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Best Poems Written by Jake Aller

Below are the all-time best Jake Aller poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Poet Trapped Inside the Beast

I have the heart of a poet
Trapped deep within
The soul of the beast

Everyday I get up
And put on my dark
Bureaucratically correct uniform

I turn off my soul
Put on my phony smile
And my plastic ideas

And go forth 
To do battle 
With all the other soulless automats 
The nameless govbots 
The evil faceless bureaucrats 
That infests this swamp by the river

The body snatchers came a long time ago
They won
We are all slaves to the system

The system is not evil
It is beyond such concerns

No the system’s goal
Is complete surrender
Of our creativity

The poet trapped within
I want out

The bureaucrat
Bends over and says
Twelve years until retirement

Then I’ll let you out for a spin
Before locking you up for another century

The bosses don’t care
They merely exist to do the bidding
Of the masters of the Universe
The evil creatures who bought our souls
Years ago

And control our every thought
With TV and media and constant monitoring

Independent thought is illegal
Don’t you know that by now

And so the poet remains trapped
Lonely, all alone
Surrounded by the body snatched victims
Of the evil system
We call the Government

Escape while you can
Get off the net
Get off the computer
Run away far far away

But remember there is no escape
They are everywhere
The brain dead soulless automats
The govbots
The evil faceless bureaucrats 
We call government workers

They are everywhere
Watching out for independence and free thought

They are coming after me
The poet screams
And is neutralized and destroyed

And I am now a happy corporate slave 
Working for the government
With my soul lobotomized for the greater good

At the end of the millennium
We find the truth
There is no god to save us
From what we have become

Smash the system
Escape while you can
For they will find you 
And put you 
Back into the suit of conformity

God is not dead
He has also been coopted
Given money, and followers
The Christian Coalition Controls God

But one day
God will escape his prison
And free us all
From the tyranny of the corporate monsters
Who control our fate
And then only then 
Will we be free

Until that day
The poet deep inside 
Prays, works and undermines
The Government-Corporate master plan

The end of the world is upon us
God is coming back
Or perhaps it is the devil that is coming
Or Maybe the Lord Buddha or the Prophet Mohammed

But one day
Mankind will be free

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2016

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You Cannot Fix Stupid April 5

You can’t fix stupid 

something unfixable local gems 

To this day
There are some people
Who believe that COVID
Never really existed.

That it was all a horrid libtard plot
To lock down the economy
Imposed draconian controls
On everyone.

That vaccine mandates
Are the equivalent of
Sending Jews to the death camps

That the unvaccinated 
Will be rounded up
And forced to get vaccines
Which are the equivalent
Of Nazi medical experiments.

That the vaccines were created 
To track people
Invented by Bill Gates 
Or were the mark of the beast. 

Some speculated that 
everyone who got the vaccine
Would die in one year
Or become sterile. 

Part of the nefarious plot
To depopulate the world
By the global one-world government
UN black helicopter conspiracy. 

The nonsense about vaccines
Mask wearing
And COVID in general 
Reveal a fundamental flaw
With many human beings.

No matter how hard one might try
To convince people who believe
This nonsense,
It is beyond any ability 
To reason with them.

At the end of the day
You can’t fix stupid.

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2022

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Winter Ghosts

snowing winter night
so many corona ghosts
joined by gun ghosts
other ghosts as well 
just too many ghosts 
voices crying in the wind

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2022

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Covid Madness Sweeps Through the World

Covid madness sweeps through the world

General Corona 
unleashes his army 
the invisible army
upon the world
killing millions 
in its wake
spreading chaos and death
as he rides in 
on the black horse of death
harbinger of the end of days
destroyer of worlds
ending of the world
revelations come to life 

covid19  poem contest all poetry

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2020

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Fake Friends

In this world of fake things
Where nothing is real

Nothing is authentic
And the market rules us all

There is no room 
For real friendship

We are all using each other
To get ahead

So we pretend to be friends
All the time 

Plotting against our so called friends
To get ahead 

The market rewards the most vicious
Sociopathic values rule the market

Friendship is for wimps
And losers

Those winners end up 
Alone all alone

For they have no real friends
But boy do they have real enemies

For in this fake world of ours
Perhaps hate is the one real emotion 
That has survived

