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Best Poems Written by Balveen Cheema

Below are the all-time best Balveen Cheema poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I stood on the cliff and asked the wafting clouds exultantly,
"You greet me every morn, you watch me through 
My windows and peer through the chinks,
You have been a mystical part of me through 
My childhood when I skipped and jumped with friends
And through my confusion and confidence in adulthood.
What does the future behold for a dreamy me?"

The sky seemed bluer in the cloudscape and I heard echoes
" In the labyrinth of choices your future is sown in........your future is sown in
Your cherished dream was an unbelievable reality................believable reality
A kaleidoscopic ride after the nature you've churned out for self..........for self
An investment in optimism has enveloped you in calmaria
Enjoy the fruit which is multiplying with interests......................with interests".

May14, 2015
For Skat A
Any Poem You Are Proud of # 3

(May 10, 2016
For Nayda Ivette Negron)

*Calmaria (Spanish)- after a storm comes calm
Poem is in a dialogue form; the second verse is an end line word poem.

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2016

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Blood Line

my family roots
flange to three generations 
stand on a tripod

the grace of values
fondued by humble elders
half here and half there

the hopping second
have tales full of humour
vanishing the blues

the out cradled babes
tow blood line of bold and old
exposing its veins 

May 6, 2016
Haiku on My Family
For Marvin Celestial

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2016

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Cosmic Peace

Cosmic Peace

I have been wondering
Ever since you left us,
What were your thoughts 
That early morn?
You were silent 
While you lay quietly on bed.

For the past few months
You had learned to 
Resign to your fate.
Your wounds were healing
Yet tired was your spirit
As you gave in to dependency
On others for your basic needs.
Much did you despise
Calling out to mother and child
To give you a helping hand
For necessities that you wished
To do yourself.
Shame and embarrassment 
Was slowly overtaken by 
I Have No Choice!

That morn you were to walk
Once again.
Mother and child freshened you
And you sipped your tea
Without a sound, without a word.
You were a little tired 
As you lay back to rest,
Never to wake up again.

What thoughts crossed 
Your mind that day?
We thought you were looking forward
To your first footsteps that day.
Or did you think 
My first footsteps were with my mother
The second time would be crazily challenging?
Or is it that granny said
Don't fret, don't exhaust,
I'll take you now on a heavenly journey?
Did you see the divine light
That forewarned you
Your hour has come?
Did god whisper a sweet welcome to you?
Were you happy or sad to leave mother and child?
Dad, did I come for once in your thoughts
Or did I remain in the periphery 
With the earthly transactions
As you transcended into the cosmic peace?

I remain burdened with the bond of love.
I miss your warmth
As you enveloped me saying
The doors of my house are always open.

November 25,, 2015
Conest: A Poem Time Forgot
Sponsor: Silent One

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2015

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Creative Layouts

                                                                 [ ||||| ]    
                                                                 [ ||||| ]    
                                                   My Quaint Cottage
                                          The quaintness of my cottage
                                     Is idyllic in my sweet resting thoughts.
                                 My miniature garden rarely noticed by one
                         Is garlanded with fenced shrubs and flowery visions. 
                                           My orange clustered tree
                                           Showers      } {        its love 
                                           onto my       } {      cascade
                                           of verses    }    {     as I rest
                                           against      }       {   its sturdy 
                                           bark on  }             {a silent day
                      My green walled cottage is sewn intricately with ivy 
                                                     Leaving an 
                                                  Arched door 
                                              Open Fringed 
                                        With fresh roses
                                     Attracting the 
                                Honey suckles
                              Hanging in air                                          
                       Their wings
           For ## but # one ## sip

           In ## my ##### garden

           Of # b# l #o # o # m # s

Balveen Cheema
October 24, 2015
Contest: Creative Layouts
Sponsor: Broken Wings

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2015

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A Sapphire Ring

Looking back at the Earth, I can't really describe how beautiful it is from 300 miles up. Looking down, you can tell it's a planet. The sky is black. There's just a thin blue ribbon, what we see as blue sky on Earth. You realize how small it is and how fragile the planet Astronaut Mike Good: 

                                         a thin blue crescent
                              of earth from the moon looks like
                                         a jewelled head band

                                       crowning a young queen
                                   on a dark night when her love
                                        slides a sapphire hoop

                                          silver stars sparkle 
                                     above this clear azure line 
                                       making love life snug

                                            May 13, 2016
                                      For Rita A. Simmonds

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2016

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Satan's Apple

I wonder if God hates cowards, for

My sins mushroom near Satan's apple

I live and die in my own filth

No human or angel treads 

Near my Mandragora hub

Its narcotism excites my senses

Uncotrollable erotic desires

Grip me in its poisonous beauty 

I surfeit in my inhumane pleasures

No saviour can save me

From my aphrodisiac pleasures

The spell I cast on all trespassers

To join me in my hell

Whether now or later, I'll trap you

Whether now or later, I'll trap you

April 21, 2016

For Rob Carmack

Inspired by Tom Hawks' song, 'God Hates Cowards'

Mandrakes/ Satan's apple are the fruit of the Mandragora .  The plant is known as an aphrodisiac.

