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Best Poems Written by Buffy Sammons

Below are the all-time best Buffy Sammons poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Handicap Beach

My Handicap Beach

As I lay here and look out the window from our hotel at the absolutely amazing view..
It makes me wonder how something so simple creates such beauty and always seems so new..
I feel sadness for those who pass by every day and don’t think another thought about..
The beauty that surrounds them from the beach and the water with the waves washing in and out..
The lighthouse that stands unintentionally stoic and tall and lights the way for those out at sea..
And the sand that finally runs across my toes which has been a dream for so long for me…
This was only possible with the help of a loving person who got me where I needed to go…
And to whom I really hope does realize how much they have helped me in many ways to grow..
And there are always a few people that have to make a spectacle of a girl in a wheelchair..
As they walk by me and say things in a whisper as if they think I can’t hear along with a stare here and there..
If they only knew that It was one of the best days of my life and that I am feeling so relaxed and at ease..
I will take all of their comments and let them go over my head along with the beautiful breeze..
Because this morning I may have been the disabled girl on the beach which was a wonderful thing to me..
And until you learn to see the view from down in a wheelchair every day I don’t care what you think you see...
Because today my view was from the warm sand on a beach towel that was laid down just for me and was the best..
Day I have had in so long because I was no longer that poor gilt in the wheelchair and felt almost like all of the rest..
Of beach goers and comers to the new jersey shore in Atlantic City and right on the pier that is very well known..
For gambling and partying but for me it was just to feel the sand on my toes and feel like I was not handicapped if even for a few moments alone..
Coming home with my stuff in disarray the way it always is along with a few souvenirs because they are from my very first trip away from home..
I loved it so much and want to thank those who took me long on a short but awesome vacation to start me going more which I really hope..
Because it’s nice sometimes to go to places that make you feel different than the usual girl in the wheelchair always needing help from what I call in my head my proverbial rope..
Buffy Sammons

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2015

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My Whole Heart

I will promise you to give my entire heart..
My Love, all I asked back is for you to give "us" a fresh start.. 
To breathe fresh life into my broken bones as well as our broken spirit to drip down into our very broken soul..
Giving me your tender touch, your arms wrapped around me, it really helps me continue towards a goal..
To fight for all that I believe only together we can beat.. With our love I know that I can always face it, my sweet..
To my love, I ask you with all I am and and always will be..
You were my first true love and will be the last love that I ever have, and even then I could see..
I never used to believe in fate but the way you made for me fall for you so quickly it's always been you that I absolutely adore..
So I beg of you on bended knees just open up your eyes and look into mine the way I remember you did before..
You have my whole heart and have been my entire life so now my love, please just be..
My other half and what may come because there is no cause to my fight if you are not here with me..
Anything is possible my love, so just believe that we still have a future but more so, a here and now...
With your hand in mine together it gives me hope and faith that we could beat absolutely anything somehow..
You are and have been for so long, my entire family, my best friend, and the love of my life..
Nothing could have made me more proud than the day that I became your wife..
We have been going through an awful lot of bad times right now but never for one second think..
That we haven't had just as many good ones in fact a lot more great ones, it just reminds us that it can all be taken away in just a blink..
We can be happy again my love, I just know it, but from here on what I really do need..
Is positivity to keep me focused on your love for me, and strength to keep me up when the days get rough indeed..
I know it's been a lot to ask but I will promise to give you all of me, my love, from deep down in my heart, soul, and so very much more..
With you by my side I can only beat this so that we will can make new memories and together we will again soar..
Just please help me in this fight because I feel so alone in the darkness sometimes, so don't give up on me my love, for there will be no future for me, without you..
My world would be over without your arms holding me tight, your lips locked on mine, and my darling if you haven't noticed I am addicted to your eyes in my view..

Dedicated to my true soul mate Matthew..
I will love you forever and always..
Buffy Sammons
..Still fighting..3-25-2016

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2016

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Darkness Falls


Darkness falls over me all around..
It helps drown out the loud sound..
Of pain and heartache because I feel okay in the darkness..
And trying to pull me in to light just makes me feel less..
Because in darkness you don't have to talk, go any place or even look nice...
You just curl up and do your thing without needing advise..
I will take darkness over light anytime.
Just because you are in the darkness it is not a crime..
You can still meet me here if you feel the need..
And there is no dress code, subjects not welcome or language to watch indeed..
Darkness falls in my eyes and heart every single night..
Trying to stay out of the darkness has just become too much of a losing fight..
The battle is tiring so instead of continuing the battle every day and night and just..
Will let the darkness fall into me and let it take what it must..
Buffy Sammons 8/3/15

