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Best Poems Written by Vladislav Raven

Below are the all-time best Vladislav Raven poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Viking - Repost

Glory and honour oh man of the North
Valhalla waits to welcome thee
Spend a night of passion with thy Lady
For tomorrow death or conquest await

Come into my arms my beloved
Thou art the queen of my heart
Let us share this night it may be our last
In joy and majesty our bodies join
Tonight is for Love tomorrow Valhalla may await
So gently my fingers do play across your soft flesh
Thy majesty doth tremble at my touch
You moan with pleasure as i do enter thee
We shall soon enter Loves' sublime
Tomorrow in the battle line we shall stand
Tomorrow our fate shall be sealed 
Tonight the glory of Love
Brown eyes that shine with such Love
Into me eyes they seep to seek my Soul
Come my beloved find my Soul
Tonight you have already entered the heart
Now I enter thy body
If it be one last time then it shall be sublime

Night is gone the day is here
We stand in battle lines arrayed
Shield wall ready to make stand
Blood runs fury in the Soul
Together my beloved and I shield to shield
Battle fury raging deep within
An enemy across the empty space does run
Come unto thy death sons of war
The battle crash heard in Heavens' majesty
Odin blow your battle horn
Valhalla awaits now let us bathe in blood
Odin we fight on to battles' end
If this be our end let it be a tale to tell over and over
Let the Valkyrie come to take us home
The Vikings go home to Valhalla
Hail Odin father, God of the Viking

The shield wall is broken
My eyes now grow dim
The battle now over 
Life it is lost
The spirit waits on
Unwilling to relinquish Loves' glory
Unwilling to relinquish life
Yet the Valkyrie come
They shall take me or pass me
Oh Odin father hear my plea
Take thy warrior son to Valhalla

Let these struggling eyelids eternally close over this life
Over this painful world of memory
Yet also memory of Love-light shall live on
I know the last sight i see but a memory
Two soft brown eyes in a sorrowed face
My beloved you had to go home to our son
We Loved through our night
We fought most of our day
My Love left with the ships
The dragon flies home to come again
We the rearguard held the hounds at bay
Once shield wall did break death and destruction
Now my heart beats come oh so slowly
My sword held tightly in my hand
This was a good day
Sing the song of my life Vikings
Odin father take me home
Come Valkyrie I am ready
My eyes close on this world my Loves' vision the last thing i see

The Halls Of Valhalla!!!!!!!


Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2018

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Over the Miles - a Collaboration With Connie - Valentine's Collection

(Valentine's Collection)


Over the miles from the top of Arrach,
my heart sings an eternal song to you.
Touching the azure as sol does look back,
Through the ages we've passed and life lived new.

Hear my heart singing its Valentine song,
as your dear image before me does stand.
Over the valleys and mountains so strong,
Flyng so high just to hold your dear hand.

As we gaze out o'er the valley's fair grace
With our beating hearts that now beat as one
Your arms keep me warm in loving embrace
Restricting winds chill and warmth from the sun.

Valentine hearts and pretty red roses 
on this day meant for lovers, your heart's song,
verses written with romantic posies,
to you my sweetheart I'll always belong.


Hi Connie, I just want to thank you for sharing ink with me in this collaboration. It was an honour and a pleasure as it always is. You did make the process easy and enjoyable. You gave the piece its light gentleness. Thank you for being a part of the collection. Have a wonderful Valentine's day. Hugs....Mike. XX

Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2019

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Within Elysium Fields - a Collaboration With Carolyn


Within Elysium Fields, the souls of the dead find their peace but there are those souls who do not think they deserve such peace. Those already within Elysium sometimes try to bring these sad souls into the fold by extolling the beauty of Elysium.

Oh, beloved grace, open sapphire eyes,
standing now on emerald green expanse.
You are glory, within a paradise
where sun brightly shines, beauty you enhance.
     Shadows mar my view of Elysium
     Regrets I carry from a life wasted
     There are no oaks or pretty psidium
     Nectar of Norse Gods I’ve never tasted
Emerald green carpet reaches the sea,
where azure waters to horizon reach.
Up high on a hill your villa shall be,
where love and joy no darkness ever breach.
     In a hovel I dwell, ruing mistakes
     Elysium’s bright lights behind closed gates
     No joy in my soul, just torment and aches
     For a life filled with sin, nothing placates
Swim through the beauty which awaits your eyes,
into life's new dawn Elysium sings.
Those who enter with love find paradise,
find the peace that Elysium love brings.
     Coveting rewards for those who lived well
     Is the destiny of my own making
     There is no escape from torments that befell
     To think joy had been mine for the taking


(Collaborative Poetry Series.)

