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Best Poems Written by M Asim Nehal

Below are the all-time best M Asim Nehal poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I See My Love Blossom

In the jingle of your bracelet,
In the kohl that lined your inquisitive eyes,
In the softness of your lips,
I see my love soothing. 
In the changing colors of the sky,
In the delicate ensemble of the words, 
In the early morning drizzle,
I see your acceptance of my love.  
In the depth of the night sky,
In tequila sunsets,
In the shadows of dusk,
I see our love blossom. 
In the tangerine mornings,
In the droplets of water hanging on your hair,
In the blush that rises on your cheeks,
I see our love shining. 
In the base of our throat, 
In the half-opened crayons box, 
In the edge of the rose-tinted clouds
I see our love immortalized.
In the soft moonlight 
In the paper boat merrily drifting 
In the changing temperature  
I see the world envying.

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

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All Rise

As the occasion demands
All of us to rise an inch 
Above our capability
To meet the challenges
In this technological world 
Thrown at us, time and again
We are mortals hence
We should not fear the death
For it is just the change 
Inevitable, undeniable
Till the time we leave
On this beautiful earth
Let us enjoy the good
And forbid the bad
Live in peace and harmony
Shower love and affection
Lend a helping hand
Treat others respectfully and
Depart this world gracefully

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

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Parrot and Crow - In Conversation

Parrot said to crow……
You are black in colour 
Your voice is hoarse 
People drive you away 
You are unwelcome everywhere 

You live on rotten food 
Look, I live in golden palace 
I am served with nuts and fruits 
I whistle and make sweet notes 

And I am loved for my feathers 
I live good life unlike yours. 

Crow replied…….. 

I agree, my colour is black, 
I agree, I don’t have sweet voice, 
I agree, people drive me away 
I agree, you live a good life. 

Served with nuts and fruits 
Still I am better than you 
You live in cage and I have full freedom 
With all good feathers 

You can’t enjoy all weathers 
You eat what is served, 
You live in cage and die in cage 
I live with all freedom.

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

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Haiku Lotus

lotus flowers
in the middle of the pond
the bright sunshine

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

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Ode To the Music

Lift me up to the sky by the notes 
Oh, flute by your captivating melodious tunes

Sing to my body and sing to my soul...

A lifeless journey is becoming meaningless
Let ears be the witness that it heard flawless
Beat your drums very hard on the sadness
And let this mind shed all its madness

Sing to my body and sing to my soul...

Let the salty tears flow in rhythm
Let the eyes shed its entire burden 
Let the neck move sideways at random
Make different pitches by using trombone

Sing to my body and sing to my soul...

I don't care whether you're near or far
So long as I hear a song on guitar 
Our childhood days I always remember
Running after butterflies or playing synthesizer

Sing to my body and sing to my soul...

When life plays with me Odle ay ee oo
My mind demands to hear Didge rid oo
Oh the cuckoos, O Nightingale come to my concert 
We shall play tonight violin and trumpet

Sing to my body and sing to my soul...

Cicada, cockroach and cricket 
Let us have a singing competition
Select your song and select your instruments
Banjo, bassoon, tuba, bagpipes, lute or clarinet

Sing to my body and sing to my soul...

Look at the sky and see those stars
They are strangers and they are far
In the restless nights they play for me on sitar
I sing with them by playing my guitar

Sing to my body and sing to my soul...

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

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When Life Calls For Sacrifice

It is not common 
and it does not happen often 
when life calls for sacrifice 
when the wind is blowing against 
when all odds are 
intriguing and probing 
in such a situation life demands 
Patience and perseverance 
Courage and determination 
to fight the battle 
till the very end 
without giving up 
and only those 
who has faith and trust 
In Almighty and self 
they catch the bull 
by its horns 
and fight the battle 
which lasts only four Few days, 
like the life of a bubble 
we salute them 
and repeat their names 
and we call them our heros.

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

Details | M Asim Nehal Poem

Limerence - My Love For You

Even on the day of resurrection, my soul shall search for yours, 
When all feared souls struggle to see their scores, 
My eyes will be looking for you, 
What evidence you need to prove my love for you? 

Sun will melt, rocks will fly in air and earth will vomit hidden things 
You will witness fearful sea of souls all around, 
Out of all, one soul will be different 
What evidence you need to prove my love for you? 

No false promise, no stars or moon, nor child in your womb, 
My love is immortal, I love not thee body, why to build a tomb? 
You shall see one soul following yours, 
What evidence you need to prove my love for you? 

Am not afraid to follow you, be it heaven or hell. 
My eternal love for you, demand our togetherness 
Who cares how, what and where? 
What else you need to prove my love for you?

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

Details | M Asim Nehal Poem

The Bee

I walked away from the rose, 
so that it would grow and glow. 
There are no regrets. 
The hurt lingers with the mixture of
Pleasure, satisfaction, and gratitude.
I am happy that I was not selfish 
I can carry myself now. 
There may never be a day 
that will not bring me to my knees
but that is the price of a love
I paid I suppose knowingly.
I am in love so I do not fear it. 
I do not fear to roam free 
Searching for other rose. 
As I cannot suffer alone for the rest of the day 
this is neither a tribute nor a self-punishment. 
I wish to live and see more rose like this again.

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

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In Your Love

Your love introduced me to the magic world 
and awakened my spirit like sunflower to sun 
led me to the garden of feeling and affection 
where my days passed like dream and nights like wedding…. 

You taught me to enjoy the beauty 
and unleashed the secrets of life's duty 
With you I first sang the poetry of real life 
With you my imaginations took its first flight. 

First time I realized the true meaning and essence 
and enjoyed the words like possessiveness, jealousy and passion. 
You transformed my solitary life into happy moments 
and filled the silence of every nights with music. 

I lived in coma till the time I was in your heart’s ICU 
And suddenly thrown out from the paradise of love to issues
Where the earthly life of luxury and money entice 
I'm struggling for the rest of my life, hoarding materialistic things.

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016

Details | M Asim Nehal Poem

Daffodils - Yellow

We sing of sweet spring
When we see daffodil cling 
Glowing in the sun in early dawn
It help us to make a day’s plan.

Copyright © M Asim Nehal | Year Posted 2016


Book: Shattered Sighs