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Best Poems Written by Moliehi Molupe

Below are the all-time best Moliehi Molupe poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Stuck In Your Orbit

Stuck in your orbit

Its' not long ago that i saw your face

I heard your laughter ring loud in the corridors of our abode

Yes, i felt your touch and sensed your profound love

But it would seem like a millenia ago now.

I am stuck in your orbit

I rise with the sun, the dawning of a new day

and fade with the brisk shadows of dusk.

Like water in the sand, i am a memory

A reminder you hold close to your heart.

This i hope...

Remind me once again of the depth of our hub.

Do I still tower above the rim in your horizon?

Your profile, a blique picture of my imagination

Yes, your voice a mixture of hoarse and huskiness

that melts my heart and weakens my resolve.

This live true in my mind, in my heart.

I am forever stuck in your orbit

Like the moon to the earth in a 365 rotational symmetry

Dawning with the dusk and setting with the dying rays

And yet unlike the silver grey crescent

My rotation is stuck in a single orbit of 52 weeks

I get to re-live in your memories

In the realm of light and speed

In the yonder where vacuum rules and laws of gravity bend

I see shades of you decorated in a rainbow

radiant, like the stars that shine above the green canopy of the Amazon

I hear your voice in a single ring of variant tunes

In your orbit, i cannot escape

I cannot flee or flight

I am stuck, forever awaiting your return 

In a 365 rotational symmetry, and 12 moons later.

But do i get to choose like the moon

And follow your around the plain in 366 days?

(c) reserved 2015

Moliehi Molupe-Koeshe

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

My Anchor

My anchor

I met you on a summer day

Mists had cleared and dews long dried

The sun, blazing and scorching

Forced earthling to bow to its rays

On the day you gushed into my life.

Your immense beauty overwhelmed me

I succumed to the scent that derived from your skin

My gaze stuck on your oppulent face

On the little movements as your chest heaved in and out rapid breaths

I sensed your heart race away in a gallop to my touch

Would I ever catch up to it I wondered.

Still that day you captured my heart.

I recall your smile - so pearlescent

Your laughter- a melody of a morning lark

Like waves in a summer breeze, your voice was

Grapping my knees, overpowering me

On the day you touched my soul.

On that day, time stood still

Deathning silence enveloped the space 

And but for a while, only you and I existed

Earth opened her arms and wrapped us in a warm embrace

My heart filled with gaity and bliss, your eyes shone.

You awakened me from a slumber

Decaded by lonesome and emptiness...

You breathed life, lifted me

And off my heart raced to meet up with you...

I cannot forget that day.

For once my inhibitions were lost

My resolves weakened

I forgot my status and prestige 

I gave in to love.

For a moment then, my fantasy became

My own Utopia was created

And there we dwelled, 

in an island with no harm or prejudice

Rejoicing in the make believe

In our own reality but for a while

Yet in my heart you existed

And there you shall remain 

For my eternity and for my salvation...

(C) Reserved 2015

Moliehi Molupe-Koeshe

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem



You stand still like monuments
As umoved and unshakable as a grave
You utter words of unfathomable promise
Your stare bores into me
Drilling into my soul, piercing my heart
But your lips curve into a snide smile
That mocks and jeers me.

Fear envelopes me
My heart, I felt it twist
My knees wobbled
Causing me to collapse
To shatter like a thousand broken pieces
But your hands cradled me in a strong embrace
"I will never let you fall".

Your whispers awaken in me
A speck of emotions long lost
Laughter grazed my lips,
A twinkle, a little spark lit in me
Rupturing a tumult of feelings
My heart missed a beat

Your genuine smokey eyes
Compelled me to trust
Your soft lips and tender caresses
Encouraged me to surrender
To lose myself in your gaze
In the hollowness of your eyes, 
In the echoes of your voice
As you laughed,
As you whispered, 'how I love you!'

But it was all a lie
Placated truths of entrapment
Laid out from a wretched web
Weaved over years of friendship
It was but a blunt sword 
that would cut through my heart
When my back turned.
And for what?
A few dollars and a cent!

I wish you knew of my sacrifice
How you constantly remained in my embrace
How I cast all aside to hold you close,
To keep you happy,  content
But you broke my trust
Just like yesterday's leftovers
You cast into the dumb the love I freely offered.
And for what?
A few dollars and a penny!

As my heart breaks
And tears cascade down my cheeks to form banks on my chin
As my mind numbs in denial of the fallacy we've become
I will surrender to my pains and pangs
My anguish and aches
I will absorb the hurt,
The disappointments and throes of your betrayal

But remember;
The days when my love was enough
The moments when you were thrown out 
but I held you in my grip
The times when I bore witness of a great person you are
When no one else would
Remember my dear
Of the many times you stumbled
But I caught your fall

And when finally you do, know
With each tear I shed
With  each heartbroken sob
I wish you a karma tenfold.

Moliehi Koeshe
© 2018

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2018

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

A Teacher's Apology


I know we can talk,

That despite all you'll rise; walk!

This betrayal your eyes display will not shake you

Nor the pain you think I caused break you

I know not why you bore the scourge

Why you lost your courage

Once you had faith 

You could move mountains and swerve waters

Once you believed

And you stood tall refusing to waiver or despair

But now you seek solace from the earth

You give the moon and sun your back

How I have wronged you I don't know

I could apologise but no

I will not say a word you won't hear

I will not utter any until you are here

Close to me, facing me

So you can listen, so you can hear me

I have begged, I have asked

Still you deny me your face

You sing in somber tones

Your pitiful lament, this war song

It paints for me your grey hues

Your tormented and bleeding heart

I could give you this chiffon

White like mountain lilies

Soft like a caress...a memory

I could let you cry it all out 

And maybe wipe it off with this

And store your pain in my armoury

I want to...

I want to cradle you

I need to hold you tight 

Yet like the Egyptian Nile

And the Orange River are we apart

Let this be therefore my demise

That I cannot heal your pain

That I cannot mend your heart

Or wipe your tears

Because as yours weeps 

Mine tears apart with every drop

You will shed.


Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2017

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

My Silent Cry

My silent cry

Here in the labyrinth...
In the crossroads of my life
In this maze ...
I find myself compelled to smile
Here where my heart isn't content
I have found peace 
In my confusion...

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2018

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

Tear Drops

Tear drops
 by Moliehi Molupe-Koeshe

As I laid me down to sleep
I sent to you, my silent prayer
A hope for a dreamless night
A solemn lullaby
So you'll be okay

Every moment I think of you
Wishing we'd never said goodbye
Wishing we'd never parted ways
Hoping you hold me still in your heart
Like my prayer

No more can I shake these dreams,
I'm haunted by images of your love
Tormented in my soul,
By memories I dare not recall
A tear drops

I send to you, my silent prayer
Though the sun has set
And grey clouds cover the sky
In a lean sheet of melancholy
it cannot all be in vain!

I have searched in the lybrith of my mind, 
In the maze of my soul and depth of my heart
I screamed to the mountain tops and plains afar
I laid me down in a hollow slumber 
Alone and desolate

Still as i drifted off
I silently prayed
That you must know that I'm here 
Waiting for you, wishing for you
I don't know what it means

When you do what you do
When you take my breath away
Steal my heart and go
I hope and I pray sweet baby
That somehow you find your way back
That this silent prayer will guide you home
Before my last tear drops

(c)  August 2016

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

How I Miss You

I miss you
When we used to walk down the streets hand in hand
We used to laugh at stupid jokes we shared quietly in the sunset
We kissed, stole a few in crowded rooms
Huh! The quiet moments on the couch
In late afternoons of nothing to do
I miss you
When you used not to tell me lies
Yes even when at those times the truth would have broken us apart
You dared not lie...
You used to race home from all over to catch the sunrise in my arms
I in yours
Oh how I miss you
When all that mattered was my heart beat and my smile
Now it would seem someone else or is it something I wonder
Has replaced me
My laughter no longer beckons you home rather repels you
I seem to nag more than I wish to 
and that subtle sadness in your eyes
It tells me of a thousand words not uttered 
It tells me silently that I am lost to you
You are no longer mine
And yet you deny blatantly
I miss you...yes I do
But I shall not pray for you anymore
I shall cry no more for you
For my tears have not filled this longing in my heart
They have not comforted my tormented heart
So why weep, why pray you come back?  
When I can bid you farewell and walk away
One step a day at a time
Hoping someday soon I will not say the words
I miss you
Oh how I miss you