Thank you Carolyn for letting me share ink with you on this wonderful write. It has been an honour and a pleasure to work on this collaboration with you. You have made the experience so enjoyable and easy. Have a wonderful Monday. Hugs....Mike. XX

Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2019

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In My Dreams Your Song Is Sung

(ABC - Rhymed)

As I now dream your bright beauty does shine,
before me an Angel of love divine.
Calm in my heart as your song it is sung,
deep within my heart love's bell it is rung.
Enveloping our love the moon shines bright,
forever you are beauty to my sight.
Give your precious love as our song does sing,
heartbeats alive with the passion we bring.
In my dreams our love does echo in the night,
Justifying the joy of love's bright light,
killing the deep sorrow my heart did feel,
lifting the dark cloud I tried to conceal.
Move my heart to the joy that love can give,
now in my soft heart your love ever live.
Opening my soul I now let you swim,
peace and joy now fill my heart to the brim.
Queen of my dream I now drown In Your eyes,
remember our song sung in Paradise.
Songs of a love sung in beauty supreme,
the beauty of you in every dream.
Under the moonlight our love it shall grow,
Venus of my heart you shall ever glow.
Wonder of the stars divine your beauty,
Ex-ploring desires shall be our duty.
You are the song my heart shall ever sing,
ZZZ's they shall sing within love's dreamy ring.

Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2018

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We Dance Within the Midnight Hours - Valentine's Collection

(Valentine's Collection)


my Valentine, our temples entwine in the dance of midnight hours
beloved, you shine in golden pleasure before my eyes
our shadows dance upon the wall as body temperature rises
temples perspiring as we dance to the song our hearts now sing
oh, gentle grace, your golden light does fill my very core
we rise and fall in adoration before Luna's light
Flooding through the open window, her light touching our souls
my starlit treasure, we shall dance into passion's thrall
together, forever, in our paradise of joy
my beloved, our love painted on the wall, painted by Luna's light
I shall ever hold you close within my loving arms
With tender grace, your hand in mine, we'll walk God's timeless sea
each night, within midnight hours, precious love we shall share
two shadows dancing on the wall as temple's sing love's praise


Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2019

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The Ancient Viking Warrior In His Old Age - a Collaboration With Robert

Part - 1.

Biding his time, as each day wrangles its hours away
his soul resting between heaven and Hade's hot fires
for wanton desires shall demand highest of life's pay
from blood flowing until care and want expires
battles fought that would frighten warriors true brave
all for golden treasures that he once, others gave.

Where not his saddest sorrows rightly born to flay 
conquering dark dread of night to soothe brightest day
within such journey, pain must be given free reign
present heart shattered, as for invincibility he prays
for stubborn pride's cost, once immense evil befell
blinded young lad, willingly sent into battles legends tell.

From soil with streaming-red and dying's loudest moans
weeping ground, from brave warriors cut and fallen
clamouring with Viking swords clashing, wars evilest tones
inviting Valkyries to swoop up, those dead and death-callin'
as Valhalla watches battle, with its deadliest of foes
darkness marshals powerful forces, to their powers show!

Biding time, sweet life has wrangled its hours away
as soul awaits trip to Valhalla or Hade's hot fires
for wanton desires shall demand highest of blood's pay
from red-streams a'flowin' until care and want soon expires
battles fought that would frighten warriors truest and brave
for earthen gains that once taken, are back too soon gave.

Part - 2.

Stagnating in the darkness, the old man waits,
what fate shall befall his ancient bones?
His breath comes short and life hesitates,
for all of his wrongs his heart atones.
In his thoughts, once more he was a youth,
his memories holding his life's truth,

Many ancient oceans he had explored,
in battle's thunder, a power in shield wall,
oh, maidens weep, for they he adored,
within death's struggles this Viking had stood tall,
with power and might he never knew defeat,
no enemy alive had made this man retreat.

Now in the darkness, his inner flame does dim,
his eyes fly open, his hand he does raise,
He feels his youth when his life was filled to the brim,
his accomplishments, he knew, had all earned praise,
sword placed in his hand, now close to his breast,
now he hardens himself for the final test.

Then he does cry put in a mighty voice,
"Odin, Father! bring your sword son home,
now he must wait the final choice,
has he earned his place or darkness shall he roam,
(The decision made,)
Off to |Valhalla, to sit in golden halls,
to sing songs of glory, until final battle calls.

