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Best Poems Written by Cheryl Hoffman

Below are the all-time best Cheryl Hoffman poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Accountant

She works in accounting at the factory,
loves counting numbers and her salary,
she has it made,
till she got weighed,
obviously hates counting calories.


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2016

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Squirrel Real Estate

Squirrel agent showed him thousands of trees
this particular client being very picky
how about this one she'd plead
no he'd say not enough leaves

She'd say this one is nice but he'd disagree
saying too many squirrels means no privacy
after weeks of driving around they got into a rut
basically the squirrel agent about to give up

As a last resort she showed him a human beings attic
thinking this will teach him not to give me anymore static
but her client loved it and moved in with his nuts
living there till the humans evicted him with their mutts

He finally said I'll have to stop being so picky
moving into a cell tower right by the city
saying this is great I now have a new home
picking up great signals on his cell phone.

And as for the real estate agent she turned in all her business cards
going back to her old job as a squirrel crossing guard.


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2017

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Rogue Waves

In this uncertain life you work hard everyday,
step in the hamster wheel you have mounting bills to pay,
careful not to resort to temptation you crave,
you think of the Que Sera Sera song sung by Doris Day,

You watch the news people are filled with rage,
hoping agains't hope that humanity will turn a different page,
feeling like that solitary hamster stuck in his cage,
people who have no problems resist you like the plague,

Things seem to go pretty smoothly then you have a rogue wave,
major health and financial problems out of the blue like a slap in the face,
you hang in there and keep swimming for your life trying to be brave,
just keep hanging ten on your surfboard knowing that Jesus saves,

Another day of waves of anxiety is the price we pay,
worrying about our country's future and our children's fate,
sometimes you feel like time is short and your just devil's play,
anxiety is the devils priority until were in our graves.


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2017

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Dolphin Dreams

Drowning in the ocean depths
I was sure to meet an untimely death
until an ocean angel lifted me up
I came back to life with a breathless gulp,

As he dashed through the sea I held on for life
until a tropical island was in my sight
I let go of his fin in the shallows
and treaded water for a little awhile,

I admired his dolphin bottle nose
and his echolocation squeak highs and lows
he was really quite extraordinary
intelligence in his mammal eyes I could see,

I swam the couple of feet to the shore
and looked to see if he was there anymore
amazingly it was as if he was saying goodbye
his clicks and squeaks almost causing me to cry,

With that he turned and leapt through the air
to meet up with his dolphin pod who all shared
the same lifeguard attributes that constantly amaze
all heaven sent mammals of the ocean waves.


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2017

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Eileen was born 80 1/2 years ago
on the first day of winter on the ground a bit of snow
with a twinkle in her eyes and a healthy glow
having both outer and inner beauty to bestow,

Second oldest girl who blossomed and bloomed
living in Queens New York who shared with oldest sister a room
becoming a responsible teen none too soon
always helping out grabbing a dustpan and broom,

Worked various jobs till one fateful day
met a cop named John and they were on they're way
having many things in common you could say
both falling in love without delay,

Marriage came quickly and the five children too
getting up early to help them get off to school
summertimes bringing them to the pool
teaching them manners and the golden rule,

Her children grew up and some moved away
plans for retirement finally came one day
first Florida for fifteen years in the sun they would play
then in 2000 back to New York because couldn't stay,

With her husbands different health issues
taking good care of him was nothing new
a nurturing wife whose complaints were seldom and few
rubbing his feet due to neuropathy as if right on cue,

On the 14th of May in 2014 her husband died
having taken care of his diabetes and melanoma all in stride
just short of 60 years she had been his bride
at his funeral at his casket she'd weep and cry,

Still full of energy she didn't act her age
gardening and shopping till her own health turned a page
feeling rundown acute leukemia in her system would rage
first and only round of chemo being this past May,

Shortly thereafter her health got worse
congestive heart plus low sodium levels were an added curse
discharged from the hospital her eldest became her "nurse"
with other family members on her bedroom hospital bed perched,

Her oxygen machine tube trailing up to her nose
she told everyone she loved them being in the know
asking Jesus to forgive all her sins she was ready to go
too soon to leave now an underground irish rose in repose,

Now Eileen and John await Resurrection day
when Jesus will come and take His children away
reunited for eternity they'll turn to one another and say
I told you I'd wait for you come what may...