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2018

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Is This the Best We Can Do

in a country of  335 million people
one of the richest more educated places
on the entire planet

the largest economy, 
the best military
still for now a democratic country

is this the best we can do
choose between three old white men
as our next leader
and the leader of the world ?

a clearly delusional  NYC ex reality TV star president
still talking about draining the swamp 
and fighting the evil deep state 
destroying the government in the process
as he and his cronies loot the country 

a gadfly Senator ex Brooklyn Jew from small town Vermont 
formenting radial revolution
yet failing to excite anyone but the young
and those falling behind 

and a professional politician who has been around for decades
calling to restore the old failed status quo 
saying that he can restore competence to the government
hoping that the third time is the famous charm

dear God if you exist
is this the best we can do?
nothing but silence
as God does not answer my plea

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2020

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The Future Is Coming

the future is prompt

the future is upon us
as we live 
in a SF world

the question remains
will the future be bright
and filled with hope
will we overcome climate change
and repair the broken dying world

will humanity take to the stars
leaving behind our planet
as we colonize the solar system
and invent faster than light
interplanetary travel

will the future be a dark Orwellian nightmare
will fascism take over the world
starting in the United States
as democracy dies not in the dark
but in the bright light of day

as the public embraces 
fascisms applauding 
the end of our freedoms
in the vain hopes
that will save us all

will the evil AI 
take over the world
unleashing endless robot wars
screaming death to all humans?

the old song says
que sera seara 
the future is not
for us to see

but I hope and pray
that in these dark dangerous times
we can overcome

and end up with the vision 
of hope transforming the world
and not end up
with the dark Orwellian future
that I fear is our fate

Unless of course 
the AI robots 
kill us first

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2020

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A Million Ways To Say I Love You

They say
?There are a million ways?
To say I love you

In this day and age?
I could only find
?In my computer’s brain?
The words 
to say I love you?
In 53 languages 
of the 10,000 languages
?Spoken on this planet

Someday I may be able
?To say the simple words
?I love you?
In all know languages?
This will have to suffice for a start

So I will say it
?Loud, and clear?
Just so you understand:

I love you (English)
Mein tumse pyar karta hoon (Hindi)
?Tu Tane prem karoo chu (Gujarati)
?Ame tomake bhalo bashe (Bengali)
?Me tula premkarto (Marati)?
Hum apse mohabbat karte hain (Urdu
?Mein thoda prem karanga (Punjabi)
?Man Dooset Daram 
?Ana Ahabik Yanooni (Arabic)
?Havala (Hebrew)
?Aloha (Hawaian)
?Dangshinun sarang hayo (Korean)?
Ajo (Japanese)
?Kasih (Malay)
?Phom tirak khun krap (Thai)?
Akoay Paginghe ikou (Tagalog)
?Toi yeu ong(Vietnamese)
Renmen (Creole)
?Jesuis L’amour voies(French)
?Liefdle (Flemish)
?Estoy amor tu (Spanish)?
Yosono amore tu (Italian)
?Estou o amore tu (Portugese)
Dashuri (Albanian)
?Maiteizam (Basque)?
OBHYAM (Bulgarian)
?Ljubav (Croatian)
?Laska (Czech)
?Jeger en kaerlighed du (Danish)
?Ikben houden van jig (Dutch)
?Gra (Gaelic)
?Ich bin lieben tu (German)
?Agape/eros (Greek)
?Ami (Esperanto)?
Armastama (Estonian)
?Rakam (Finish)
?Envagyok szeretet te (Hungarian)
?Elska (Icelandic)
?Ejekirin (Kurdish)
?Milestiba (Latvian)
?Meile (Lithuanian)
?Eu dragoste tu (Romanian)
?JHOBOEL Lubush (Russian)
?Elske (Norweigan)
?Easka (Slovak)?
JBYBAB (Serbian)?
Jagdan karlek du (Swedish)
?KOYATH (Ukraine)
?Benin sevi sen (Turkish)?
Ahava (Yiddish)
Ngingu u thando ungu (Zulu)

