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Best Poems Written by Randy Johnson

Below are the all-time best Randy Johnson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Argument

The Argument has always been,
Who gets to decide what is right?
You think yourself a Sovereign?
Let's examine the Erudite!

"Man should make the sovereign choice,"
The Erudite Scholar will say,
"Unaided by an imagined Voice,
No Crutch to get in his way."

But, alas, the Erudite dies,
And, God's predictions come true,
And, truth that is mixed with lies
Will not solve man's deepest issues.

God's word was made to outlive all,
Yet Satan arrays against it.
He brings with him a captive thrall:
Deceived, depraved, unrepentant.

"Reason demands we must oppose.
We cannot accept His burden."
Truth is spewed into vomit flows
And the Devil's Puke is Chosen.

"Nothing is beyond man's power.
Ignore this god altogether.
There is no god, do not cower.
Our freedoms demand no tether."

"The Nations had better listen.
For My choices will always stand.
Jerusalem and Israel -
Will forever bear My brand.

I give you space, and I give you grace,
For repentance and salvation,
But, opposing Me to my face,
And, I give you ruination.

My rage will be unquenchable,
For Satan and the Nations,
My Messiah, insatiable,
Heaven's armies at their stations.

Once again I will validate,
My choices, My Messiah.
You know this because you have read,
The Book of Zechariah."

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2019

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This Old Tree

"What do you see in this old tree?"

"A lot of crookedness", I said,
"The limbs are drooped and dreary,
Its leaves are mostly dead,
It looks sad and weary..."

"There's a special kind of dread."

"Sap is leaking out the trunk,
It's oozing down the sides
A glaring hollow in this hunk,
Where darkness now abides."

"The woodsman shakes his head,
And leaves this tree to die.
There's better wood ahead,
And all should pass it by."

"Man has such a hollow,
Between his dreams and Death,
Sheol's set to swallow,
At the final, dying breath."

"What's to be done!", I cried,
"Dealing with what Death means?
I, too, am hollow inside,
Can I be evergreen?"

"Believe the best about Me,
My Owl will fill your hollow,
Death may come tomorrow,
But new life soon after follows."

"My Owl sees all within you,
And strengthens all that's best,
He'll fly you to our rendezvous,
And, I'll bless you with My rest."

"What do I see in this old tree?"

"His Owl is in my hollow,
And hope has been set free,
He has chosen me to follow,
And share His future glory..."

"There's a special kind of happy."

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2019

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Psalm of the Offended

Did many things to quench my flesh
And bound myself in immoral mesh
Raised my voice for soul be mended
Saw Your word and was offended

Came unglued and crashed Hell's gate
Knew now not my soul could wait
Filled my head with works intended
Heard Your voice and was offended

Broke Your word on every breath
Swiftly moving on a course of death
Came to church - my lust descended
Saw Your stand and was offended

When all was lost, I called to Thee
Did shine Your light that I might see
"Save me from sin O, Savior, please!"
Saw Your love and fell to my knees

My broken life was all I gave
Some believed, "Impossible to save!"
You gave me back a soul ammended
Never again am I offended, Selah!

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2018

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I Can See

I can see random,
Or detect His choice.
I can see boredom,
Or detect His voice.

No snowflake repeats,
No sunrise the same,
No fingerprint cheats,
When it's time to blame.

Are my choices right,
When covered in love?
Or, did I lose sight
Of choices above?

What a shock to me-
The end of my days,
To finally see
The strength of His ways.

My choices don't lead,
But His to obey.
My love's not to plead,
"Grant my choice, ok?"

Like honey and gold,
God's choices endure,
And the truth be told,
My choices aren't pure.

Follow His choices,
And preserve your life.
Ignore the voices
That stir up your strife.

I can see His choice,
And reject random.
I can see His voice,
And reject boredom.

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2017

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A Bottle of Aristotle

'Twas two old men from Greece, is said;
Who sold two bottles of potion.
One was logic, pure and simple-
The other was pure emotion.
What bitter rivals they were
Both persuasive in their way,
Each believed his potion best-
The battle would often sway:

"Mine is more refined,
And truth the only good;
While mine can be explained,
Emotion never could."

To which the other replied:

"Not everyone's a scholar,
Not everyone is golden.
When men do not understand,
They simply do not listen."

"Truth is not the only good,
And be my end as just-
To arouse and quell emotion,
Is an effective leader's must."

To which the other replied:

"But what of the damage done
By the hands of one unjust?
Manipulating men like beasts,
And trained by you, I trust?"

"Men must learn to reason;
To know the truth of things,
To think only rationally,
To envision the good it brings."

To which the other replied:

"Life without emotion
Is a sorry end, indeed!
A tasteless life of logic
Would surely end our breed."

"Emotion may not rule you,
If logic be your boast.
Yet, to taste the taste of life-
Emotion is your host."

The two old men from Greece, is said;
Had soonafter passed away.
Neither had conquered the other-
Both potions were here to stay.
'Twas a second generation pupil,
Of the logician I might note;
Drew swallows from both potions,
And this is what he wrote;

"Logic pure and simple
Is good for you, 'tis true.
Yet, this one has no taste;
'Tis hard to swallow, too."

"The other, pure emotion,
Is pleasing to the taste;
And I cannot explain why-
I downed it in such haste."

The pupil then concluded,

"Neither one should stand alone."

He proceeded with a mixture 
Of thoughts he wanted shown.

"Three parts of the logic,
To one of emotion.
For logic is the greater good-
Emotion is the motion."

He tasted from his potion,
A taste both common and good.
As emotion related to reason,
The logic was understood.

His potion stands the test of time,
Only fools put down his bottle,
Thoughts are better balanced-
When you drink from Aristotle.

