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Best Poems Written by Gregory Richard Barden

Below are the all-time best Gregory Richard Barden poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

tell the night to hold me -

I made for you, a castle
but I built it in the sand
I steadfastly tried
to constrain the tide
but the bastions didn't stand

I planned for you, an Eden
with needs to see us through
but the ripened fruits
had corrupted roots
and I fed them all to you

     tell the night to hold me
     I no longer have your arms
     I'll brood and swoon
     cradled by the moon
     still pining for your charms

     tell the night to hold me
     June no longer follows May
     'til the moonbeams, blue
     drift me back to you
     I'll forget about you ... every day.

I dreamed for you, a family
with two parts that acted one
yet my truth's demise
only bred goodbyes
lucid of the tales I'd spun

I wished for you a future
ripe with jubilance and mirth
still left recanted
and took for granted
the measure of its worth

     tell the night to hold me
     I no longer swim your eyes
     instead I stare
     into vacant air
     and count the countless why's

     tell the night to hold me
     'til Apollo's old and gray
     for until the stars
     are not mine, but OURS
     I'll forget about you ... every day.

I desired for you a partner
who would stand beside you, true
though that came to be
that man wasn't ME
and it broke my heart in two

I promised you'd be happy
and in ways, that's come to be
wed a man who's good -
loves you as he should
I just wish it had been me

     tell the night to hold me
     it no longer heeds my will
     as I feared the most
     I've become a ghost
     and I haven't tears to spill

     tell the night to hold me
     for I've no more left to say
     please remand what's just
     as I turn to dust
     and forget about you ...

every day ...

     'til I'm swept with wind, away

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Your Best Poem Ever" Premiere Poetry Contest, John Hamilton, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "N/A The Day Away" Poetry Contest, Lu Loo, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Your Choice (2), Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Poem of the Day" Poetry Contest, Richard Lamoureux, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Last Letter To My Beloved" Poetry Contest, Silent One, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Piece De Resistance" Poetry Contest, The Name Forsakes Me, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Lost Love 2017 Poetry Contest", John Hamilton, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Screwed XX" Poetry Contest, Rob Carmack, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Your Best Poem" Poetry Contest, Chantelle Anne Cooke, Judge & Sponsor.

~ Poem Of The Day ~  on Poetry Soup, featured and awarded on July 7, 2017 - thank you kindly, Admins!

~ Number 15 Top Poem ~  on Poetry Soup's Top 100 All-Time Best Poems List

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2017

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

listen to life -

have you not heard me?

borne upon the air at dusk, dancing ... I have whispered you in a million voices
    still, you descry not my utterance? Listen, yet, for all is precious ...
        in the tremble of the plum blossoms - is the tender truth not there?
            in the aching sigh of spring-tide, longing for the touch of LIFE

does my intent not appear ... clearly?
    in the hollow goodbye of the passing, placed into cold soil
        or scattered, spinning, on the breeze ... in the belly laugh of a child,
            finding untarnished joy for the first time ... in the bloom of creation

come to realization on the tip of a slender branch .. hearken yet, close! There!
    feel it ... HEAR it! Within the keen and cold desperation of winter wind ...
        inside the scratchings of fear, black as coal ...
            deep, deep within the horror of oblivion, and the knowledge

that the ONLY thing that endears life to itself, is the LOSS of it ...
    here - here in the breath of silence ... brushed aside, oh so gently,
        like the strands of hair from a baby's forehead in the midst of fever ...
            like a lover painted in moonbeams - lost in moments,

drowning in the hope that intimacy means something more ...
    like the glint in the eye of a pet, whose owner's caress is everything ...
        like the rusty tears of a madman, doomed,
            shed for the sake of life sacrificed in reclamation ...

like the warm pulse of lifeblood, coursing ...
    like the wash of phosphorescence on a beach,
        where countless souls were given - sacrificed needlessly
            for the aims of self-important fools, half a world away ...

