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Best Poems Written by Roof Missing

Below are the all-time best Roof Missing poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Need To Practice - Revised-Ha

The Need for Practice (Revised-Ha!)
Loving yourself is the birth of romance, Dancing alone is still dance, Practicing augments one’s courage to try Failure at worst brings a sigh! Athletes learn early the secret of gain, Find they can work through most pain, Who cares in time they will likely get beat, Masters of neighborhood's street! Victory - Good friend (of those who don’t quit), Ludicrous (plans to outwit), Golden ideas are flags you’ve unfurled Practice your gifts for the world. Digging deep, failures uncover your gold, Teachers are rarely so bold, No one can ever say what you should do... Treasure's what's buried in you! Long Tooth August 9, 2016

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2016

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The Scum of the Earth

There’s a sense in which all life is scum on this earth
(without God as creator), life here (more debris
that just floats on the surface of things, that evolves
to fill niches that former life spawns) has no worth
in itself, demonstrates all life does is make space
for more scum, that will live on life’s poop, or it’s flesh.

And if God does exist, might this God view with mirth,
not the flora, but fauna (that fled from the sea
to escape what would eat it) could think World revolves
for its pleasure! Dare parasites dream that their birth
is a proof of God’s LOVE, virtue, intellect’s, ‘ace
in the hole’ for our kind; hint we’ve souls God should thresh?

Does my life have more value if I have a soul
or does fantasy telegraph who has control?
To choose God makes things’ better?’ Is what I ‘think’ JUST?
If God’s real or God’s missing, what grownup owns trust?

Just how long is one day in the life of a God
for creation took billions of years, should we pray?
Is our Bible infallible, final, ordained
‘truth of God’ or a primer for 1st graders, ark
for man’s soul, meant to save us from ‘downpour of pride?’
We grow trees meant to float us, or harvest what’s there?

Do you lie to your kids when they voice, “It’s so odd,
Why’s sky colored, not black?” Are you filled with dismay
to say, “It’s not my choice, but the color’s constrained,
to be just what it is by creation’s real SPARK!”
The truth’s Science, not faith, or stained truth’s override!
Oh, the mind of a man is a tawdry affair!

Is Spark SPARK? Can we know? Still, faith calls SPARK, “I AM!”
There’s no epigram spoken more valid, less sham!
Truth is God could be ‘real.’ Safe bet universe ‘is’
and reflects God’s true nature (if God sourced ‘Whole Biz’)!

Long Tooth
June 18th in 2020

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2020

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Fallen Churches, Fallen Men

I fear most Church steeples are drowning in sin
And like Country Clubs, cater to folks acting part,
Way too holy for sinner, too blessed to be sick,
Always blaming the victim, God’s grace a lost art.

The rich are the only ones sure of God’s love!
Though it's faux pas, reflection might still do them good.
In the poorest of sinners who wishes you well,
God embraces true saint for he's done all he could!

The rich overconfident, poor in the dumps,
God gets lost in the shuffle of privilege and blame
But the judgment of others is sin for us all,
Being rich can’t buy Halo, the poor own no shame.

If I attend church then because it is grand
Tell me how do I know I’m not worshiping wealth?
God's Word taught to grow riches or enrich the heart?
Does disciple need palace's comforts for health?

Collecting vast wealth just to hoard is a sin!
How’d you come by your talents, if not gift from God?
Do you find the best way or trust God for a plan?
Those who wait on the Lord feel OK being odd!

To find the right church though is simple in fact -
Humble is the right track, “Son of God” the right train!
You were loved long before His creation began,
Only sick people welcome, "God’s Grace" Church refrain.

Long Tooth
May 13, 2017

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2017

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Pictures of Love

Don’t fall in love with your pictures of love
For the odds are that you are mistaken,
Thinking that she must be this thing or that
The more sure you are, more likely taken.
Her skin coloration, the language she speaks,
Don’t build structure of dreams out of rubble
Strong or compliant, can’t say from the start,
Expectations are sign you’re in trouble.
Love’s its own answer, it writes its own song,
And its breadth is beyond vision’s limits,
Deeper than human emotion, LOVE IS,
Paradise only found in its climates.
Newfound creation as God’s Bliss evolves,
Endless surprise that all mystery solves.

Long Tooth
May 7, 2016

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2016

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All music is relational
Even if the instrument itself is unconscious: 
Like tree leaves in a breeze
Telegraph their praise in God's presence,
Dot and dash an earthy hymn;
Like an earthquake whose rumblings
Remind you that in geological time
All that we think of as solid and whole
Shares water's properties;
Even mountains bend the knee;
What was tight winds down, relaxes,
Like a German music box,
Becomes a cosmic "OM" at last;
Only whales, those connoisseurs
Of deep and low, perhaps can hear.

Our human ears span such a narrow range,
Need scientific augmentation to hear
Last ringing reverberations of "Big Bang."
For sound is not just vibrating air,
Our eyes too have their limits
As invisible stars also play their role
And human senses discover new symphonies
In the music of the spheres.
For doesn't vision inflame the heart as well
As guitarist strums and fingers dance on ivory?
Have you never seen a string's exertions,
Or felt invisible waves of tympani?
Yes, even bowels play a role!