Always a pleasure and an honour to collaborate with you Robert.

Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2019

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My Beloved, In Love's Embrace - Part -9 - Valentine's Collection - 2020

You shall be the grace of my core, 
we sing love’s song, by loves own shore, 
my Goddess divine, I adore.
My eternal rose blooms for you, 
you are ever my love so true, 
my beloved, in moonlight hue.

Come, dance with me, through moonlight dream, 
you shall ever be, my love’s theme, 
I caress you in a moonbeam.
Oh, golden heart, my love divine, 
you are all the stars that do shine, 
Oh, golden heart, ever be mine.

Now, you shall ever be my goal, 
the Goddess of my wondrous soul.
The Goddess of my wondrous soul, 
my precious love, you do control, 
we come to dine from love’s own bowl.
You are the joy of love’s desire, 
the passion, that does light my fire, 
such joy we feel when we retire.

When I do meet you in our dream, 
we ever start by starlight stream, 
where you are ever joy supreme.
you light up every embrace, 
my kisses light your angel face, 
you are beauty and you are grace.

You are the joy of love’s desire, 
the love that ever lights my fire.
The love that ever lights my fire, 
leading me to passion’s desire, 
sings, as my angel plays her lyre.
You are the song my heart does sing, 
when love’s bells do begin to ring, 
we are aloft, on golden wing.

In love’s dream, we find forever, 
come, let us find love’s endeavour, 
whether fair or stormy weather.
The fire of love does light our heart, 
it has done so since our love’s start, 
from your joy I shall never part.

I feel joy when I see your face, 
my beloved, in love’s embrace.
……….My beloved, in love’s embrace, 
our footprint of love, we retrace, 
as we do lie in Heaven’s space.
Once more we are amongst the stars, 
where all is free, there are no bars, 
when we dance to love’s own guitars.

You are the joy within my heart, 
you cause love’s fanfare, now, 
to start, I swear, from you, I shall not part.
Let come what may, this night is ours, 
within the stars, love surely towers, 
love we do find, throughout love’s hours.

Against love’s sorrows, we do brace, 
my beloved, in love’s embrace.
My beloved, in love’s embrace, 
I do behold your angel grace, 
you, my love, I never misplace.
Oh, my angel, my wondrous dove, 
to you, I shall give all my love, 
in a world of stars, high above.

What a joy you have come to me, 
we meet within God’s timeless sea, 
where love shall ever come to be.
my love, you are my joy divine, 
in beauty’s sky, you ever shine, 
you are ever my Valentine.

My beloved, in Heaven’s embrace, 
we sing ever, love’s song of grace.

to be continued..........

Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2020

Details | Vladislav Raven Poem

Waltzing In the Stars - a Collaboration With Susan

(It has been a pleasure and an honour to work upon this collaboration with you Susan. You made the process enjoyable and so easy. Your pen gave this wonderful write its soul. Our ink shared in the stars embrace within the joy of waltzing beauty. Thank you for allowing me to share ink with you Susan. It has been a joy.)

In dream's embrace, I hear sweet music play, 
my arms filled with your temple so sublime.
Your beauty shines across God's timeless sea,
within the star's brocade my brightest light.
Come waltz with me betwixt eternal stars,
love croons its serenade within our hearts.
Come dance with me across this stardust floor,
in swirls of love we’re waltzing in the stars.

The distant stars are here within your eyes
in luminary love I am entranced,
you sweep me up within your rhythmic sway
and stir me with your breath upon my cheek.
Warm lips impassioned whispering my name;
your craving lights me up with bliss tonight.
We rise and fall amidst soft moonbeam’s muse
enraptured in our waltz among the stars.

Within moonglow, our spotlight in the night, 
to heartbeats of desire we dance in time,
my love, we are aflame in passion’s heat, 
in soulful heart to heart our love does sing. 
Within your goddess presence I am lost 
so deep within the dance that binds our joy,
we whirl in Luna-light your lips on mine
in fervent love we’re waltzing in the stars.

Ethereal and lyrical we are
our magic on this night is heaven sent,
what wondrous thrills we glide on melodies
oh, lustrous love is here within our reach.
We strum each other our sweet music lush
our beings are the instruments of love,
ascending heights your touch is taking me
in supernova waltz among the stars.


"Waltzing In The Stars."
A Collaboration by,
Susan Ashley.
Michael ,P, Clarje.

Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2019

Details | Vladislav Raven Poem

Before the Gates of Alahsar - Original Version - 4


Now things started to become clear,
Both Alahsar and Salahmar in the same space,
One would find Victory, the other, leave this place,
light and dark in the eternal battle.
Alahsar, of God's light,
Salahmar, of dark's evil joys,
which of them would wane away?
Devil's fear, or Heaven's glory.

For Alahsar, the city of light,
mortals, their lives laying down,
numbers falling as Algahrs push forward,
is this the end of light, hearts filled with hate.
From the golden gates a mighty moving,
women, they come forth with speed,
hate filled eyes and trembling cries,
yelling out their cry of war.

Still the foe were many more,
the Algahrs always to the front,
mightily they begin their push,
the might of dark within each beast.
Too hold the foe would take great strength,
strength was fading, ebbing away,
the Algahrs now did mighty push,
death and destruction on Badicha lay.

Still mortals stood, though blood did flow,
man and woman, power decreasing,
children watch from mighty walls,
as parents and friends meet their end.
Dark Man fighting, vengeance dear,
Warrior Queen spreading fear,
the bloodiest scene before the gates,
blood for blood,by sorrow's river.

Utamol, with almost life of own,
cutting, slicing, stabbing home,
Dark Man with his awesome grace,
Sends evil from this land of light.
Warrior Queen with power and speed,
destroying all this evil seed,
cries of pain are everywhere,
so many lost, their dead eyes stare.

On the plain great dust clouds rising,
screams of mortals and beasts fill the air,
lightning flashing, thunder crashing,
onward the struggle of life goes on.
Within the heart of living terror,
weapons crashing, teeth a-gnashing,
will miracle come to Badicha?
Shall mortals halt their slow retreat?

Alahsar's own are falling back,
dead and dying are underfoot,
now mortals they must hold the foe,
forward warriors, toe to toe.
No battle ranks or strategy to follow,
Hold position and strike down the foe,
Dark Man now in heat of battle,
Arlaghs feel the hate of Utamol.

In this time before time,
sorrow's song, the last song to be sung?
Strike with rage, power and might,
Become battle Gods, the power of light.
Cry goes up, "Walk in the light,"
the arms are weary, still fight for life,
still the battle crashes on,
what end shall be, before the dawn.

To Be Concluded..........

Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2019

Details | Vladislav Raven Poem

Craigie Manor

Within the Craigie Mile a manor house stands
Under sheeted rain and surrounded by shrouding fog
One night as Hell sang in the sky
A lady did run along the Craigie mile
Where she was she had no clue
The fog was so thick it shrouded all
She was a bedraggled soul in a world of gloom
Her world was grey and resonated thunder
Clothes soaked through clinging to her body
Ahead and to her left she thought she saw a glint of light
It was a light and it grew stronger

Out of the fog a Manor house emerged
What eyes watching this bedraggled soul
In each window a lantern lighted
A great white Heaven within this Hell
To the great wooden door her legs did take her
The great metal lion knocker smiled at her
Bang Bang Bang
The knocks seemed to reverberate through this haven
Feet moved towards the door from within
The door opened and there stood a young woman holding a lantern
She motioned the young lady inside
When she entered the house keeper closed the door 

The young lady was taken to a bedroom
There upon the bed a scarlet gown
The young housekeeper telling her to change her wet things 
A fire leapt warmth from the fireplace on the far wall 
Towels also were layed upon the bed
She removed her clothes drying herself with the towels
She stood by the fire smiling
She put on the red gown and looked at herself in a full mirror
She did smile at the beauty before her eyes

She knew this was the dinner gong
Picking up a lantern from a table she walked out the door
Along a great hall portraits were hung
The house seemed different now
An oppressive feeling did come over her
Each face she passed smiling at her
She walked by a door
The door opened
A scream filled the night
A skeletal hand gripped her arm
She tried to pull away
The grip was too strong

She walked down the grand staircase
This aberration escorting her
She was led to the seat of the mistress
Sitting she looked around the table
Skeleton's in all levels of putrescence 
Before them the meal
All that slithered in their graves upon the table
On the plate before her human organs
The other guests began to eat

The final horror
The master of the manner took his seat
Lucifer himself
She had found the De'il's mile
He sat at the head of the table
Up she did jump
She ran out into the night
The De'il's words ringing in her ears
We shall finish our dinner at a later date.
Another found on the De'il's Mile
Lost deep within her mind
In a Sanitorium she now does wait
Waiting to share the De'il's feast


Copyright © Vladislav Raven | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs