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Best Poems Written by Joseph Jeremiah Naye

Below are the all-time best Joseph Jeremiah Naye poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Nefertiti

My Nefertiti does 
    not come from the 
Dynasty of Pharaoh
Neither does she 
   possess the golden
She may not have the 
    poise and grace
Of Queen Nefertiti
Never the less she has 
   the grace of the
Of Zion
    Ibilate, you are the 
Queen of my Kingdom
And You are
    My Nefertiti

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2018

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The Greatest Artist

It's an awesome sight
Beholding the twilight
The moon arrayed by the Sun
For light not it's own as a son.

The stars glint the sky
Evidence of the works of a great artist
Not by chance for the big bang theorist

The Earth is a sphere, not perfect
Leaving the marks of a great artist
Beast of no nations lonely burden being borne

The Earth, the planets, solar system, the galaxies, all are pointers ....
It is not an accident but a grand design
The Almighty God is the greatest Artist.

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2023

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30 Pieces of Silver

The price was thirty pieces of
From the treasury of the Holy
The contract for life, a deed in
The Chief Priests and Elders 

The kiss of a friend, the betrayal of
 a brother.
Piercing painfully than the dagger of
 an enemy.
For the price of 30 pieces of silver.

The treasurer of the Son of Man,
The King of kings in earthen vessel
The lure of 30 pieces of silver 
Of filthy lucre, 
Ensnaring the soul deadened by
So was the son of perdition bought
For a mere 30 pieces of silver.
That placed the noose over his
Whose destiny was wreaked forever.
The Bishopric transferred to another;
All for filthy lucre.

30 pieces of silver
The worth of the Son of Man
Whose heavenly throne is arrayed in
 precious stones,
Whose Kingdom streets are paved of
 the purest of gold.

Oh my Lord and my God!!! Have 

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2017

Details | Joseph Jeremiah Naye Poem

Wolverine Growl

The solemn night's silence was
As needles pierces with a shrieking 
  sound bespoken.
So the growl of the wolverine breakthrough 
  the moonless night,
Waking up in a jolt, drenched in sweat,  
  what a sweet plight,
Lo, it was only a frozen case of a
  nightmare awoken.

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2017

Details | Joseph Jeremiah Naye Poem

My Muffled Cry

I was in the company of my
Enjoying the comforts of my
When they came at me
Armed with axes and machetes
 determined to grind their oxen

They struck blows upon blows, cuts upon
My limbs first, then my trunk came tumbling
I shouted and cried all to no avail, none
 came to help me;
I submitted to my fate like
Gone before me.

Then calamity  for our maltreatment
Like a curse in due season.
My muffled cry earlier stripped of a voice
 began to be heard.....
As temperatures increased by
 one degree,
As appointed seasons altered
 their course.
Floods and droughts became

The snow banks of the Arctic and
Began to reach out in protest, not
 unmindful of the depravations' of 
 the Polar bears and its ilk's.

Ozone, grumbling about the partitioning
 due to the unholy alliances with Carbon,
Hurting the harmony that once kept them
 in bonds.
But now some kind hearted kindred's have
 given voice to my,
They have taken note and are beginning to 
 act to save my other siblings.

(I hope it is not too late to save our forests, to
 reduce global warming and preserve our earth.)

Written on the 4th November, 2015

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2017

Details | Joseph Jeremiah Naye Poem

The Owelle

The Owelle
 of the realm
  of Onitsha
   their title,
     Zik of Africa
       Our vintage title.

Zik a real patriot 
 with core values 
  your contemporaries
   were at the regions
    but you dreamt of one
     Nigeria at the center
      Tribe and tongue in vain.

The Owelle was a champion
 a champion of the center
  though your ideals were 
   thawed by your peers
     he solidly stood by it
       even in the face 
         of the civil war

One Nigeria! One Nigeria!!
 echoes that kept reverberating
  One Nigeria! One Nigeria!!
    Time and time again your
       relevance proven
         Turned sounds of Nigeria
             Owelle of Onitsha
               Zik of Africa.
   (Written on the 30th March, 2015)

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2021

Details | Joseph Jeremiah Naye Poem

Great Salmon

Lessons to learn from you, oh Salmon
  great fish!, strong navigator;
  How highly focused you are, attaining
  your goals oh great curator 
  Moving and strong currents do not deter
  your maternal instincts;
  Fully aware that your destiny ends where
  you were spawned within your precinct
  So much to learn from the journey of your
  life, oh great conservator!.

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2017

Details | Joseph Jeremiah Naye Poem

The Dry Spell

The chirping of birds long gone;
Trees shamed for their loss of leaves.

The smell of dust now prevalent,
Rustling of dry leaves stepped upon.

The scorching Sun, only a reminder
 vegetation, now a scorched earth.

It's the dry season, the harvest of
 forgotten. sand and dust a reminder

The stormy dust, a reminder of what
It's the spell of the dry season.

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2017

Details | Joseph Jeremiah Naye Poem

The House of Khloe

Tambourines in the air,
    Whistles and bustles in a 
   In the house of Khloe,
   Melodies of the heart.
   A reenactment in the farm house
     of old

   Grand mother's tongue in cheek,
      but she is gone;
   Gone home to be with the lasses
   Free from the world of the masses.
   The house of Chloe will never be the 
     same again.

   Mirth and laughter gone through the 
    back door.
   Enter the dragon my mama with sternness  
    and a rod.
   Not to be spared for our scrawny behinds
    my mama.
   The house of Chloe has changed course
     never the same again.

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2016

Details | Joseph Jeremiah Naye Poem

R E M E M B R a N C E

Like the wisp of a 
So is the memory 
  of the dead
only seared by time
But in the hearts of 
  loved ones 
they are tombstones
erected as memorabilia
Remembrance only for 
  the love hearted;
And not as famous 
  as Rembrandt.

Copyright © Joseph Jeremiah Naye | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs