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Best Poems Written by Walter T. Ashe

Below are the all-time best Walter T. Ashe poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Two Trees: Mr Oak and Mr Bamboo

"Two Trees:  Mr. Oak And Mr. Bamboo"

A terrible wind storm was approaching and blowing everything out of it's path!
NOTHING....not one thing at all, could withstand it's awesome wrath!
Two trees saw this storm coming! YES! was coming their way!
One was Mr. Oak, the other Mr. Bamboo and very different things did they say!

* (Oh yeah, by the way, these two trees could talk!)

Now Mr. Oak tree was strong and mighty and was so solidly planted.
When in the distance he saw the wind storm, Oh!...he raved and he ranted!
"I am a mighty oak tree and I'll neither budge nor move,
what does this wind storm think it is, it's power I will disprove!"

"I don't move for any reason, and couldn't care less what that reason is!
I am the mighty oak tree and move in a breeze!!!...What madness is this???"
My stubbornness will see me through and when all is said and done,
I will still be standing right here, Mr. Bamboo, with this battle won!"

Mr. Bamboo looked too in the distance and he just so simply smiled.
It was as though he hadn't a care in the world,
though the wind storm was away less than a mile!

Mr. Bamboo looked at Mr. Oak and said quite philosophically,
"You know, sometimes bending even a little bit can help with flexibility!"
"See I do bend rather than resist and I come back stronger each time!
This helps me to avoid becoming stiff, even well into my prime!"

Mr. Oak glared hard at Mr. Bamboo and said "I don't bend for ANYONE! 
When that wind storm gets here, I'll show it who's the boss, 
and this will be over and done!"

The wind storm arrived with great intensity and everything was blown to and fro!
Mr. Bamboo was yielding and bending, Mr. Oak was shouting "NO!.. NO!!... NO!!!"
Mr. Bamboo was bent so far down, he was literally kissing the ground!
He then heard a "SNAP!", a "CRACKLE!" and a "CRASH!"
and Mr. Oak tree then fell down!

The wind storm moved on and the worst was over,
the clouds blew away and the sun came out!
Mr. Bamboo started rising up slowly, he moved as if he was a young sprout!

Mr. Bamboo looked over at Mr. Oak, who was clearly broken in half!
He was lying on the ground splintered and shaken,
the ultimate price paid in the storm's aftermath!

"I don't understand what happened!" Mr. Oak said, "I was so mighty and strong!"
"Nothing!...NOTHING could move me! Why did this go so wrong?"
Mr. Bamboo was empathetic and looking for the right words to say!
He sighed, looked at Mr. Oak, and this reply he did give that day....

"Yes, you were so strong and mighty and determined to stand your ground,
but there are some forces of Nature that will dumbfound and truly astound!"
"I tried to tell you about yielding, which is the natural way!
Yes, you will bend and be bowed down, but you'll spring back stronger and stay!"

So I wish you the best in your new life, where you will be surely stable,
and you will most definitely stand sturdy and strong,
as a new oak dining room table!"

                        WTA-IV  3/24/2016

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

I Am Fire

"I Am Fire"

                          I am an all consuming one 
                          overpowering any and all!
                             When I am spreading 
                           and you're in my pathway
                          most definitely you will fall!

                          Everyone feels my presence, 
                          nothing can escape my wrath!
                                 Ashes and smoke
                              make everyone choke,
                          for those are my aftermath!

                             My flames, they dance,
                             they writhe, they soar!
                    They command the utmost attention!
                           I am alive, my color is red!
                    I'm beyond anyone's comprehension!

                  I dance and play on the surface of the sun!
                        There is no mistaking my light!
                          All I need is the tiniest spark,
                         I cause fright when I do ignite!

                      When people see me coming to life
                         eyes widen and fear takes over!
                      If I touch anything that's combustible
                          it's mine in time and moreover....

                                They scream, they yell,
                                they cry out my name,
                       my flames laugh with heated desire!
                                I am a mighty, fiery one!
                            I can be the unquenchable fire!!!

                                    Strangely though
                                 I am used to describe
                              many, many things in life!
                      From fiery passions, to flames of love
                             I am the catalyst for strife!

                             WHO AND WHAT CAN STOP ME?
                                           Oh That!!!
                        I've only one fear I can't slaughter!
                                      Take that away!!!
                              Don't bring that near me!!!
                           "DON'T YOU DARE COME NEAR
                                  WITH THAT WATER!!!"

                                   WTA-IV  3/15/2016

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper Against Me

"No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper Against Me"
                          (Isaiah 54:17)

When the slings and arrows in a torrent come my way,
when the sticks and stones are used on the same day,
I know who stands with me insuring victory, for
"No weapon formed shall prosper against me!"

If I must stand alone against ten thousand men,
I will stand my ground and shout "Bring It Then!"
Do what must be done but know this clearly,
"No weapon formed shall prosper against me!"

If it comes with fire, I will douse it with rain!
Whenever it attacks it'll be defeated again!
It'll never know the sweet taste of victory, for
"No weapon formed shall prosper against me!"

Bravery and courage on life's battlefield,
requires knowing when to battle and when to yield!
Though I walk through the shadow of death valley,
"No weapon formed shall prosper against me!"

HE who stands with me has a double edged sword!
HE's a warrior GOD who is named the LORD!
Omnipotent is HE and I courageously decree, that
"No weapon formed shall prosper against me!"

WTA-IV 4/19/2016

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

Swallow a Smile

"Swallow A Smile"

                 When it first started 
       which would be impossible to trace,
      we've accepted the fact that a smile 
              is only worn for the face!

         Realizing what elicits this gesture 
        is when we are thoroughly pleased
           as the corners of our mouths 
          tend to rise with relative ease!

            What if we took that feeling 
         and to make it more worthwhile,
              what if we did something 
                    so simple as this....
                   "Swallow A Smile!"

                       That's right!....
                   "Swallow A Smile!" 
             Send that feeling way down
                        to our feet!
                   Who wouldn't want 
                   to feel that feeling!
           "Man!, that's got to feel sweet!" 

                   What's the worst 
            that could possibly happen?
                     A case of the 
                    as it goes down!
                    The very idea to 
                   "Swallow A Smile"
            sure beats wearing a frown!

          Unfortunately the world today 
          is in such a turmoil filled state!
                Whatever could help 
                   to provide relief,
         "Wow! Wouldn't that be great!"

                There is something 
              that pleases everyone
          and causes within great joy,
               like watching a child 
               light up like the sun
         when they receive a new toy!

                 So the next time 
            something good happens
               and you want to feel
          "like your rolling in the aisle!"
               With nothing to lose,
              go ahead, try it once!
                 Enjoy the feeling....
                "Swallow A Smile!"

               WTA-IV  3/22/2016

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

What Do You Mean I'Ve Been Photo Shopped

WHAT THE!!!.........WHO IS THIS???
How could that possibly be?
I only wanted the picture cropped and framed!
You can't really think that looks like me!

When did I become seven feet tall?
My eyes are brown, not Malachite green!
You've made my arms longer than my legs!
Why are my ears the color of Tangerine???

I like to smile but you've given me one
that goes off my face left and right!
And what's up with half of me looking like day,
and the other half looking like night???

You've given me two feet so long
I have to go to an intersection 
just to turn around!
And I've never had hair down to my knees!!!
You might as well have let it touch the ground!

You've given me a superhero's upper body
with a waistline the size of a pen!
Oh, come on! Those legs look like two soda straws!
This is one weird looking specimen!!!

The camera was designed to reflect real life
in pictures portraying life as it is!
I don't take selfies every two seconds!!!
What sort of madness is this?

I am not a celebrity
who has to be over concerned with a look!
Please! Put everything back the way it was
for my request you have grossly mistook!

Whatever the world is coming to
some things really need to be stopped!
"You gave me a nose like a battleship anchor!!!"

WTA-IV  5/11/2016

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

America - America

"America ~ America"

America ~ America 
     My country "tis of thee
America ~ America 
     We so need Peace you see
America ~ America  
      You're the country that I love
America ~ America 
      The LORD's in tears above

America ~ America 
      To these shores come one and all
America ~ America 
      Where the dreams are standing tall
America ~ America 
      Where children laugh and play
America ~ America
      Don't let violence rule the day

America ~ America
      Things are so so out of hand
America ~ America
       Blood is covering our blessed land
America ~ America
       We cannot let the haters win
America ~ America
       Hate is such ungodly sin

America ~ America
       You say "give me your wretched and poor"
America ~ America
       Let's break down these hateful doors
America ~ America
       Diversity is thy claim
America ~ America
       Let's try loving in God's name

America ~ America
       The world's eyes are on thee
America ~ America
        It's not you nor I ~ It's "WE"
America ~ America
        Let us make a change as one
America ~ America
       With Love we shall overcome

         WTA-IV 7/12/2016

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

The Arrows

"The Arrows"

                            The arrows found their mark as intended.
                            Deadly and silent did they straightly fly!
                            In no way were they to be defended.
                            Righting wrong this was meant to satisfy!

                            Deadly and silent did they straightly fly!
                            The bowman's heart had been deceived and hurt.
                            Righting wrong this was meant to satisfy.
                            Into her heart these arrows would insert!

                            The bowman's heart had been deceived and hurt.
                            He reasoned this would be such sweet revenge!
                            Into her heart these arrows would insert.
                            His hurt he solely wanted to avenge!

                            He reasoned this would be such sweet revenge!
                            He was blind to this wrong by jealous Love!
                            His hurt he solely wanted to avenge!
                            Harmful words is what this Pantoum is of!

                            He was blind to this wrong by jealous Love!
                            Venomous words were his arrows of choice.
                            Harmful words is what this Pantoum is of.
                            His choice was to hurt her heart with his voice!

                            Venomous words were his arrows of choice!
                            Unaware was he of how wrong he was!
                            His choice was to hurt her heart with his voice!
                            He had listened to some gossip's mean "Buzz!!!"

                            Unaware was he of how wrong he was!
                            He allowed bold LIES to POISON his mind!
                            He had listened to some gossip's mean "Buzz!!!"
                            With this act his own fate was sealed and signed!

                            He allowed bold LIES to POISON his mind!
                            Not one word of those LIES contained ANY truth!
                            With this act his own fate was sealed and signed.
                            He unleashed his hurtful words with no proof!

                            Not one word of those LIES contained ANY truth!
                            His hurtful words sent like arrows changed course!
                            He unleashed his hurtful words with no proof!
                            They most speedily returned to their source!

                            His hurtful words sent like arrows changed course!
                            In no way were they meant to be defended!
                            They most speedily returned to their source!
                            The arrows found their mark as intended!

                                               WTA-IV 5/10/2016
            *Words spoken in a time of anger are the most harmful words of all!*

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

Where There's a Shadow Nearby Is the Light

"Where There's A Shadow, Nearby There Is Light"

               In some of the darkest moments of life
               that kill the Joy and replace it with strife,
               one must remember and keep the lid tight,
              "Where There's A Shadow, Nearby There Is Light!"

               When everything that was going good goes bad
               and the day is turning into the worst day you've ever had!
               Don't lose Hope and keep Faith in sight,
             "Where There's A Shadow, Nearby There Is Light!"

               If the trials and tribulations start coming your way,
               and you want to shout out, but what would you say?
               Hold on with all of your "Power and Might!"
             "Where There's A Shadow, Nearby There Is Light!"

              When you've climbed and you're near the top,
              and forces come together to have you drop!
              Don't give in! Stand tall in the fight!
            "Where There's A Shadow, Nearby There Is Light!"

              So when everything's looking bleak and grim
              and your chances are null, void and slim,
              even in the pitch black darkness of the night,
            "Where There's A Shadow, Nearby There Is Light!"

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

I Am--With You Always

When the lights 
start to dim
because the sun 
is going down.
When things 
that used 
to make you smile
are now things 
that make you frown!
When troubles 
start to become
the usual order of the days-
When Jesus ascended
to be with our LORD,
He said....
"I AM....With You Always!"

When up 
starts to look like down
and inside 
starts looking out.
When all 
of your time is spent
in needless worry,
and needless self doubt!
When an uplifted Spirit
could be just what you need 
to feel raised-
When Jesus ascended
to be with our LORD,
He said....
"I AM....With You Always!"

When everything 
that was going right
starts to go wrong.
When all you hear 
day in and day out
is one unhappy sad song!
When everyone around you 
starts to leave...
and no one stays-
When Jesus ascended
to be with our LORD,
He said....
"I AM....With You Always!"

When all of these things 
start to pile up,
and heavy becomes the load!
When life's 
a dramatic soap opera-
episode after episode!!!
in these words
and I promise you,
you WILL start 
to have better days,
When Jesus ascended 
to be with our LORD,
He said....
"I AM....With You Always!"

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016

Details | Walter T. Ashe Poem

Lord--I Have a Request

"LORD ~ I Have A Request"

              ~ LORD ~ 
I needn't tell YOU
  what's happening these days.
This beautiful world YOU created 
   is hurting in so many ways!

The ugliness of violence and hate,
    more and more is raising it's head.
Instead of moving towards Peace and Love
    more darkness is being spread!

What will it take to have people know
     that Love can conquer all?
Are YOU actually considering another flood
     of forty days and nights of rainfall???

Before YOU do 
      I beseech this of YOU,
please give your children another chance,
      to change our ways  
towards peace-filled days,
      and end this hate-filled advance!

I know I shouldn't put it this way
       but LORD  
I hate all the hate!!!
       In trying to maintain a heart of Love,
I refuse to let the hate dominate!!!

Love can actually change this world
       and do it one heart at a time!
               ~ LORD ~ 
Please enter and touch EVERY heart,
        that's the request of this rhyme!!!

        WTA-IV  7/12/2016

Copyright © Walter T. Ashe | Year Posted 2016


Book: Reflection on the Important Things