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2015

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Pay Inspiration Forward

Beauty is everywhere you look if you just take the time and enjoy the ride..
Because it seemed like just yesterday I was too busy to look as I was always running to my car outside.. 
Now that I have to depend on someone to take me anywhere out of the room that has become my prison I realize..
All of the amazing wonders that surround us of every color, shape, and size..
Inspiration does not have to come from anything particular like a person place or thing..
Instead inspiration can come fron a feeling or from a crisp breeze that makes your heart sing ..
So remember to always accept what you have and never take it for granted again.. 
You never know when it could all be gone and you can't get time back no matter when..
There are reasons for everything and I believe my fate was predestined for me even though others feel I've been...
Wronged and it's a mistake while others feel that I am deserving and its right ..
I feel it's only for God's eyes to judge my fate and I pray he gives me each additional night..
Just please remember to look around at the beauty of the fall leaves or the sandy beaches with the water with the waves rolling in and out, or the spring blossoms on the bushes and the trees...
Never forget that just breathing in and living this life should make you fall down and pray on bended knees...
For inspiration was built on the hopes and dreams of those that have won and lost their battles as well on individual desire...
All I can hope is that just one of my words brings out a smile,  emotion or even a deep down in the belly fire.. 
For someone else to pull whatever form of art that inspires them to keep up the fight.. 
I would just like to be a part in that chain so someone may give them a chance like I was given and who knows if it will work, but it just might?
So what do you say about trying to pay inspiration forward to all and keep it going in any way you possibly are able to do?
Who knows that someday the inspiration, however big or small,  just may be truly needed by you...

Buffy Sammons 1-2016

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2016

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My Life As I Feel It

Everyone things I know so much but it is really just my amazingly simple mind..
Not really very much to me, just want to be person who wants to always be kind..
Most people will never know me, the person who desires to be alone with no noise in the dark…
They only know the person who says yes ma’am and no thank you sir with a smile along with the remark..
Letting out the things that swirl around in my head could get me caught in my own dread..
Of disaster and I would much rather keep up the façade instead of the alternative ahead..
I put up this front so nobody will know how much I am falling apart each day…
In addition, the loving family and husband that I have makes everyone smile and most will say..
They were always meant for each other, seem so happy, and in such bliss..
If they only know that, we have not had that connection in so long and how much I miss..
The feeling of his arms holding me tight, as we would lay together every night,,
Now I am broken in both bones and my spirit, which gave me my light..
I have been lucky enough to have a love of a lifetime as well as bunch of good..
Friends that really love me but do not realize half of my dark thoughts under my hood..
So to all of the people I see I wish a great day and life as well as trying to never offend…
Moreover, to the heavens every night I send a kiss and a prayer to help me regain my love before my end..
Because deep into my heart and soul I will love you Matthew for all of my life and even after..
You were my fairytale, my heart, and together we could even be one great disaster..
Therefore, to my darling husband who is one of the few who knows the real me, my kisses and hugs are so deep..
And my longing to feel better so I can run into his arms I fear will be only in my dreams, so I just lay here I weep..
Loving can be both wonderful and evil at both the same time and what I hate
Is the different way he looks at me now whether or not he realizes it I know that for us it is too late..
For me I will be called home soon I feel in my heart my dear..
However, you will live on and still have love to give another, which will always be my fear...

Love you always…
Buffy Sammons 7-30-15

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2015

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Broken are my wings that would help me fly away..
Broken are the promises you make to me each day..
Broken are my feelings because of what I hear people say and..
Broken is my spirit when there is nobody there to lend me a hand..
Broken are my bones that put me in this wheelchair..
Broken are the memories as I think of the past here and there..
Broken is my faith that was once so very important to me..
Broken is the woman that in front of you is a broken down me you now see..
Buffy Sammons..

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2015

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My Love

My Love

Every time I watch him walk away, I wonder to myself if it will be my last time to let him know..
I hurry and think to myself if I have told him everything, I should have and if I was able to show..
The love I have for him so deep into my heart and my soul and that without him I am no longer me..
I do not think that he understands how much I miss the way he looked at me and anyone could see..
That we were soul mates from the start and just met a bit later in our lives but still..
Were meant to stay together and this illness that has pulled us apart against our will..
I miss holding his hand as we walked and the way he used to twirl me around in his arms so tight..
When we were out together, we were one and now that I do not get out much, I feel that he might..
Get tired of taking care of me, stop looking at me as if I am his wife, and will stop wanting me in ways..
That I want him more than I could ever want another person and even though "I'm not going anywhere dear” he says…
I feel him drift sometimes and I start to reminisce about all of the old times before everything seemed to hit..
Back in our best days and nights that never seemed to end because as long as we were together we never did quit..
We lost so many close loved ones and now it is hitting even closer to home than we expected would..
I want so much to run to him and jump into his arms with all the passion if only I really could..
My love and my husband you have done more than you will ever know for me just please..
Remember that I am still a woman who loves you and even if I do not live much longer, you still hold the keys..
To unlock every emotion in my being and I really do not think you even know…
How hard it will be for me to see your eyes when they finally tell me it’s time to go..
For a love of a lifetime is so very rare and does not seem to me to be fair or right..
To give me my true love that I pray I will get to see the next day every single night…
Love you always..