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2017

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

A Mermaid Whisper

A mermaid whisper

She said, " be mine"
From today moving forward
Let me see you everyday at dawn
May your face be a fresh imprint at dusk
Whisper words that revive me
Messages that hold the beating of my heart
Let me know you will be there always
In the yonder, in the years to come

"I am yours," kneeling he said
It's a promise I give
Old as time and ageless as life
I want you here in my life
In the daily chores of my existence
When I am hopeless and despaired
When I am restless, be my anchor
And I will be all the music your heart desires
I will be a slave to your love
I will secure you from raging storms
Keep you in my love always
And in mine

Be mine now
When all I have to offer is my heart
When with its every beat
Memories of the future flood my mind
When with its every beat
Our lives are forever intertwined
In a strong timeless embrace 

I am yours now
When all I can give is my love
When my life becomes a rythmn with yours
When I feel lost and distraught,
enveloped by strong emotions of dread
When anxiety gnarls at my being
The minute you are not near
Be the beat that keeps my tempo
Be the rhythm to which my heart dances

Be mine now till forever
Let me be yours always
Now, when all we have is each other
When i hold you close
And you keep me in rhythm
With the beat of your heart 
Now when forever is waiting
To the endless abyss of time

© Moliehi Koeshe 2018

Shared from Google Keep

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2018

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

Amazing Spledour

Amazing Splendor
Buried in the dark continent is my land
here, gorges provide openings
mountains stand as guards
landscapes as shrines of her beauty
Of her treasures the world knows not
Her riches unsavoured
Never touched nor inhabited
A virgin princess she remains
Like an emerald shaded in blue
shining only for the earth below
where her children lie
She spreads her rays
Her womb carries black warriors
scattered over the plateaus
defending her riches and splendor
An envy to all her neighbours
Her heart flows with white sparkling springs
that spill to nurture earth
to give life to the poor and wretch
For she's known no other but life herself
Like an ivory tower she stands
with showers of amazing splendor
Lying serene and in wait
For her children to come home

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Moliehi Molupe Poem

Dear Diary

Dear Diary
It's the 13th June today
It should be a Friday
An unprecedented day
Dark as my mood

You see diary dear 
Today she asked me
What's your greatest fear?
For awhile I sat quiet
Debating if she deserved a reply
Deep in the recess
In the abyss of my mind
I could feel emotions resurface
Fighting their way to my conscience
Colliding, in their haste to escape

I remembered why I had shut them out
Why for years they were prisoners
I will not allow it dear diary
I will not remember
Fear is not attractive

About it, words I cannot mince
I will not phrase or utter memories of it
Lest my mind obeys
And tribes of the forgotten tumble into my head
I will not remember my fears

And when she asks
What are you afraid of?
How can I say - being alone
When I know her questions will dig deeper in my subconscious
In a place I have long left
Where I have fought to escape
A place I will not return to...

Loneliness is a dark place
Nothing dwells there but emptiness
Layers and layers of sooted cold 
There is no exit door.

Once you are in, 
It envelopes you there, 
clinging to your very you
It will not let you go
It hates to be alone

So I tell you, 
I cannot go back 
I will not explore my mind
for thruths I'm not ready to deal with
I will not open a portable to which I cannot leave at will

I don't want loneliness as a friend
She clutches and chokes you
With her anxiety and worry
Eventually you lose yourself 
As you try in vain not to be like her

© 2018 Moliehi Molupe

Shared from Google Keep

Copyright © Moliehi Molupe | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things