Addendum: My beautiful Mom took her last breath at her home in N.Y. on July 9th 2017 at 9:45 a.m. I was fortunate enough to spend some time together with her before she passed away...
Rest in peace Mom and Dad till we all meet again…

Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2017

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The Shoe Store Bantering

She jiggled like pink jello into the store
with platinum blonde hair and red rouge on her face
the shoe clerk mumbled it must be 1950's day
watching her strut around with a hanky made out of lace

She said hi hon you know why I'm here
he replied let me guess, you wear a size eight
she said well if the shoe fits I might as well wear it
and maybe later if you get lucky you can be my date

So she scouted around and found a pair
and sat down with tight dress flair
he thought to himself I think I'm in love with Mae West
looking her up and down and at her chest

He gently took her foot and slid her old high heel off
his hand sliding up and starting to cruise
she batted her eyelashes and said oh keep it coming, she toyed
saying, why don't you come up and see me later big boy

With that he winked and slid the new heels on 
watching her walk around like Mae West
she said you know I know you like me big boy
but my eyes are up here and not on my chest

With that he gave her a long wolf whistle
and said you know I just can't resist
now stop acting your shoe size sexy
pulling her towards him giving her a passionate kiss

She whispered hon is that your gun
or are you just happy to see me
he said guess what my little chickadee
tonight you can be my Bacall and I'll be your Bogie

With that she left the store with customers galore
staring, whispering and looking aghast
he said out loud, come on... get a life...
I know we're a little kooky, but she happens to be my wife!


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2018

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Thomas Edison

Tom sat there eating the last of his bread,
wondering if the next day he'd get fed,
felt like a dumb cluck,
down on his luck,
till a light went off the top of his head. 


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2016

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Eve of Eternity

She couldn't contain her rhapsody demeanor much more
hugging her husband and gushing with excitement as he closed the door
the third class cabin was modest but she thought it would do
finally spending time together in this steerage cabin room

After dining together and playing cards with some other passengers
they retired to their cabin and did some reading till their eyes tired
then they spooned together in the darkness of the room
and made passionate love being they were on their honeymoon

Sound asleep till they we're abruptly awaken by a violent jarring
finding out from people running about it was from an icebergs scarring
throwing on their overcoats they we're thrown two lifejackets
and fought their way up to the top deck amidst all the panic

Their weary eyes saw the last lifeboat being lowered down to the ocean
many brave men staying behind waving trying not to show emotion
the newlyweds hugged each other while their faces wept
about to go down with the ship into the fathomless depths

They held hands while trying with all their might to hold on and grip
as the ship rose up perpendicular making them and others slip
the ship now offered nothing but quietus to the passengers on board
as they both plummeted in slow motion down to the ocean floor

Some survivors in the Titanic lifeboats watched with pitiful awe
while others who lost loved ones lost control and bawled
the ones who lost many possessions tried not to show too much enmity
while the newlyweds love story would last for all eternity.


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2018

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The Gingerbread Family's Ordeal

I received a beautiful Christmas gift the other day,
it was so quaint and pretty but ate it anyway,
was a gingerbread house with a gingerbread family,
consumed the whole house while the family looked away,

Then they looked up at me with sorrowful icing eyes,
I felt so bad they're now being homeless I started to cry,
so I ended up buying a gingerbread log cabin kit,
made it last night so they wouldn't retaliate and have a fit,

Now Mom, Pop son and daughter are in their new home,
I didn't want them homeless on the street's all alone,
I even baked and gave them a gingerbread dog,
but the temptation was too great and started eating the logs,

Now once again because of me they are homeless,
my gingerbread appetite like an overwhelming furnace,
so I'm asking somebody to please take them all in,
or they too might disappear along with their next of kin.


Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2016

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The Farmer and the Pig Fable

The pig overheard the farmers conversation,
talking about their crops and needing weather salvation,
the farmers saying "it'll probably rain when pigs fly!,"
to help out the pig thought he'd give it a try,

He wallowed out of his mud and snuck around,
to the inside of the barn not making a sound,
climbing up the ladder to the hayloft above,
he wished someone would help him by giving him a shove,

But then he cast all fear and anxiety aside,
with a running start he thought he would glide,
alarmed he fell down to the earth with a thud,
wishing he had never left the confines of his mud,

He was slightly bruised as well as his pride,
thanking God he had a pretty thick hide,
thinking wait till he tells his friends that are so dear,
to "not believe everything that you hear!"

My Fable~

Copyright © Cheryl Hoffman | Year Posted 2017


Book: Reflection on the Important Things