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2016

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Crescent Shades

seven sisters peck the round red guavas into hanging crescent shades

                                                January 10, 2016
                                              Contest: Monoku  # 1
                                           Sponsor: Poet Destroyer A

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2016

Details | Balveen Cheema Poem

Walking Seven Steps Together

(Walking Seven Steps)

Catching the last shot of the sunset sky
Even more rustier than before
Delayed my departure.
I asked my friends to go ahead 
And I would catch up with them, but
The perfect shot took longer than I thought.
Packing my bags I hurried downhill knowing
I was lagging far behind the others.
The thickness of the night engulfed me
And I knew I had lost my trail.
Stumbling over a stone I had also
Lost my torch, and started walking blindly
In the darkness of the woods.
The pitch black trees seemed statued
To the ones that breathed life
When I had often trampled 
Through the varied wooded parks.
The autumn leaves were crackling 
Under my light footsteps as
The tiniest crescent moon smiled
Through the bare leaved branches
Welcoming my partnership on our lone journey.
How long I walked, my feet knew not
How long I would walk, my heart knew not
My map was dark and my eyes could read it not.
But my ears were sharp to hear another crackling
Under footsteps many times heavier than mine.
From the dark slope above I saw a shadow enlarged
Hurrying down to my path as if to lead me out.
My breath was calm, my eyes happy, and quietly
My adventurous spirit followed him wherever he lead.
The woods became denser and our pace quicker
With a click of his finger the air became fresher.
So intoxicated was I with the heavenly air that 
It perfumed my soul, my very breath and
Every transient thought that fleeted in, 
Till I stood before a very flowery welcoming cottage.
I extended my hand to my shrouded partner and said:
'It takes seven steps together to make a friend.
We have walked more than seven steps together to......'.
My hooded companion most divinely intervened:
'It takes seven steps together to make a friend
It takes seven hours together 
To make any journey most heavenly'.
Without raising his chin,without accepting my extended hand
He turned his back to retreat into the woods 
As mysteriously as he had entered it.

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2015

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Loving Grandparents

Loving Grandparents

I've seen more faces of parental love
As a child I heard folk lore from grandma
Often I lay calm in her elbow's cove
Night pressed her feet swollen with oedema 
And in the noon we would hide in a room 
With a binoculars to watch the birds 
Collecting twigs for nesting babes in womb
Grandma was fun and all requests were heard

Grandpa moved around with his wailking stick  
We took care of him on his pious bed
Didn't know he was dying thought him sick
In the middle of night goodbye he said 

We hugged and cried at our world that collapsed.
New homes we were flown to, our ties just snapped

October 29, 2015
Contest: In The Name Of Love
Sponsor: Shadow Hamilton

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2015

Details | Balveen Cheema Poem

My Monster

My Monster

Every week on Good Friday I get restless
Palpitations rise for my week end disasters
A monster boldly barges into my silent abode
Depriving me of my peaceful slumber
Crash! Now which crockery has ended its life?
The moment I reach the dreaded site 
Littered  remnants of mugs and glasses 
Sprayed on the kitchen floor 
Having an afternoon nap is a crime indeed
The dining tablecloths are scrooped  down
And I curse my heavy eyelids for drugging me
I wake up to run and my shoes are not there
The good Lord save me! My kitchen cabins 
Are invaded, explored and ransacked
The bright packages are crushed and ripped
Salty and sweety snacks carpet the freshly scrubbed floor
I pads, mobile phones, remote controls vanish
I magically recover my drowning hopes
When their batteries are over
My heart beats louder than the speakers
Strumming the beats of nursery rhymes
Till tiny flakes start peeling off the quaky roof
The iridescent walls showcase
The world's finest art repertoire
Nothing short of  an international gallery of art
The monster is finally trapped on the garden swing
Smiling gleefully with an outstretched arm
All frowns erase when the two year old
Bob cut tomboy dramatically wails
Granny! Granny! Granny! Granny!

Contest: My Monster
Sponsor: Anthony Slausen

Copyright © Balveen Cheema | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things