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Best Poems Written by Marilyn S Jennings

Below are the all-time best Marilyn S Jennings poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Broken Relationship

A Broken Relationship

Soft tears rolled down her cheeks
as she rolled over to face his back,
for she knew in her heart so deep that
a love for her he did lack.

She had felt the relationship break
with the husband of her youth,
but how can it be Lord?  He is father of my children
but, all the while she knew.

She thought, they used to be so happy
when in their youth walking hand in hand,
thinking nothing could touch them
when their love brought them wedding bands.

Yes, they had spats and arguments
along the way,
but thinking nothing so great
that away from her his love would stray.

Then physical abuse and threatening
from his mouth,
came and changed this fair romance
from what it once was all about.

So with tears streaming don her face
and a heart that was broken completely in two,
wondering Lord, will I ever be loved again
will I ever be able to say I do?

When he found his excuse to leave
stating because of her belief in Jesus the King of Kings,
he said, “it’s either God or me, you can’t have both,”
so she chose to give up her once precious wedding ring.

For she knew no man is so important
as harmony with God,
and she wanted to commune with Him forever
and to walk with Him on Heaven’s sod.

Yet though my life has not been so perfect
since I’ve given up my wedding ring,
I have peace with my Father, joy with His Spirit
and love from Jesus Christ, my King.

And now, the painful hurting memories
my Precious Lord did take,
and replaced them with some fond remembrances 
all of His Wonderful Name’s sake.

Written by:  Marilyn Jennings

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2015

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In My Brokenness

In My Brokenness

It is in my brokenness that I seek
Your face Lord as never before,
it is in my brokenness that I find You 
as I open every door in my life to You as never before.

It is through my pain that I see my God that
You allow things to happen in my life not to hurt me,
but You allow them in my life
to bring me to my knees.

And when I call upon You and Your answer comes
and You hold me now so close,
it’s in my brokenness my Wonderful Lord
that You reveal to me Your personage and love for me  the most.

Written by:  Marilyn S. Jennings
February 2, 2007

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2018

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What Has Happened To Gods Old Fashioned Women

What Happened To GOD’s Old Fashioned Women?

Women who were careful how they spoke and didn’t use
profanity to get their thoughts across.  Who loved their
husbands and children and their GOD.  

Stay at home mothers raising their children well and respected 
their husbands and worked at having a loving home.

Old fashioned women who were careful how they dressed,
and did their best to keep their children safe but in
line with the rules of the home.

Sometimes, mothers and their children went to pick beans
and berries to help out with the family finances and
with school clothes.

Women who supported their children’s efforts at 
school by attending their plays, games or recitals,  
but, realizing all the while that then, the schools were safe
and moral.

It was a different time then, it was a more peaceful time
where neighbors were friendly and helped each other
by keeping an eye out for intruders and any other danger.

I can remember several young mothers who would go to 
the park with their toddlers and watched them play

Also, I can remember my mother passing along clothes
down from among the three of us girls, hemming
dresses, making them over, or making new ones.

Mothers who did canning and preparing the family’s
food for the coming year.  Doing yard work and
landscaping and dressing up the yard to make it beautiful.

Of course the breakdown of the American home has
come about by divorce of so many couples and families. And then
there are couples having children without the benefit
of marriage which has brought about a total 
breakdown of the American Sweet Culture.

I am remembering to, hearing the sound of church bells
ring Sunday morning telling all of us to get up and
get ready for church.  There is an old saying, “The family
that prays together, stays together”!  

Lastly, that is the country and feelings that I miss but, 
times have changed and we REALLY need to look

Written by:  Marilyn S. Jennings

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2019

Details | Marilyn S Jennings Poem

Oh, Is This What I Was Waiting For

Oh, Is This What I Was Waiting For?

When I was just a baby in the womb, my mother rejected me and I believe that the Lord told me many years later that she had wanted to lose me.  She had been married before and had my two sisters but their father, ran off and left her  for another woman.  

When my father and mom were married, she got pregnant with me in two short months.  I believe that she was afraid that daddy might run off and leave her then, with three small children but, daddy was a man of integrity and had a true sense of being a man of his word.  He had gladly taken on the
responsibility of helping mom raise my two sisters and now I was soon to come on the scene.

The Bible states, when father and mother reject you, God will take you up and the Lord told me one day, He took me up from
the womb and called me to be a servant of His.

I must have felt that as a young child.  I remember looking up to the sky at night and thinking, the stars are God’s windows.  My two sisters didn’t have that kind of sense or knowing but then, I was looking for Him all of my life but didn’t know how to reach Him.

One day, when I was 29 years old and had started attending the Catholic Church again because I was raised Catholic, I met a woman at our church who really knew Jesus.  She asked me to come to her home and have lunch, so, I went and my youngest son went with me.  