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2015

Details | Buffy Sammons Poem

Dark Eyes

In the murky depths of the night..
That is when she takes on flight..
Into a world that to most of us remains unknown..
If you catch a glimpse, your heart she might turn to stone..
That eerie chill you feel at times on your back...
Don't turn around or it is you she will attack..
Just keep walking straight ahead and whistle if you must..
Fight that urge to turn around and look, in that you can trust..
Never forget of the darkness that is always there..
If you choose to even take a peek, if you dare..
Her cold dark eyes pierce like a knife into your soul..
And letting you go back into the light is never her goal..

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2015

Details | Buffy Sammons Poem


By Buffy Sammons.. In In my  dreams,  I  am laughing,  smiling, joking and walking fast and tall.
I never lose  my stride,  as I'm holding your hand, without fear of  a fall... 
You  hold me  tight  as  if you are wrapping wings around  my heart...
Like my own  private secret secret-service  angel  that will  never let me fall apart... 
If only the dreams  would never end and I  could stay.. 
In the fantasy of you and I being wild and free as the wind blows warm as if to make our worries  fade away... Sometimes I dream of  loved  ones lost, as we  sit  together and talk like old  times, no pain just conversing, laughing,  and  having fun... 
Other times  its  my bucket list that I share  with you, as we float in  a warm pool with my  tropical umbrella drink in hand soaking in the Hawaiian sun... 
Not a care in the world as everything is  beautiful and Grand...
As  I  look  at  natures wonders, and  bury my  feet into the warm  white sand... Sometimes we take flight along the shores looking down at the  water, so crystal clear and blue... 
On a zip line in this magical place, that  was made especially for two... 
How do I stay in the  slumber of soft, beautiful, heavenly  memories ,both from the past, and some that  I know will never be... But I have to accept that when I awake  there is a reason that  I'm still here as I look up and I see... 
The  wheelchair near  the bed that are  basically chained to  me each and every day... 
I'll deal with the hand  that God dealt to me,  because  there is a  reason I wake up again each day and can truthfully say... 
When the dreams  don't  stop one day and I  don't awaken from  my  sleep...
It will mean that my purpose was fulfilled  and I will take my final rest knowing that it's  no longer a dream, as I  pray to the Lord my  soul to keep.. 
I will be reunited with those loved and lost in  my life that I really still  love and miss... 
And  from the heavens I will take the seat  being saved, as I send  my loved ones a final kiss... 
I sincerely send my  Love to you all... 
For always keeping me from fear of the fall...

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2017

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My Love

My Love

Every time I watch him walk away, I wonder to myself if it will be my last time to let him know..
I hurry and think to myself if I have told him everything, I should have and if I was able to show..
The love I have for him so deep into my heart and my soul and that without him I am no longer me..
I do not think that he understands how much I miss the way he looked at me and anyone could see..
That we were soul mates from the start and just met a bit later in our lives but still..
Were meant to stay together and this illness that has pulled us apart against our will..
I miss holding his hand as we walked and the way he used to twirl me around in his arms so tight..
When we were out together, we were one and now that I do not get out much, I feel that he might..
Get tired of taking care of me, stop looking at me as if I am his wife, and will stop wanting me in ways..
That I want him more than I could ever want another person and even though he “isn’t going anywhere dear” he says…
I feel him drift sometimes and I start to reminisce about all of the old times before everything seem to hit..
Back in our best days and nights that never seemed to end because as long as we were together we never did quit..
We lost so many close loved ones and now it is hitting even closer to home than we expected would..
I want so much to run to him and jump into his arms with all the passion if only I really could..
My love and my husband you have done more than you will ever know for me just please..
Remember that I am still a woman who loves you and even if I do not live much longer, you still hold the keys..
To unlock every emotion in my being and I really do not think you even know…
How hard it will be for me to see your eyes when they finally tell me it’s time to go..
For a love of a lifetime is so very rare and does not seem to me to be fare or right..
To give me my true love that I pray I will get to see the next day every single night…
Love you always..
Buffy Sammons

Copyright © Buffy Sammons | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things