like the frost on a window, left by the breath of a dying promise ...
    like the shudder of skin, touched by attentive fingertips in passion ...
        like the cold kiss of a friend, lost, set free by the failing of a respirator
            a final farewell to an existence of pain ...

like the face of a dear one, cradled in your palms in the wish for forgiveness ...
    I have spoken to you in earnest - across the addled ages,
        you have felt my breath warm on your cheek, yet you walk on, careless
            you buzz about your life in apathy and indifference,

searching for integral meaning, when that meaning was yours all the time ...
    the preciousness of this existence, is ONLY of such value for two reasons:
        it is BRIEF ... and you are mortal ...
            life is the only true gift you are EVER given

and death the unshakable assumption of its worth
    death is ultimate, inescapable ...
        but in all its dark disguises, it is the one TRUE element that we require
            the one true measure of importance,

and the salvation of all that is good and estimable,
    for LIFE is worthless without it ...
        its precious spark, doused with but a breath of limitless value.
            I have whispered that to you in a million voices ...

have you not heard me?

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Your Choice (3), Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the the "Favorite Free Verse" Poetry Contest, Chantelle Anne Cooke, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "How Precious Life Is" Poetry Contest, Line Gauthier, Judge & Sponsor.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2017

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

no poet am I -

a poet, you say? pardon no, not am I
there's only ONE poet - He writes on the
of sunsets and stars, of space without end
with a dazzling bright ink and ethereal pen

of rainbows and sun dogs, anvils and rains
mists from the moors, breeze-tickled plains
of haze-shrouded hills and cloud-crusted
of sunrise horizons with blush on their

of green flash, auroras, of comets and
the fair constellations that rollick and swoon
of bright, stabbing bolts that pierce the
       dark skies
and spiraling storms with the sun in their

   you see …

all that He authors is authentic and true
light years beyond what MY words can
but every-so-often, He blesses this fool
and imparts me the mercy to make me His

yes, I'd love to take credit, but I must keep
       in sight
I’m a pen out of many, with which He may
so I may seem a bard with these verses I've
but regarding TRUE poets, there's really …
       just ...


~ 8th Place ~  in the "Poetry Marathon Mile 21" Poetry Contest, Mark Toney, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Your Best Poem In The Last Year" Poetry Contest, Silent One, Sponsor.

~ 3rd Place ~  in the "What Inspires You To Write Poetry" Poetry Contest, Julie Rodeheaver, Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Any Poem That Got NA'd June - July 2017 Poetry Contest", Janice Canerdy, Sponsor.

~ 4th Place ~  in the "Creative Collective Anthology Series" Poetry Contest, Geraldine Taylor, Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Best Rhyming Poem 3 Poetry Contest", John Hamilton, Sponsor.

* Recently featured in "The Creative Collective Anthology Series 2", published by Geraldine Taylor, available for purchase. *

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2017

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

Life, To Me

Colors daubed for seasons' scenes
          I sift through life for what it means
               In spite of chaos, shades and flings
     It comes down to the simple things

The mountain tops, the dark abyss'
          Have ground my egos down to this
               Of all the chance and spheres I'm of
     Life's worth and essence is ... but LOVE

Indeed, I've lived big moments, too
          The raptures and sweet rendezvous
               Moving mountains - burning skies
     Bright lilting lashes, soft lullabies

Shedding poisons like second skin
          Too few dreams to wear them in
               I dared the devil, danced with death
     Swore for mercy's whisp'ring breath

So just when ends seemed all to be
          This extra chance was proffered me
               Don't take for granted or yet waste
     That vigor gained from rigors faced

Don't tend concerns to end or start
          It's what's between that fills a heart
               True meaning - love's enduring kiss
     A life's no less or more ... than THIS.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Strand Select, Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 7th Place ~  in the "Favourite Poem From May, 2019" Poetry Contest, Julia Ward, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "The Meaning of Life" Poetry Contest, Chantelle Anne Cooke, Judge & Sponsor.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2019