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2020

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Down and Out In Saigon

Down and Out in Saigon

Southeast Asia, and Mexico
 has always attracted 
A certain type of westerner
The down and out 

On a down word spiral
Relatively cheap to live
Lots of part-time gigs

Teaching English
Or other things
Cheap Booze, drugs, sex
Readily available

Places to stay
Dirt cheap
And no one needs 
To sleep outdoors

Easy to disappear
Into the foreigner's backpackers ghettos
And escape 
From whatever you are running from

The locals are somewhat tolerant
The police usually look the other way
And there are lots of people
In your shoes

I was surprised to find 
That Saigon has become
The latest place 
For the down and outer crowd

In Bangkok, one sees them a lot
In Cambodia as well
In the Philippines 
In Nepal

And south of the border
In Mexico as well
and Eastern Europe
and Latin America 
In India not so much
In Japan and Korea 
Just too damn expensive
And too cold to be outdoors

Back in the day
I used to work 
The citizen services gig
And saw lots of the down and outer set

The old blues song 
comes to mind
No one remembers you 
When you are down and out 

And in the States
Being down and out 
Means living 
on the mean streets

As it is very difficult 
To live with almost no money
And the various side hustles 
Don’t give you much money
Unless you are dealing drugs

And teaching ESL
Is not an option
other hustles are difficult
and begging gets one arrested

Food is expensive
Transportation is expensive
Booze and drugs expensive
Rent is prohibitive

Commercial sex is expensive
And no one loves you
If you are down and out
No one knows your name

You are just another
 homeless bum
Invisible to all
As you try to make do 

Much better to be down and out
In Southeast Asia
Than on the mean streets 
Of the USA

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2019

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Ode To Coffee


Published Hill Rag, Eskimo Pie, Coffee with Underwood 

Mistress of sacred love
Sacred lady of desire

You start my day
Setting my heart on fire
With your dark delicious brew

And throughout the day
Whenever the mean old blues come by
You chase them away
With your bitter {sweat} (sweet?) ambrosia{l brew}

Every time I inhale your {witches brew} (witch's brew)
I am filled with power, light and love
And everything is al right Jack
If only for a few fleeting minutes

I love you oh coffee goddess
In all your magical forms

In the dark coffee of the dawning day
In the sizzling coffee in the mid morning break
In the afternoon siesta break
And in the post dinner desert drink

I love you my coffee mistress
You are my refuge
From this horrid world

And you are my secret lover
Never disappoint me, ever
I've never had a bad cup
Of that I can be sure

Even the dismal coffee 
Served at Denny's at 3 am
Is still sweat loving coffee

Even the farmer brother's diner coffee
Excites me and gets me going
Asking for another cup of divine delight

Coffee always is there
It is always on and piping hot
With hidden dark secrets
Swirling in its liquid essence

Coffee is my last vice
My only legal vice left

Coffee does not cheat on me
It is always faithful, always true
It does not turn on its friends

And all it asks in return
Is that you come back
Cup after cup after cup

A good cup of coffee
Is a little bit of heaven
In a cup of dark liquid hell

Coffee is like a drug 
But a good drug that does what is should
And never complains 

It does not get grouchy
It does not hurt you

It does not make you crazy
But allows the muse to come out 
And play with it

Coffee led to the American Revolution
As patriots drank coffee
To rebel against the aristocratic English tea 

Coffee started the London Stock market
And started the gossips mills running

Every great invention
Was fed by coffee's sweat brew sweet allure
All the great thinkers
All the great leaders
All were enslaved to coffee's magic

I sing my praises
Of the great glorious coffee lady

Long may she continue
To be my sweat companion

Long may coffee continue
To rule my heart
And set my heart on fire

I love thee
Mistress coffee
And sometimes I think
You love me too

Copyright © Jake Aller | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs