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Best Poems Written by Khalid Albudoor

Below are the all-time best Khalid Albudoor poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Morning tea is dark
Like the night behind our house
Where the sun lost its way
And the air did not stop to greet our trees.

We gaze at our place where we sat last night
we know 
we'll leave everything behind us
And won't collect the scattered words between the chairs.

Night was long
The candle is dusty and cold like our fingers
Why do we wait for tomorrow
If only to throw our words like pieces of papers 
on the table and leave?

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2017

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By the Holy Fire

On those nights
I stood long in front of oceans 
Letting the waves crush violently 
Under my feet.

I used to wait 
For winds of words to come
And carry me
So I could breathe the smell of lakes
I would warm myself
By the holy fire
On islands' edges
Listening to chants of ancient people
Echoing from the depth of caves.

On those nights
The earth 
Was not enough for me.
I flew too far away
Carrying some dreams
With tired wings and
A few hopes.

I was still weak
When the storms 
Thundered in distance.

Decades later 
I realize how painful this voyage was.
But to stay 
Is more painful. 
For that 
I left my heart in the winds
Of words and dreams.

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2017

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This Shore

I will dig the sand
the wet sand of this shore
I will bury my fingers
and my soul will descend,
descend slowly,
and in silence
the warmth will rise
beneath the skin
I will dig deeper
and I will dig
this shore, which I know
like the palms of my hands.
Here, I have built spacious houses,
apportioned rooms
and accumulated towers of sand
till the tide buries them
and I return
the next day
and build.
Here, I know
I can play
Here, I realize dreams can be buried
and also

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2017

Details | Khalid Albudoor Poem


We will meet soon
But we will soon part again
Not knowing the next meeting place.

It is two seasons since we last met
Your hair is long now
The last time
We built a house of words.

When I imagined you
Watering the plants in the balcony
You were reading leaves
I know 
That this moment is short
This embrace and
Our lives, together and a part
Too soon swept away
By winds of disappearances.

But for now, we will meet
And I will let you rest
Like a soft shadow 
On my arm.

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2017

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Just Come

Birds and trees
Winds and waves,
These clouds
This majestic dawn 
That fascinating moon
Is Him.

He who was here 
When you were lost 
Searching for him all these nights
This one…That one
This heat…Those beats
Tears and laughs 
You, and I
All those babies 
Is Him.

So…come…come along 
Fear no suffering 
No death
Or pain
Come…my child,
Just come.

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2017

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Exercises In Silence


The light of dawn
from the slit of the curtain,
And the sound of silence.


He opened his eyes. Faint images crossed the sky of his mind, he did not submit to them, took up his body and walked. The old twinge of pain between his right arm and shoulder returns, and as every morning, in his long solitude, he ignored it, and made his way to his narrow kitchen. Steam bubbles from the boiling water. He pour it over the small ginger pieces, melted. Inhaling the fragrance he walked to the corner. As soon as he settled into his daily seat, he closed his eyes. Silence. He swam in an ocean of darkness. Disappeared.
Awakened by a distant tweet, he raised his head and opened his eyes...the tree.


The sleeping tree, so green in her loneliness
Home of the little birds
Little ones... tweets
Daylight comes and goes
Night comes, She falls asleep in the mist.
Dancing with the wind
Naked in the winter
And then, she puts on her leaves
Fluttering, laughing
Alone in solitude
Greets the years and say farewell,
the sleeping tree 
Standing tall in silence.


Every day, as he comes back from his unconsciousness, he feels his body. Nothing has changed. He leaves without leaving. He goes and comes back in the same place. Yesterday, in a daydream, he visited his childhood room. He watched himself on the ground, on his knees in front of the sketchbook. Excited with a new color box, he was free to draw whatever he wished. Now he's back, he wants nothing from the world but stillness, peace with the place, or free with his daydreaming trips. 
For that, it is necessary to stay within. 
Silence must be exercised.


As a shadow of a dream in a desert
The only one who sees himself
No more noise from the city
Yet he did not leave it,
Lost in the fog of his mind
No houses, no streets
No friends, no chattering
Alone in the silence of the room
the voice of self
Echoes back
A narrow world.


The air infiltrates his lungs, and goes back up. very hot. He watched his chest rise, stopping at the maximum inhale, before falling into the cavity of his rib cage. Waves of sensations from the nerves in his neck seep into his back, and then to his arms. Unknown feelings run under his skin, ending with a pulse that he touches on the tips of the fingers. The waves travel in successive vibrations down the legs. Cooler. Hot. Numbness in the feet. Then stillness. More stillness. Yes like this. A moment in which the self is manifested. Transparent. Fades. 
Suddenly, a loud wave rushes towards his head. He sees the mirror.


A face in the mirror
His face?
Someone is staring
to his face.
Who's there with him
Abides in the silence
In the dark emptiness of his soul.
There is light
A sigh,
let out a long groan,
Calm down

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2022

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Remains of the Night

Summer's Fog
Morning is not here yet
I cannot see
The sleeping town in front of me.
A refreshing air comes from the west
Palm trees stand in the fog
While contemplating
On what is left of the night
I hear sounds of birds.
Bare feet
And the house's roof is cold
A little bird
Comes flying and lands
On the long palm's frond.
It gazes toward me
I feel it is asking
What happened?
Why didn't you sleep last night?

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2020

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Image of Words

Northern light envelops the sea

You are not here

You are just an image

Formed by words

On the body of the sea.

I swear

It was yesterday 

Two shadows were playing in the shallow shore,

I swear

The waves took off our clothes

To submerge our bodies.

In the winter

our dreams collide

Blue, dark are our thoughts

Our words are waves

Rise and die in the sea.

You lie down by my side

Like the earth.

The sun shines red over your desert

Your hair flies

Music of the air.

Sweet is the water

The sand is warm 

Your lips are the foam 

And the fountain of the waves.

You are not here

You are only an image of words

The sea, too, is only an image of the sea.

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2018

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Morning Dance

I was listening 
to her leaves fluttering 
at night
the lonely tree
the tree
that danced with me
This morning.

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2021

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The Kite

A little hand
A thread
The kite thread
The Shemal Wind
Piled clouds over the coast
Where you were running
The thread in your hand
You breathe in the joy of flying
Your heart hops
Feeling light in your play
The thread extends toward the sky
In your hand
The kite
Climbing into a cloud
You are enveloped in droplets
No one is there
You and the wind
Your spirit ascends in a cloud
Lighter than a feather
Over the palm tops
Over the boats
Returning from the fishing trip
Over the little houses
Flying with the wind 
Then, returning to land
Wrapping the thread
Over your arm
And you walk, hopping in joy
Towards the house.

Copyright © Khalid Albudoor | Year Posted 2020


Book: Shattered Sighs