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2017

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Just a Toe

Oh, come inside this head,
And see the buzzing brain,
Observe the urgent tread,
The product of much pain.

Inside this head you'll see
The Leader of the parts-
And, the seat of irony,
For it hasn't any smarts.

This brain controls the body,
At breakneck speed it does.
That's why it's rather spotty-
It's rash, well, just because.

Listen to its barking,
"The program to the fore!"
The time it's always marking,
"Rest not, for there is more!"

"Come on, you guys!
Enough's not enough!
You've rested eyes,
Now do your stuff!"

"And you, old heart,
We need more blood!
Oh, stomach part-
Digest this crud!"

"Move you arm!
There's more to do.
What's the harm
In being through?"

"And come on, leg,
Respond to the head.
I've ignored your beg
That you're half-dead!"

"Oh, speak dear tongue,
And move, Oh lips,
Give wind left lung,
Be still thou hips!"

"This I say
On behalf of all,
Doing more is the way
To fulfill the Call."

But the eyes became dull,
And the heart began to fail,
The spirit was almost null,
The head grew very pale.

Panic gripped the brain,
"New program to the fore!
Rest is in the main,
Before we are no more!"

But the program really seized,
And the fever really rose,
The nose really sneezed,
And the body really froze.

Now me, I'm just a toe,
But I'd really like to know:
Is there anything to show
For the pain we've had to sow?

More and more and more
Can never be enough,
For more will rob us poor
And leave us feeling rough.

Now if Christ be our Head,
Will He work us 'til we're dead,
While serving, just a dread,
Or give us rest instead?

The moral of the story
Is simple if you see:
Christ must get the glory,
Through grace comes victory!

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2017

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The Blind Man

Witness the blind man
For though he cannot see
Those things of beauty and truth
By the singing of the birds-
He knows the sun rises
By the cooling of the earth-
He knows the sun sets
Though nothing appears to him
Things which are seen manifest
When the seed he plants
Yields the harvest of understanding

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2017

Details | Randy Johnson Poem

Bow and Arrow

I take my bow in hand
One arrow from the quiver, too.
The target is one I understand
My arrow is straight and true.

I know the direction and distance,
Yet the distance I'll ignore,
'Cause if I undershoot for instance
What am I shooting for?

So back the bowstring goes
'Til the bow's about to break,
And the speeding arrow shows
The path that I must take.

This path I'll never deviate,
Nor will I ever quit-
Until I find that arrow;
Even though I may not find it.

And should I find that arrow,
My purpose will not end.
By taking in hand my bow,
The arrow is sent again.

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2017

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The Ultimate Paradox

"Have you seen the Ultimate Paradox,
The popular movie show?
The movie is playing everywhere,
Let us leave the kids and go."

"This show, man, has everything,
'Tis good for bodies today-
If it's physical they do it,
'Tis pleasurable in every way."

"There are bodies that make love,
And bodies that just play-
Yet, everybody indulges
In a pleasure-seeking way."

"This picture lasts a lifetime
In a body's world, that is,
Which lasts about a second
In the Life we all must live."

"So come now do not tarry,
The fun 'tis 'bout to start.
No, bodies do not marry-
The soul is torn apart."

"Lo! Look at all those bodies-
Look at what they do!
I will have to supress my guilt,
This cannot be true!"

"Ah, 'tis better now it seems,
But what, my God, is this?
Aborting little bodies!
Boo and hiss, hiss!"

"Oh, in this I have no say?
Okay, my mouth is shut,
But pardon me for thinking,
What's gained by talking smut?"

"This is the part so gory-
And why pray tell they fight?
Some think this stuff be pleasure?
I pity their poor plight."

"Ah, these objects of desire
Are pleasing to the eyes!
But underneath the makeup,
A snare in human guise!"

"And this is just the same things
Being done all over again.
Pardon me for leaving,
But enough for me, my friend."

"These bodies will not last,
They grow old, tired, and worn-
The pleasure would grow old,
So shallow and full of scorn."

"I am off to another show,
'Tis called Everlasting Life-
My spirit is the real star,
I hope to lose my strife."

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2017

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Spies, scout out the Promised Land.
Let our eyes see what God has planned.
Never mind what He's already done,
Can we trust the powerful One?

When we saw the Anakites there,
The terror was too much to bear.
More numerous and taller,
Our confidence grew smaller.

Do not be terrified of them!
You are not being led by whim.
He says, "I'll go ahead of you.
Heaven's armies come with Me, too."

But we gave the bad report,
Advising the people to abort.
Their courage was drained away,
"The Lord has made us their prey!"

Joshua and Caleb stood firm,
Believing the Lord would confirm,
Urging us toward conquest,
Believing it was no contest.

But the people would not go up,
Angering the Lord with their dustup,
Saying, "The Lord must hate us."
Their actions were treasonous.

Why this betrayal of trust,
Leading to the Lord's disgust?
Trust lessons were never learned.
Stubborn hearts can only spurn.

Where do we look for defeat?
Surely not at the Lord's feet!
Look only in your own heart,
For the whole heart must take part.

The Lord is never thwarted,
Intimidated, or extorted.
Unbelief forfeits His blessing,
And keeps us from possessing.

Keep the Lord ahead of you,
Do not turn back from what is true,
Joshua and Caleb, the only two,
Whose conquering faith grew.

We tried to force a do-over,
Without God just a pushover.
He told us, “Do not attack.”
Our enemy hurled us back.

Wilderness wandering backslidden,
But He’ll bring back our children,
Back to Kadesh they must go,
With conquering faith in tow.

Copyright © Randy Johnson | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things