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Best Poems Written by Peter Rees

Below are the all-time best Peter Rees poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Speak of It Not

Speak of it not,
think of it not,
lest regrets may 
cloud the failing light,
and weariness
a shroud becomes.
This little thing,
once proud in love and lust,
now hides its face
and soon it will be dust.
Gone is the lustre
and delight
of fond imaginings,
as shadows deepening 
enfold what once
seemed ever bright,
impervious to
encroaching night.

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2021

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Nocturnal Foxes

screams pierce the night
primeval mating
wise owls winking

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2023

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Harris Tweed

Look deep within these loosely-woven layers to find
primeval land with ocean, sky and wind entwined,
skilled hands and eyes of generations gone before
and peat smoke mingling with a sea mist on the shore.

In old and intricate design you may well sense
a solitary piper skirling a lament,
or view the purple heather blowing on the hill,
or hear soft-spoken memories echoing still.

Some bold and joyful as a vibrant summer’s day,
and others tinted as an autumn bride’s bouquet,
some speak of wilderness and yet untrodden ways,
some melancholic strangers to the sun’s sweet rays.

With insight woven and a clarity of mind,
the rhythmic textures of the land we see defined.
With colours of the seasons, each piece of cloth unique,
of planet Earth and nature’s harmony does speak.

Revered now far beyond its island home,
a homespun cloth of gold it has become.
Ambassadors for Scotland, yes indeed,
that’s whisky, Robert Burns and Harris Tweed.

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2020

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No Worries

I’ve never played a hole in one,
that doesn’t worry me.
I’ve never sailed around the world,
its glories for to see.
I’m not a self-made millionaire,
that doesn’t worry me.
I have no need for fancy cars
or staying in chic hotels.
I have no wish to fly to Mars
or mingle with the stars.
I have no stately country pile,
that doesn’t worry me.
Our lives we’ve lived in simple style,
together you and me.
Some sixty years have come and gone
since we walked down the aisle,
and now, with nodding age, I see
that someday we must part,
but that’s not going to worry me.
It will simply break my heart.

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2021

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I never thought that one day I might be
so separate and distanced from the sea,
and grey-blue mornings offering a cloak
of cushioning velvet, where once I woke
so long ago, to watch the gannets dive
as silvered arrows from a tight-strung bow.

Those days were ever tinged with disbelief
that fate had held my hand, though all too brief,
and led me to this cherished place, where grace
and beauty did my other world replace.
It was, I know, with age now bittersweet,
the greatest gift that fortune could bestow.

In memory now I hear the ocean speak
of all its moods when, waking or asleep,
I see and hear that lifeforce long forgone.
As to its beating heart forever drawn,
I ponder on the change it wrought in me,
and things that are, and things that weren't to be.

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2019

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A Touch

On an impulse, but oft rehearsed in dreams,
A surreptitious larceny that seems,
In recollection pure and innocent,
Yet still concealing passionate intent
And yearning, for its chaste recipient.
Unknowing of such matters of the heart,
Confused, bewildered how to even start
To woo this object of his heart's desire.
To lie within her arms he did aspire,
With ardent longing was he set afire.
At last, a start along love's road he made,
A magic moment when his hand had strayed
Innocuously to brush against her breast.
She let the moment pass without protest,
Quite unaware that she had been caressed.
Fate intervened and drove them far apart.
His amorous intent was stifled at the start.
True love he found elsewhere, he did not grudge
In age that moment that had meant so much-
Now teenage memory - a stolen touch.

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2017

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Stormy Weather

Seaweed, fragmented shell as cannonballs 
in maelstrom hurled upon the shore.
The bellowing wind cast all asunder
as Summer’s shoots from shifting sand were torn.
Such was Autumn’s storm.

The sleet was blown in horizontal sheets
as figures double-bent fought step by step
to make but little progress, homeward bound.
The sky was lost in billowing grey, forlorn.
Such was Winter’s storm.

Relentlessly the wind swept off the ocean 
with yet more rain to swell the sodden peat.
A daily deluge on embattled land,
with hope yet stirring seeds of life newborn.
Such was Springtime’s storm.

The grey skies shift to blue, and now a breeze
is heralding a longed-for transformation.
With rainbow colours Mother Earth is blessed 
and all the islands of the west caressed, reborn.
Sweet Summer knows no storm.

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2021

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What's Afoot

A session with my chiropodist
Is an occasion not to be missed.
We speak of recipes and cruise ships
And other folks' relationships
And pension plans and how to lose weight
And allergies and things we hate
And Christmas plans and hip replacements,
And politics and financial statements,
And things from childhood we remember,
Like scaredy cats on the fifth of November
And what it takes a woman to please
And whether "feet" run in families.
We talk of restaurants we have found
And matters equally profound.
Is vegetarian or vegan best
And how to handle a telephone pest ?
Am I a Remainer or for Brexit
And what to do to try and correct it ?
And what do we make of Donald Trump,
A breath of fresh air or just a chump ?
The whole world sorted in half an hour
If Debbie and I were given the power.
And when we've covered our highs and lows
We'll even talk about my toes!

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2017

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A Hand In Time

I view my hand. I see an ancient land.
A melanomic crater, deep in the desert,
speaks of greedy sun-soaked days.
Wanton then. Gone now.
Sparse wispy palm trees cluster,
storm ravaged, angled randomly,
now almost invisible,
now silver in the light.
Ravines compressed in lines
symmetrical, as from space,
appearing geometric,
requiring translation,
needing understanding,
awaiting exploration.
Ahead, beyond the fault line,
mountains expand and converge,
blue-edged and rising high
above the sandy plain, sinuous,
majestic, uncharted.
Stretching and contracting 
as wrinkled parchment
in a shoreline breeze,
pointing the way to the long journey’s end.
Translucent and yes still beautiful.
A multitude of moments
has slowly wrought such change.
Soul-stirring eloquence silently tells
of times and deeds long past,
though yet concealing secrets deep,
of silken dreams within a lover’s sleep,
and memories of a sweet caress,

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2023

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In an unreal pre-dawn half-light
I gazed with much surprise
Across the darkly flowing Rhine
With newly-wakened eyes.
The vista on the river bank 
Was as within a dream.
A vision wonderful, surreal,
Exquisite it did seem.
These were not mountains, lochs and glens,
Or misty forest scenes,
These were as nothing Nature formed,
No waterfalls or streams
Or castles in the sky.
So what amazing sight was this,
So slowly passing by?
This was concrete, steel and glass,
Fired in imagination.
Modern art, space-age design,
The ultimate Man's creation.
Soaring, swooping, sleekly blending
Each shapely angle with its neighbour.
Whose vision brought these things to pass ?
What divine and perfect labour ?
In awe I watched the passing scene
And then, a moment's retrospection,
This splendid affluence had been 
Forged in devastation,
As from a hostile sky 
Came terror and destruction.
Seven hundred tons of bombs
Rained down in just one fiery night,
The city was ablaze, and come the dawn,
Still smouldering, a sorry sight.
Gaunt remnants, stark, skeletal, charred,
The fruits of war, forever scarred,
But from the ashes, undeterred,
Came inspiration to rebuild
And heal the all but fatal wound.
Faith in the future was instilled
And esoteric dreams fulfilled.
A phoenix rising, quite sublime,
In Dusseldorf, on the River Rhine.

Entered for contest "Foreign Travel"

Copyright © Peter Rees | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs