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Best Poems Written by Marie Duddle

Below are the all-time best Marie Duddle poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Big Fall

He forges swords in anger
His mission to destroy
His soul is dark oh! How he hates
that God exposed his pride and sin,
for all celestial splendor
was stripped, his wrong exposed.
Once anointed cherub adorned with special beauty
The model of perfection.
Music was a special gift you had, 
but pride brought bad desires
To raise your throne above the stars of God.
And exalt your place in Heaven.
Oh!  Foolish special angel
with music in your being
To think you could surpass your Maker
Yes, pride comes before the fall its true
inciting other angels too.
Cast down to earth in shame you fell
Your cohorts came with you
Disgraced and shamed you fell to earth
your shame revealed, exposed.
So, forging swords to seek revenge
You steal and lie and kill
Captain of black darkness
The swords are hurled in greatest rage
ripping people's lives apart.
Once peaceful men
now turn their love to hatred
crime and murder you incite
and mankind is your prey,
destroyed for lack of Knowledge.
Make haste oh Lord and bind the serpent
we earnestly implore
For righteous souls know this full well
his time is running out
while waiting, Lord we use Your Word 
and fight him down below
but still within our hearts we say
oh Come!  Lord Jesus, Come

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2022

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Its Raining On Your Grave, My Child

Its hailing on your grave my child, a loud and deafening sound.
I want to be there, Its pointless I know for after all its just a grave".

Memories of a tiny girl - Terrified of storms, the noise that it brings.
We would cuddle up; I'd hold you tight, sing calming songs, whisper in your ear:  ”hush now my child your momma's here, this too shall pass let go of your fear".

As you matured, different storms came; but now I could not help.

In a darkened room the curtains drawn
You would lie in a fetal position staring at what-I-could-not-see
trapped in your soul-storm, not crying or moving
how helpless I felt, for how do you fight what you cannot see?

Your sunny days were contagious – you were bubbly and happy, 
Creative, artistic, painting rainbows and flowers, all that was bright
then the bad days would strike and like a bruised reed 
you became still; quite still, and no-one was welcome - not even me.

How often I would plead with you
"Please talk to me when the storms return
your mother is here, let go of your fear".

Then came the day the you succumbed (how big a storm this must have been!)
When I found you on that fateful day - the pain! It crushed my heart
I thought it a nightmare, surely I would wake up
this can't be my daughter, No! Lord No! 
Will she now forever be caught in a storm?

Then gently He spoke
I have her here safe, your daughter was tired
and I brought her Home.

So whenever I think of your frequent storms
 I console myself you were loved since you were born
And in God’s Grace and Mercy may He treat you gently,
may the sun shine brightly.

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

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Dancing With God

He entered the dance hall, clad in pure white
I sat in my corner, far away from the light
Bodies swayed slowly, the lights were subdued
The wine had been flowing and mellowed the mood.
This stranger intrigued me, he seemed out of place
One moment I saw him and then he was gone
I was right after all, he did not stay long.
His appearance was sudden, my heart skipped a beat
I cringed as I sat there, saw the smirks and the stares - did the stranger not know I'm a harlot, beware!
He smiled oh so gently and asked me to dance
I mumbled no thank you, dropped my eyes to the ground.
In a very short time he would hear who I am
a woman called Scarlet seen mostly at night,
the affection men gave me was kept out of sight.
I sensed the stranger was still there, looked up and then he bowed politely
Before I knew it, curtsying slightly, I took his hand with a timid smile.
Not once did He speak when we started to dance
but His eyes were so piercing; I knew He saw through me.
Then the scales on my eyes fell away and I cried
For my Partner was God, He had captured my heart.
My Beloved taught me His celestial dance,
I stumbled a bit, fell over my feet
But soon I learnt how and just followed His lead
Swirling and twirling the ballroom was ours
I was dancing with God! I was Belle of the ball…
The music stopped playing, still I swirled and I twirled
then breathless I realised the Stranger had gone, yet it mattered not, for this dance with God would forever be cherished as I made a new start.

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

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The captain of the boat held on
His fingers wrapped around the rails
Never had he seen such swells
He knew this night would not end well.

The attack was relentless, the waves were huge
And he knew his beloved ship named “Valor”
who for years had weathered raging storms
did not have the strength to win tonight
she was old and sinking, the deck overflowing

His loyal men, all life-long sailors 
Reeled and fell as they stumbled about
Twenty good men who had served him well
Then, looking to him as one they shouted
“Captain what orders, what should we do?"
His heart just sank for he had no clue.

He fervently prayed to the Captain above
for wisdom and courage on this dark stormy night

It was then he saw beyond the waves
An island out yonder, perhaps they could make it!

He looked again and then despaired
for this was the island
where no-one ventured.

There were jagged rocks and sharks all around,
He loudly cried out : "Great Captain please help!"

“Men, he shouted, its up to you 
There’s an island ahead not too far away
You may have a chance, but the life boats are old
And I fear this angry storm will claim it
Prepare my men, to swim for life
And may God help you all, for there are sharks about”.

As for me, no more sailing
I will stay with "Valor" 
but may God be with you, and I thank you for your service".

It was only seconds but felt like years
as twenty pairs of eyes stared straight at him.
Then one by one they struggled, kept coming
Till close to their captain, his sailors stood by him.