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

Joined By Words

~ for my fellow poets ~

as slaves to the pen
or our keyboard, more apt
this molding of words
in a word, holds us rapt

fine fancies or fears
take us places unknown
our muse and our craft
better focused alone

the voice of our id -
the bounce of our rhyme
thus, charming or edgy
depending the time

midst romantic puddles
and whimsical trees
we splash our ideas
casting love to the breeze

a danger or hope or
a scorched trist-or-two
occur mind-to-matter
with the lines we imbue

the light AND the dark,
they both hold allure
our child's heart within -
just a tad bit impure

for tho we adore all the
things blithe and bright
we also know beauty
blooms deep in the night

if somber or joyous
thru passage or pain
it’s creatively ordered
thru rhyme and refrain

it's not that we're allied
- that we always agree
it's how we can sculpt
all the wonders we see

so although we may be
as different as spices
we’re thrall to our verses
whatever that price is

for it's a rare language
that few can command
but we speak it together
with a pen in our hand

so you may be a person
whom I've never met
but the gift of your writing
I'll never ...


~ 1st Place ~  in the "What Do We Have In Common" Poetry Contest, Kim Rodrigues, Sponsor.

~ Poem of the Day ~  featured on Poetry on May 11, 2018 - many thanks to those in charge for the honor.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2018

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

dancing with mom -

when I was just a wee one
        my mom taught me to dance
            to start, I balanced on her toes
    but then steps more advanced

she showed me how to Fox Trot
        (I could cut a decent rug)
            also, waltzing and the Samba
    but we'd mostly ... jitterbug

oh, that was my mom's favorite
        that she always danced with Dad
            I'd seen them do it here-or-there
    (to perfection, I might add)

they had some mesmerizing moves
        and a chemistry quite rare
            a flow and rhythm, wondrous -
    like they truly danced on air!

my dad worked many hours then
        so to catch them was a treat
            swinging tight to big band Jazz
    with their twirling arms and feet

to watch them, smooth as butter
        made my efforts seem quite weak                       
            so when I could, I'd bother mom
    for some shine to my technique

I wasn't half as good as Dad
        still, 'twas special for us both
            so every chance, we'd jitterbug
    throughout my years of growth

when on my own, I'd often go
        and stay with them a while
            making time to dance with Mom
    cuz it always made her smile

oh, some might find it trivial
        but it bloomed in her with joy
            as it danced us back to mem'ries
    when she'd taught me as a boy

when MY wee ones came along
        I taught THEM how to dance
            so they can jitterbug now, too
    and shake and twirl and prance!

well, Mom's now in her nineties
        and her bones aren't very strong
            but the other night we danced again
    (tho' she didn't last for long)

we gently placed the self-same steps
        even turned a couple spins
            but it wasn't long before we quit
    for the strength had left her limbs

some teary sparkles lit her eyes
        and a smile adorned her face
            for tho' a bounce had left her step
    she'd danced her best with grace

we mightn't get the chance again
        world spinning fast, it is
            and Dad awaits hereafter, now
    that last sweet dance is his

but someday when I'm slowing
        and my seas of life grow calm
            I'll look ahead with joy, once more ...
    for the chance ... to dance ...

with Mom.   <3

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Mother" Poetry Contest, Constance La France, Judge & Sponsor.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2019

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

a crow command -

I be a common salty once
          no captain's bars, did bear
               yet blessed was I to venture
     where few a skipper dared

from crow's nest high aloft I saw
          those bright coast beacons wink
               thru biting spray's December gale
     what shoals and reefs would sink

for countless days I rocked atop
          that oaken spar’s good length
               as wake and skies conveyed my eyes
     Lord Neptune's sullen strength

busy dogs, the mates and jacks
          bent hard while tasked below
               as toward the sky, a glass to eye
     my post waved to-and-fro

first was I to e'er spot land
          my voice, the first to yell
               first to sight the skull and bone
     and raise loud warning bell

"Thar she blows!" was oft' my cry
          if spied foamed breach, had I
               and "Friend or foe?!?" the question barked
     when strange sails split the sky

but moments to becalm my soul
          as swells tick-tocked the time
               were star-filled nights, a bullion moon
     and the phosphorescent brine

the darkest times were battlements
          when the ship groaned in its might
               but never dark, those eventides -
     sea and vault - awash with light!

