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Best Poems Written by Akkina Downing

Below are the all-time best Akkina Downing poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Am the Dancing Butterfly

Sometimes when I find myself adrift 
I transform into a dancing butterfly 
Escaping with imaginations and wanders off into Wonderland  
It's a world only I can glimpse and explore the hidden emotions of my being 

I am the dancing Butterfly

I don't need the world's recognition 
I just wanna be me... the dancing Butterfly 
Light on my wings I fly
Soaring free
Fragile to the strong wind 
Yet fluttering high
Gliding with ease of my own time

When I'm ready
With passion and gladness my ink will flow rhythmically onto this page 
Unveiling the closed curtain so I may fly
freely in the real world 
Rather than displaying a dramatic show 

I am the dancing Butterfly 

I don't need the world's recognition 
I just wanna be me... the dancing Butterfly 
Light on my wings I fly
Soaring free
Fragile to the strong wind 
Yet fluttering high
Gliding with ease of my own time

I am the dancing Butterfly

Akkina Rosario Downing

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017

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Together We Are Strong

Yes, life is tough! 

I know there are struggles in life that we all go through. 
Sometimes we secretly hide them away, 
some for fear and others just because 
they have no one who cares for them. 

But you my dear, 
I know you do not ask for much,
but I see sadness in your beautiful eyes. 
I can feel your heartache 
and those tears leaving trails down your cheeks. 
You may not realise it, 
but your pain becomes mine... 
I ache for you too! 

I'm here for you always. 
Let me hold you awhile! 
I want to wipe your tears away,
place the brightest star in your heart. 

If pain can be transferred, 
I would gladly take them from you, 
carry the burden for you. 

You are so dear to me, 
I love you with all my heart. 
You know I'll do anything for you, 
I'll drive many miles to get you -
~ anytime ~ anywhere. 

So head up baby! 
Quit sitting still and letting sadness seep 
its way deep into your heart and soul. 

Come rest your head on my shoulder, 
I will hold you close, 
promise to never let go. 
Dry those tears and let's start a new day. 

Together we are strong

For contest: Togetger we are strong 
Sponsor: Silent One


Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2018

Details | Akkina Downing Poem


Love is a thing

You can't see it nor can you touch it
But you sure can see and feel its effect

A deep affection that fills you joyfully 
You are drunk on happiness

It's always understanding 
To accept the good, the bad, and the weak

It has no cultural condition 
It sees no boundary nor race

It's fearless and flawless 
It just flows limitlessly 

It's God's love
Nailed to the cross for you and me

It's in you and me 
It's I love you and you and you and God

I am drunk on happiness 
Because HE loves me unconditionally 


  Akkina R Downing

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017

Details | Akkina Downing Poem

Home Collaberation With Silent One

Standing in the heart of this city
in awe of spectacular lights illuminating tall buildings.
Millions of strangers rush to and fro.
Who would've thought I would be here of all places.

But here I am feeling misplaced
in a place where no one knows your name. 

I fasten the winter coat tight 
to keep my heart wrapped warm,
because this city of strangers is so cold.
People wandering like bad actors struggling 
to play their part with faces lacking expression.

Concrete towers seem to imprison me
in a place my soul does not belong.
I walk the same path monotonously,
wondering where it all went wrong.

But here I am feeling lost and alone .
I'm smiling but only to keep the dancing tears at bay.

I can't be someone who I'm not,
nobody seems to appreciate that I'm misunderstood. 

And the dream that brought me here today,
now wants me to return home.

As my naked breath freezes in the air,
for a moment tired eyes close.
A smile sneaks through reminiscing Chamorro dreams.
Bathing under a blazing sun whose rays 
glow through clear azure skies.
Crystal sapphire seas invite my soul
to immerse in tranquil waves,
peacefully admiring pestrel and
shearwater birds soaring high above.

I can almost hear warblers chirping melodic songs 
of home, perched on a parade of paipai and coconut trees.
Scents of colourful plumeria and hibiscus petals 
draw my senses closer to my heart's province.

Old foot prints have now washed away.
How I long to walk on sands of my forefathers,
where loved ones await with open arms.

A major honor to collaborate with Silent One 

             12 January 2018

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2018

Details | Akkina Downing Poem

Unless My Heart Is Happy

Because I needed to find out
 ~ not just feel it.
So I took a dive into the depth of my being,
  there I found her ~ my soul.
Alone, floating in a dim bottomless space 
with her head bends down low, 
but upon sensing my approach,
 she lifted her head to face me.

The instant our eyes met
my heart stopped... frozen in space. 
Tears oozing down hastily.

She's alone, cold and sadness was masking
 her frail face.
Visible streaks of tears gleam.
What have I done to her ~ my soul?

This profound moment has my heart weeping silently 
At a lost of words, soundless scream echoing in my head.
My heart slowly melting into a pot of pain 
I wanted to reach for her and hug her 
to my heart forever.
Her ~ my vulnerable soul

Oh, but baby this is utterly heart shattering,
because I can't! 
I can't help her ~ my soul, 
unless my heart is happy...