He saw in their faces they had made a choice
then together they sang their sailor song
and as their voices rose as one
the winds though fierce could not subdue it.

It is said most sailors now avoid that route
for sometimes at night a ship named "Valor" is seen
and strong sailor voices fill the air
and whether the night be misty or clear
As plain as day these men are seen
surrounding their captain, with a sailor salute.

The vision promptly disappears it is said
but strong man would swear they had seen the dead.

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

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Magnificent Me

I want to write an epic novel, my words to be conserved
my paper is plenty and my pen is ready, I will write a book of great worth.
Its been an hour and nothing yet, but the day is still quite young... I won't give up, I know I'm great, my creative mind will birth
that great classic novel, with its illustrative cover, and a story to rock the world.
Yes laugh all you want and chuckle along, my day of fame will come!
For the day I was born was a glorious day as the world with my presence I graced.
I  do find it strange that I do not have friends, all my invites are declined... odd, try as I may when invited to "play" the response is always "another day"..
Imagination of course, for who could resist spending time with magnificent me?
my dynamic presence rising as en edifice, unique is what you see.
What a good thing I'm modest, not inclined to boast (though I know you would love to be me!)
Well darkness is falling and yawn I am falling asleep at my desk with my pen.
Its quite tough writing novels, I shall try again later, but for now I really must rest.

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

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Elated Flight

With warm rays of sun on her canvass so pale,
the white bird glides in her regal flight.
She hovers a bit as she looks down below
to ponder on man, rushing to and fro.
As she glides with grace through the feathery clouds,
a bouquet of beauty, pleasing to God
here in the sky with the wind in the breeze,
the praise of the bird to her Maker is seen.
This is when the bird elates, in a way its here where she dictates..
no fear of man, or the alley cat, just sliding and gliding through the heavenly realm.
Freedom is hers she can go high or low
no limits or boundaries, her kingdom of sorts.
Her playground fulfils all her needs in this life
created to play in the skies above.
As she soars high and sweeps down through the clouds,
the bird is aware that she's not alone.
Although she could die and no man will mourn
the bird is unique and with beauty adorned
Yes God had for her another plan,
a pity its lost to the naked eye
for He hid it in clouds....   I wonder why?
Elated Flight by Marie (2011)

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

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The Broken Stringed Guitar

It was just a broken stringed guitar
covered in dust and the wood bearing scars.
Long forgotten it lay in the run-down old bar.
Then one sultry day an old man came looking
he searched till he found his beloved guitar,
when he held it at last there were tears in his eyes.
The old man thought back on his long ago youth
when he and his guitar, they made quite a team.
The patrons were rough and not easy to please
but he and his guitar would soon restore peace.
His woman was Suzy, the love of his life,
her beauty was perfect, he made her his wife.
But his love for the bottle soon drove her away
till one day she left, though he begged her to stay.
The old man came back to the present and smiled
he thought he would sit and just rest for a while
allowing his thoughts to drift far and wide.
They found him at noon, with a smile on his face
His demeanor so peaceful, the men could just gaze.
Then a chill swept the room and their hair stood on end
when the old man appeared, guitar in his hand
and sang about Suzy, the love of his life.
Now these were all tough man, of fear they knew naught
But that day they trembled as they looked down and saw
the guitar on the floor had been fully restored

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

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Seasonal Harvest

Filled to the brim, heavy baskets of seed
cruel the taskmaster fueling my need.

My eyes search the heavens for a promise of rain
but the sun scoffs and taunts in haughty disdain.
Years of drought, cracked soil with dead seed
dreams of life dying in the midst of the heat.

Only crumbs on the plate, no more wine in my cup
and slowly, but surely, filled with doubt, I give up.
The fields remain barren no reward for my toil,
I feel my strength waning my courage has gone
till finally I shout loud : "I've had it, ENOUGH!"
then fling forth the baskets, scatter seeds in the air
on wings of hot wind they fall everywhere.

A rumble above precedes something wet
I think its my tears then realize its rain.
The floodgates of heaven have opened above
how odd that it came now, just when I gave up.

Not long and the seeds I had flung all around
start growing and yield a bountiful crop
one second it took for God to change all
don't look at the sun rather watch the seed fall.

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

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The Strongest Chord

Noah built an ark, David danced before the Lord
He slew Goliath with a stone all in the name of God.
Joseph had a treacherous time, condemned to die in jail
yet rose in stature, name and fame to see his dream come true
his brothers who had hurt him so, bowed down and did not know
that this great man was the one they maimed
their brother, flesh and blood.,

Esau sold his birth right, all for a plate of soup,
he did not know the price he'd pay, that sad and sorry day.

Jacob worked for seven years to claim his only love
yet Laban did not keep his word - poor Jacob he was robbed.

Sampson fell before Delilah revealed his source of strength
yet had a mighty power surge, and took his own revenge.
Many are the great men, who walked and served the Lord
stumbling, faulting, just like us, but there's one thing that they knew:  whatever happens, bad or good, just trust in God above
His faithfulness is our strong reward, His Word the strongest Chord

Copyright © Marie Duddle | Year Posted 2021

Book: Reflection on the Important Things