quite rare it was to find this tar
          midst the deck or down below
               and rarer still would I abdicate
     my realm there, high the crow

well, I'm adrift on shore now
          with old brittle bones and gray
               yet in my lubber's mind I still
     climb masts to watch and sway

I bounce wee kin on knobby knees
          and spin those swabbie tales -
               of Elmo's Fire and scorching skies
     wild battles, storms, and whales

and when the angels task me
          to one new and heav'nly crow
               I'll bend gaze to a looking glass
     and give a hearty "Tally-ho!"

~ 3rd Place ~ in the "Verse A Favoured Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 5th Place ~ in the "2019 Poetry Marathon Mile 5" Poetry Contest, Mark Toney, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~ in the "Favorite Rhyming Poem Ever" Poetry Contest, Laura Loo, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 8th Place ~ in the "Create A Character" Poetry Contest, Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~ in the "Best Rhyming Poem This Year" Poetry Contest, John Hamilton, Judge & Sponsor.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2017

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

Nana's Hands

Through the years they worked their spells
     From drawers and cupboards, taking things
       That through them, thus, were given wings
        And changed to sweetness meant for kings
       With warm and wafting scrumptious smells
    My Nana's hands ...

       Countless times we'd strolled to town
   To shop for what she'd need that eve
 (First taking stock before we'd leave)
A shopping list tucked up her sleeve
 My wee lad's fingers, safe and sound
    In Nana's hands ...

The way back home was twice as long
     Our arms filled plump with paper sacks
       The makings and some special snacks
        Oh, how the groceries bent our backs
       Yet even then, I held on tight ...
    To Nana's hands ...

       Still it was always worth the chores
   To watch her mix and bake and cook
 While dancing to-and-from her nook
And glancing, sometimes, in a book
 Oh, how I marveled and adored ...
    My Nana's hands ...

But sometimes they were hard to hold
     Curled with arthritis, wracked with pain
       She oft' times had to stretch and strain
        Though NEVER did she ONCE complain
       Through rheumatism's stranglehold ...
    On Nana's hands ...

See ...

       Those bent old hands in disrepair
   Worked twice as hard so we could eat
 Thus each night's meal and every treat
Was that much more divine and sweet
 All from the love and tender care ...
    Of Nana's hands ...

And still, my fingers long to share ...
     My Nana's
       Gentle ...

                - by Gregory R Barden

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Cornucopia Cooking" Poetry Contest, Chantelle Anne Cooke, Judge & Sponsor.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2019

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

sea song -

oh precious, dulcet diva, ocean-tide
you, of sand and foam and spindrift -
all your moods and meanderings
speak deep my spirit, wistful and wan
musings captured, gist enraptured …

       I listen, close ...

on those warm and windy days, your
voice cuts clear, carries with it the joy
of sun sprites alighting on wave tops
hopping crest-to-crest like so many
gold pieces tumbling from pockets, laden …

       I listen, rapt ...

becalmed days, the lull of low tide ...
gentle swells reach their arms ashore -
the cold brine washing sand and shell
like breezes sweeping the grasslands
rolling, as imagination rolls in the mind …

       I listen, soft ...

whispering in my ear of the secret
dark places in my heart, exquisite
shadowy realms where passion and
reverie hide, pulsing with urge, aphotic
warm, enigmatic feelings flow and ebb …

       I listen, true ...

an ocean storm's raging beauty, thus -
somber clouds, splashed Payne's Gray
swirl cruelly as Neptune flits his tresses
sea sirens lament with angry screams as
their backs are broken on reef and rock …

       I listen, soft ...

gentle swells lapping brief, the sand
moon rising to the lullaby of a bell buoy
its tender peals coaxing the moonlight to
shore, Luna's beams tiptoeing gently atop
to join the phosphorescent waterline
(not to wake the slumbering breezes) …

       I listen, sad ...

the gulls and terns laugh at the folly -
a man strains his ageing ears to the song
of the tides that he loves so completely -
the most divine and elegant aria known
and a voice so immortal and pure, that
it will croon on, long after there is naught ...

       left to listen.