Akkina R Downing

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2018

Details | Akkina Downing Poem


they met, once upon a time-
her silky hand melds with his
for but a moment 
an exchanged glance, fleeting
chocolate brown orbs
swimming in pools of milk
ebony hair dancing across her 
backless gown as she walks away
walked away…

swirling visions fill his head
dreams of her upon his bed
spinning, thrashing to and fro
stars put on an astral show
future bride on horse so white
sparkling jewels illume the night
speaks his name so sweet and low
eyes that cast a hopeful glow
calling, begging for his love
angels dance a waltz above
off they ride into the sun
forevermore they’ll live as one

‘twas the night they met
her heart stolen-
tapered black tie suit, cufflinks of gold
matching his golden locks
momentarily awestruck, diving into
piercing deep blue eyes
was all it took to set her blood afire
his seductive smile teasing
it’s way into her heart…

late at night when the world is asleep
she’s up thinking about him,
secretly hoping he’s dreaming of her too
when she finally closes her eyes
she drifts off, and in a moment of time
she’s with him, ready to love him
bands of gold glimmer like starlight
her silky gown drops gently to the floor
Andromeda turns her gaze
lost in love’s embrace
they burn like the midnight sun-
forevermore to live as one

she glances his way
her heart smiling, believing-
meeting him was destiny
she walks past his desk
drinking in another fill of him

if only she could tell him…

if only he could tell her...

he catches a glimpse 
from his lonely cubicle
the nape of her neck beckons 
a tender kiss, well-placed-
before long he's lost in a daydream

An honor to collaborate with July Morning

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017

Details | Akkina Downing Poem

A Night of Passion

It wasn't love they needed
It was a night of passion they yearned for
       One feverish touch 
       One delicious kiss
and it was a blaze of flame 
they could not resist 

She was in a high fever to touch and feel all of him 
He was on fire ready to explode needing her ever most

They need not the light on 
They just need each other 
         In the dark
         In the bed
There they explore undisturbed
There they found pure satisfactions
     She lay shamelessly smiling 
     He, holding on to her happily
Akkina R Downing 

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017

Details | Akkina Downing Poem

I But Have Today To Know I Exist

Because I do not know of my tomorrow 
Yesterday is gone I've forgotten it 
I but have today to know I exist
I resist letting my today be wasted on drama
I am out sipping on sunshine 
Gliding on life
Dancing in the rain while drinking rain drops
Have my fill on ice cream till I'm well content 
Smile because I just love life 
Love every unloved one
Give and share 
because it makes me feel absolutely wonderful 

And when night comes I'm up eating chocolates
while writing poems of my life's adventure 


Akkina R Downing 

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2017

Details | Akkina Downing Poem

Sacred Beloved In Collaboration With Silent One

Every night I close my eyes, 
loneliness suffocates my soul. 
I rapidly escape through a portal of dreams,
where we once met with a passionate embrace. 

In your arms I felt alive, 
but dreams fade away like stars afraid of dawn.
Loneliness returns with its gloomy silence,
yet again, I am absorbed in cloudy days.
I remain alone, intoxicated in your thoughts, 
But I yearn to be found, like an undiscovered treasure.

I want to be touched, to be adored.
My heart yearns to smile once more, 
laugh from my soul,  feel alive, 
dancing on clouds, our stepping stones to heaven.

I want just you.

I recall, how the mysteries of the universe,
bonded our souls to ignite lost flames.
Vibrant embers floating from star to star,
how stardust glittered in your hair.
Naked moon shone through your eyes -
as the galaxy admired us drifting nonchalantly. 

In horizon's black shroud,
you were a masterpiece of magnification.
Subtle artistry of your touch,
seduced silent stars to sigh.
But as each star faded away,
Jealous sun stole you from me.

In my breathless ambiguity, 
I ponder if you were a hallucination or fantasy -
only my lover in distant dreams.

Now the beat of my heart is out of tune,
in the absence of my sacred beloved.
Yet, I still feel you inside me.

I curse the necessities of reality,
searching for my spiritual lover.
Close my eyes, to sleep for eternity -
seeking that alternative phenomenon.

Where romance and love reside in a never ending story.

An amazing collaboration with my dear friend Silent One
3 November 2020

I was bullied two years ago here and was too scared and hurt so I left. But today I am back to stay. Thanks to our great friend Silent One for his most encouragement and belief in me. 

Thank you

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2020

Details | Akkina Downing Poem

I Owe You a Million of Thanks

You found me a broken soul
You didn’t need to know my past 
You just lifted me and carried me away
Your gentle touch assured me I was safe
Your soothing voice was most comforting 
Your tenderness was the validation of the     
    possibility I have a chance to make it

I couldn’t bring myself to look into your eyes
I was too afraid to open my eyes
In my confusion thoughts you were an Angel 
Perhaps you’re here to take me up to Heaven
Away from the pain and ugliness that’s breaking me down to pieces
And in my broken heart I felt your spark of hope 

You didn’t need to ask me for anything
Seeing and understanding who I was 
You went about your way and cared for me
You healed me 
You filled me with hope
You gave me a validation there’s much to live for

Now I can look into your eyes
My heart embraces you 
I’m smiling for you 
I suppose I owe you a million of thanks 


POTD 8/10/23

Hello poets, been a bit.

Copyright © Akkina Downing | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things