And, oh, the stories told in sound alone
Can find their poetry in dance,
A music of another kind,
A kinetic vision of the soul itself.
Whatever touches heart is music,
Cannot be missed, only denied,
Oh, do not ask for whom God sings,
He always sings your song.

Long Tooth
April 21, 2016

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2016

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'you Are No Longer a Friend'

Wow! I am blown away!
My roof is truly gone!
To think your “friendship” was so fragile
If what you say is true.

Disappointment I can understand
(And in this case money was involved)
But if I could not take your side
In choosing to stay neutral
When loved ones quarrel,
I did not oppose your interests
Though certainly I could have
(For none of us are perfect!)
So count me then as one
Who would not lie on your behalf
Or for the friend who sought redress
Not knowing where the truth is found.

I know a friend should never ask
A friend to choose between his friends
Though times can force one’s hand.
But clarity comes quickly
When friendship’s held for ransom,
The blackmail clearly warning you
Your friend is perhaps not a friend
And the attempt to place blame
“You are no longer a friend”
Could be a gift from God!

Long Tooth
September 25, 2016

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2016

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For God's Sake, Read

If you attend one word I say, then read, dear child, please 'READ,'
Life's not like golf you score yourself though Donald feels the need!
Golf's time you waste, scant aid to health (so you're a fool indeed),
Your feces is your life's extent, a 'dinosauric' creed!

The "Donald" lusts to be earth's King and can't let others in,
While whole earth knows that Donald's odd, and daily bathes in sin,
He bows each morning to one God, "If you lose then I win!"
And tearing's down what builds him up, to say he cares, just spin.

But widely reading exercises muscles of the soul,
And helps you to feel less alone, that's quite a worthy goal,
A book's not looking for your praise, or spotted like a foal,
For camouflage is not required, nor book's home just a hole!

A book's more like the air we breathe, its wonders all can  share,
And lives or dies by truth therein, not quailed by bully's dare,
"Fake News" cannot survive its scorn, won't grab you by 'short hair!'
A book provides like flowing spring; it's there is truly there!

A book's a servant, can't demand, imagination's time,
Can launch new thought, but never help a poet find his rhyme.
A book can be a worthy friend, its treasures quite sublime,
Invest your life; read any book; it's always worth your dime!

Long Tooth
May 19, 2018

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2018

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Defining Me

There are mornings when I’m doom and gloomy,
Other days I can wake up with joy,
But there’s one thing that I know for certain
No one feeling can define the boy!

Almost seventy-four I have critics
Those who judge never are that well versed
Most especially those on the sidelines,
God, those arm chair athletes are the worst!

Now if we should meet in the arena
And you’re beat up and sweaty like me,
Then your voice might be one worth a listen,
For your knowledge was bought with a fee!

I would rather have human connection
Than to try to find just happiness
To be vulnerable to the future
Give up shields spawned by man’s craziness.

One can’t block loss and not limit real gain
Or ban hatred and not limit love,
Let me give up my pride and stay open,
Prefer warmth to protection of glove.

Long Tooth
August 8, 2016

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2016

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God Grant, You Always Call Me Friend

God grant, you always call me friend,
If heaven's real, this truth descend
Like dove returns to Noah's ark,
A fire gets lit by kindred spark!
All life then flows by gravity,
To merge with love eternally.

In blooming may our lives preserve
God's will indeed, not lose our nerve,
Surrender hope to enmity,
Our love survive (though both are free!)
Life's meaning found in serving Lord,
All other paths revealed untoward.

I share your yoke, and you share mine!
Your dreams? Forever Valentine,
A gift that I hold to my breast
Where in my heart you're 'treasured' guest.
Oh, count the stars that paint night's sky
And feel love's depth, there's no goodbye!

Long Tooth
June 2, 2018

Dedicated to Hammad Khan on his Birthday! 
(My publisher, mentor, and friend) 
June 2, 2018

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2018

Details | Roof Missing Poem

The Politics of Left and Right

Republicans? Immoral! Lord, that's all there is to that!
Like in the song, "Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags,"
Though Democrats (not better) hate to stoop so low to win,
They feel Christ's death, seek brotherhood, at times admit to sin.

Republicans are arrogant, love "trickle down largess,"
To get rich, they'd leave others bare, stark naked, not a stitch,
The way to know Republicans? They idolize control,
While Democrat's may lust, they sometimes think about their soul!

Republicans say Dems enable poor to stay a mess,
No doubt of that! We think, at least, we ought to offer chance,
Good school for kids, a right to vote, and tools for basic health,
A job that pays a decent wage, slaves owned aren't proof of wealth.

Republicans, some Harvard trained, smoke existential snow,
Think they are free, there is no sin, the mind is only art,
God loves the rich; there’s just one hitch, their virtue’s just a mask,
Their s--t stinks too, their Waterloo, salvation from a cask.

The Democrats parse life with guilt, long for utopia,
In saving others save themselves, they won’t let justice be,
They think that they can honor God by pinning truth to mat,
It’s vanity when man attempts to woo Jehoshaphat.

Though ‘Right’ thinks Rich means they own God, I know God loves them still,
The ‘Left’s’ self-serving brand of justice proves they have no cure,
Both Left and Right think they must fight to prove the other wrong,
The love of others all day long is Heaven’s only song.

Long Tooth
August 3, 2017

Copyright © Roof Missing | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs