From in-confident realities to confident realities the road widens with
knowledgeable abundance recognizing this amazing journey we all
must take within ourselves, no longer need to spill the bucket of water
to achieve full understanding of living life with all wisdom that grows
as we grow, enlightened, re-insured life is a meaningful lesson to be
confronted with no explanation, it just flows through freely like a cool
evening breeze. We must let it flow freely with out any restraint
to try to change what was always meant to be.

Intellectually we were born to know what a beautiful confident life we 
all could enjoyed when the alliance of reinsurance appeared confusing
the knowledge installed in us found a easier path to follow without
happiness we all were meant to have without confusion, heartache
and UN-explainable answers we needed to know.

Now this path is disappearing as evil will no longer exist. We'll automatically
connect as one, flowing freely, empowered with unconditional love the way life should of always been without blemishes discoloring categorizes and disappointments to the maximum of ever returning to the consciousness of enchantment and warmth making all God's children contented and loved never unveiling the truth of true happiness that was torn away from all men who never had a chance from the beginning till now when living will be a paradise like it always was meant to be.

Confidence has appeared within our Super-Consciousness revealing the whole story of creation, the way it should of always been within the boundaries of all realities.

Copyright ? DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2022

Details | Harriet Shea Poem

Crazy Day

Ever find yourself getting
 up on the wrong side of 
 the bed, knowing your 
 going to have one of those 
 days!! Guess what!
 everything went wrong,
 first, the letters slipped
 out of the mailbox when
 I went to mail 

 The cat ate the dog food
 the dog ate the cat food
 The fish tanks pump
 went dead, with the fish,
 swimming on there sides.

 I left the house, tripping
 gracefully over the stepping
 block, got my neck caught
 on a rose thorn trying to get
 the morning paper the boy
 threw in the thorny rose bushes.

 The dog next door came
 in the yard, took a big dump
 on my new planted grass, the
 city gave me a ticket, for planting
 flowers to close to the fire

 I went to work, found someone
 parked in my parking space, my
 computer decided to stop working
 and the coffee tasted like tar.

 Went to the store, on my way 
 home, checked everything out
 at the counter, realized I had
 left both my wallet and charge
 card in my other hand bag.

 I was about to scream, when my
 son came home from school wearing
 a black eye, which his girlfriend gave
 him for something stupid he had
 said to make her upset.

 Now was time for bed, and decided
 to take a nice soothing bath to relax
 my shattered nerves, when I realized
 their was no hot water, because the
 hot water tank had broken.

 I just had it, got into bed, thanking
 God for giving me a wonderful day to
 tackle, with patience and gratitude.

 I figured if thanking God for a wonderful day
 my day tomorrow may be just great which I
 needed so badly to be, after the stress of 
 today's craziness.

 Should I tell you what happened on my
 wonderful day, I thought would be great?
 I really better say nothing about it.

 (Please don't expect to always have beautiful day) 

 By Derena 
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2018

Details | Harriet Shea Poem

Laughter Comes From Within

Laughter Comes From Within

 Capturing a lost thought, flowing through 
 without realization, laughter can actually exist, 
 with one, contact with yourself, not being overly
 aggressive, believing, accepting you.

 Self awareness, understands the consequence with
 one alone, living with pleasure of mind and heart
 expecting nothing from nothing while music automatically
 soothes the misunderstood meaning, of false
 pretense, consciously known, by only one
 who feels the thought trying to disguise it
 from the subconscious mind.

 Truth cannot be hidden, it comes out of those
 who speak nothing, when awareness awakes
 truth is spoken quietly, unknown to the ones who
 are envious needing comfort, of self, wishing
 they had love, more confidence, letting laughter
 exit, with meaning, and strong character of self.

 (Lying to your inner-self, will damage your own beliefs.)

 By Derena (Harriet)
© 2018 Derena(Harriet) (All rights reserved)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2018

Details | Harriet Shea Poem

Waves of Blue

Waves drifting toward rocky 
 peaks, unchained, fresh 
 with salty breeze kissing 
 my cheek.