~ 1st Place ~  in the "Your Choice (9), Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 3rd Place ~  in the "2019 Poetry Marathon Mile 7" Poetry Contest, Mark Toney, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 1st Place ~ in the "New Poems Only" Poetry Contest, Emile Pinet, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Voices" Poetry Contest, Silent One, Judge & Sponsor.

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2018

Details | Gregory Richard Barden Poem

My Melodious Muse

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                                       I hold YOU
                               [ in my arms so very ]
                                       tenderly, as
                               [ if an extension from ]
                                       my very own
                               [ being the supple and ]
                                       lithe  form of
                                         your body,
                                          my muse.
                                          I am as a
                                          kid again-
                                          alive  with 
                                          the glows
                                          of being in
                                          the  midst
                                          of your so
                                          sweet and
                                          m elodious
                                          c om pa ny
                                          as free and
                                          com pletely
                                          joyous as I
                                          h a ve  ever
                                          been  in my
                                          whole entire
                                          existence 'til
                                          now - totally
                                          drenched  in
                                          plenitude. So
                                          whenever I'm
                                          joined in your
                                          aspect, all the
                                          soft  curves of
                                          your fine torso
                                          r e sonate with
                                          m y thoughtful
                                          intents and wild
                                          imaginings. You
                                          are naught with
                                       -out my deft caress,
                           and I, empty and incomplete without
                   you, yet together we create a harmony, pure, the
             articulation of sublime revelation ... an utterance of divine,
       inspired creativity, a dance                     of improvisation and revel
    -ry, melodic wonderment,                               unified and concise. We
   endeavor to find  our em                                -pyreal song, to  thus be-
  come one, stealing silence,                                 lulls. I  gently  caress your
  neck  with resolve, manipu-                               late you with my dutiful and
  competent hands,  each  fin-                           ger with its own very resolute
  course, attending your whispers                 with appreciation, and longing to
   hear the moans and sighs of your sweet voice and affect... the coy result of
      our purposeful, energetic joinings, are your soulful, rare and resonating
         arias - the final and fitting example of all we realize in each other.. all
             we create in our requisite energies. I remember back to the very
                first time that we met, you with your brightly colored trap-
                  pings and shiny baubles, the strength of your supple
                  shape rippling with lines of poetic perfection, you took
                 my very breath away! Oh, I had seen others of your ilk
              been with others who spoke with  similar lilt, but none that
         pulled the breath instantly from my lungs, none who made me qui
    -ver with anticipation, to touch you, run my hands over your ample con
  -tours, to hear you whisper a sultry voice to the tympans of my ears - such
 ecstasy I imagined ... and ecstasy it WAS! I had watched you from afar for so
long ... dreaming, never really expecting you'd ever be mine, but that day I fin-
ally knew - knew I'd hold you, touch you, love you, make YOU tremble, the way
you had me! I would finally get to inhale the sweet, earthy fragrance of your so-
smooth, unblemished flesh, finally know the completeness and exquisite joys of
cradling you in my arms! And oh the beautiful things we have realized and done
 together ...  what incredible music we have made! Our spirits always united as
  one, moving, sighing, creating every sublimated harmonic expression that we
   can imagine, and always together, always joined by a magic thus unequaled,
     always bound by the song of life, and the voice of the heavens! You shall
       be mine forever, my Sweet Lady, and I mean to hold you and love you
         until both of us can sing no more! Until the very skies no longer can
            vibrate with the musings of nature - until the weep of the even's
                clouds dries up and turns to dust ... until the roaring beat
                     of thunder no longer shakes the ground ... until the
                         gods themselves wipe the constellations from
                               the sky - this I pledge to you, my love
                                        and my agency of art, my

August 24, 2018

Copyright © Gregory Richard Barden | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things