Wish you were here to feel 
 the wonder of it all, to linger 
 softly along shores of love 
 and star light nights. 

With the air I breathe, you'll 
 always be their in mind, you 
 have touched my heart deeply 
 with promise. 

Waters blue, I sit upon a 
 cliff, gazing as far as eyes 
 can see, an ocean filled 
 with mystery. 

I lay my soul to rest, where 
 I'm inspired by God and 
 nature, he has given me much 
 to enjoy, I've found, captured, 
 I've locked it all within.. 

(Now I Drift To You)

 By Derena 
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2018

Details | Harriet Shea Poem

Open Up Your Heart

Open up your heart letting
miracles happen just by being
who you are!

You'll never be unhappy when
you just let truth flow with ease
while others may doubt, your

It doesn't take much to discover
who you are, with a heart that
will never deceive you.

Your mind may deceive you many
a time, but the heart has its own
mind speaking truth always.

Your soul is your intuition speaking
within, if you listen, you will never
go wrong unless you let yourself
 your soul lives for eternity.

With all your light living within
your soul, you'll never need to
find a light to enlighten you
when it has always been within
from the day you've been

Now go do your job and shine that
new-found light to others who
are shining down there.

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2022

Details | Harriet Shea Poem

A Man of Strength and Courage

A Man of Strength and Courage

(A Man Of Beauty And Respect)

A True Story

Who was he? He called himself the
unknown Poet, my great great great
grandmother's uncle Joe. He lived
a long exciting life, loving one woman
in time of war.

A Martin Trapper he was, an artist of fine
design, a poet in his time, a fine gentle
soul of the universe capturing each
thought writing them down in journals
and poetry.

If you should ask him what he believed
in! he would say; “I believed in God, sounds
of nature, love of mankind, love of words
anything to do with nature is where my
heart roams best.”

He was true to his own beliefs, a man
of heart, determination, a man who
would walk a mile in another man's shoes.
He was the heartbeat of the land, a
true mountain man of the wilderness.

He wore leather, long hair, beard a loving heart
for all animals including the bear, he grew
closer to as he traveled the mountains
year after year doing his Martin trapping
for food. He was a God-fearing man
 of courage and strength all his own.

He was truly remarkable, who
fought with George Armstrong Custer
and the men of the 7th Cavalry where
they met their fate and the Sioux on June
25, 1886, at the Battle of the Little Big
Horn'. Uncle Joe was sent to get
reinforcements at the age of fifteen
when he returned, they found them all
mascaraed. Including (George Armstrong

Many of his journals, poetry and
sketches were burned in a trailer
fire, but to this day, still remember
at a young age trying to read his poetry
I do remember seeing some of his sketches
he had sketched with pencil by candlelight
in his cabin in the winter in the Canadian

One sketch I remember well was of
a lovely lady dressed in a long gown
with hair piled high upon her head
she looked lovely.

That winter was long and cold and Joe
never returned home from his trapping
the Royal Mounted Police found him dead
next to the creek by his cabin. He died
of starvation.

This is just part of his story my great great
great grandmother told me of her uncle Joe. I
wish she would have told me more about his life.

I want to pass this on to my family so they can keep
passing it down from generation to generation.

Copyright ? DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved). Publishing ? Man of strength and Courage®( All Rights Reserved.)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2020

Details | Harriet Shea Poem


Peace flowing deeply across my mind
 with penetrating emotions, collecting
 thoughts filled with satisfying impressions
 of my last truest feeling down my trail
 of distant land memories

 Slumbering, desires bring forth, a message
 that calms the savage beast, while in the
 mist of attention, appears a liquefied substance
 that controls perfectly to the fullest 
 a liberal desire of oneness.

 Once before consequences were damaging
 to minds matter and alertness, notes were
 taken to continue on with life long methods
 of awakening the subconscious without
 a thought.

 Today! Awareness does all the work, approving to
 this appealing world, with knowledge and understanding
 the equal rights of man, with no permission, to
 take over life, just mind control connecting a new
 generation to another power of control, enlightening
 forces, to take over an imaginary existence of
 unconscious matter.

 A wonderment of experimental methods, share all
 living entities the point of a never ending
 death as we know it in a gratified galaxy not
 known to flesh and blood species of our eternal

 Taken souls, are transferred to plants of life's under 
 world and attentive achievements of interdenominational
 souls to live altogether united in peace and perfected
 properties of truth and untouchable domains of
 knowledgeable transformational spears.

 Hence: we travel toward a new world of depth
 and dimensional knowledge, to achieve a more
 perfect civilization.
 By Derena 
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2018

Details | Harriet Shea Poem

Magic Surrounds Those Who Find the Truth

Going deep within, magic will not live with
untruth, lies, deceit, magic becomes magic
by surrounding our souls, heart, and minds
with the power of loves truth from the start
becoming one with the divine.

Unnoticed, we are forever being invaded by
forces unknown to us, through thoughts words
and deeps that control, draining our life force
from us without knowledge, truth is the saver
of our new reality, comforter of loves sweetness.

Beautiful peace within love flows with light
gracefully when we except all truths of minds
hearts and souls freely!

Love is the power of life, truth is the power
that we truly know!

Our wings widen in flight for the truth to flow
freely releasing all doubts, and fears that once
seem so stable within the boundaries of our

Now with the truth of being, we remain no longer in
the darkness of tormented shadows.

Freedom rings in the depth of loves

How flowers bloom in beauty when
one wakes up without flaws of
spirit, and the untruths of ego.

When the light shines within us
the first time, we'll think we were
dreaming awake, when truth sealed the
deal of forgiveness of self, we became divine
free to roam inside and out with only understanding
that truth is the love light that shines brightly
without denial!

Warmth comes within, closing our eyes finding
ourselves for the first time knowing exactly where
we are from with a mission we must complete
on this earthly plane.

Strange enough we fear nothing, doubts
no longer exist only understanding of our

Becoming clear as glass, we shuffle away
each illusion in our deeply formed
sub-consciousness finding oneness
in us with the truth of love we
shower down fresh and new.

Now foundations build strength
beneath earthly weakness, we
can touch each moment before
it becomes a reality, creating our
own unique self taking back our

Beautiful magic silently captures
spirit leading us through
the vortex of eternal bliss.

(Life has just begun)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2022

Details | Harriet Shea Poem

Honorable Discharge

Throw away the thoughts that make
you sad, they will not exist if you leave
them behind, don't think of things
that will stop the light from shining

Imagine how long it takes to hollow out a 
log to make a vase out of bamboo shoots
in a corner of a dark cold room, surely
not worth the effort of making something
looking beautiful from the heart, but
the beauty of the effort is worth the beauty
that appears within.

Food for thought is food for the imagination
creator of majestic impossibilities possible
little bits of light to shine up a lonely spot
hiding away in your heart.

In case you stumble down the cliff of
memories you should have dismissed
many years back, now leave those
memories, the cliff is being worn down
by the waters of time.

It will now be perfect to give everything
and every one an honorable discharge
on command.

(Move on!)
Let's always be a winner!

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2022

Details | Harriet Shea Poem



Gaze across the waters of life
drown not the heart renew
the soul that is eternal.

Bring back the memories that
made you understand why you
had to do what you had to do to
bring back the peace, love
and harmony you once had.

Close not the door to knowledge
let your imagination power you
through all your realities you are
now creating!

It is not the door that has a handle
it is the handle that keeps your door
opening with enthusiasm.

The Garden grows green with love
watered with warmth, admired
from within.

Life has no answers just a moment
to know you are loved by yourself
knowing this will make you
grow brighter with all the seasons
that pass.

For an instant, your strength astounds
you become aware of destiny's sweet
bliss, upon the rock you stand alone
becoming eternal.

Copyright ? DerenaBree( All Rights Reserved)

Copyright © Harriet Shea | Year Posted 2022


Book: Shattered Sighs