She started talking all about Jesus but, in my heart I thought, “Doesn’t she know that He is dead”?  That is the way He is pictured in the Catholic church…. He is still on the ross, “dead”!  She gave me a book to read that day called, “The Holy Spirit and You”.  I started reading it and did exactly what it said to do.  If you want to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, ask Him to come into your life and take it over and to forgive you of all of your sins and serve Him all of your days.  Well sir, I did that over and over and over but, there was no change in me.  I had a keen sense that there must be a change when you give your life to Christ!  Finally at one point, I gave up thinking that He didn’t want me either.  

So my friend asked us up for lunch again and she said, “Marilyn, don’t you want to receive Jesus and your Lord and Savior?  I said, “Oh, I have done that many times but, I don’t think He wants me”!  She said, “Why would you think that”?  I said, “Because I have asked Him to come into my heart many, many times but, there hasn’t been any changes yet”!  She said, “Well, did you believe He came in when you asked Him to”? I said, “Oh, you mean you have to do that to”?  When I realized that day that He came in the first time I asked, the tremendous changes started happening in my life and our family. Then it was time for the Holy Ghost baptism!  Every night when the kids were in bed and their father was working, I would kneel down at the end of my 
bed and ask Him to fill me with the Holy Ghost and then I would hang onto to the footboard of the bed so I wouldn’t fly around the room!!!  True story!!!  I finally got it!

I was like a person who was starving to death and when I had received the Baptism of the Spirit it was like He presented a beautiful feast banquet table before me and I couldn’t understand why no one wanted to come and eat with me!  I chased more friends off the first week I got filled with the Spirit all because I told them what happened to me!  I had been “Born Again” and now I was filled with God’s Spirit and I wanted the “WORLD” to know!!!

After seven years of my serving God, unfortunately, the kids' dad wasn't too happy with the change.  He said, he liked me better as a Catholic and at one point he told me, "You can have the Lord or you can have me but, you can't have us both"! I told him, "Well, I have to go with the Lord because He is my Savior"!

Sixteen years after a divorce from the kid’s father, I met and married a man of God who enjoyed feasting at the BANQUET TABLE that the Lord set
before us both!!!  

God bless, Marilyn S. Jennings
April 20, 2018

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2019

Details | Marilyn S Jennings Poem

I Was So Lost

I Was So Lost

I had been raised in church but a religious church.
They did acknowledge there was a God but
His Son was pictured as dead upon a cross.  This
was the picture that I carried all during my younger
days and until I was 29 years old.   I was so shocked
to learn that He was living and that He did rise
from the dead and He was alive again and is coming

When we would go to church I used to think the Priest
was God.  I remember going to confession as a child
and making up things to confess because I did not 
know what all to say or I really did not know what 
were sins and what wasn’t a sin.

When I was 17 I ran away from home and
got married.  That marriage lasted almost 20
years.  We were not in trouble but I did not
believe that my mother wanted me so more
than anything else it was an escape.

When I think back when I was a young child
I was as normal as any other child but when 
I became a young adult then I knew or began
to know that something truly was missing from
my life but what?

Oh how I longed to be wanted and really loved.
I longed to be needed and I wanted so much to
be a good mother and to raise my four children to
be responsible adults. So one day I decided to start 
taking my children to church so I took them to a 
Catholic church in our town. Then I began attending
a young women’s meeting at church where I met a lot of 
young mothers like me.  Also I met a young woman who 
had been studying to be a nun but instead had married  
and had four children.  She asked me to come to her home
for lunch and to bring my youngest child with me so he and
her child could play together.  Our other children were in 
school at this time.

My friend began to talk to me about this Jesus and
inside I was thinking, does she not know that He is
dead!  But she kept talking to me about Him like He
was alive and gave me a book to read about knowing Jesus and
being filled with His Holy Spirit and it was called the
Holy Spirit and You.  I devoured that book and
after the kids were in bed and their dad was at
work I would kneel down at my bed and ask this
God into my heart night after I night I would do
this without any change in my life.  I finally came to
the conclusion that He did not want me so I finally
gave up.  One day when she asked us up for lunch
again she asked me Marilyn would you like to
ask Jesus into your life?  And I told her well I think
maybe that He does not want me Chris”.  She said why
would you think that?  I said because I have asked 
Him many times and I do not feel any different so I
thought He did not come in when I asked Him to.  She 
asked did you believe that He came in when you
asked Him?  I said, oh you have to do that to?
And when I realized that He did come in the first
time I asked Him then the changes began in my
life.  It was like He turned my life right side up and
He took away the darkness and brought His light!

Not long after that I began to seek the Baptism in
the Holy Spirit now, that was a quest for sure.  Again
every night that the kids were in bed and my husband
was at work, I would kneel down at the bed and ask
Him to fill me with His Spirit then I would, don’t
laugh now, hold onto my bed frame so I would not
fly around the room.  You talk about being ignorant
about the things of the Lord!  Yes, but I was so hungry
for Him.  It was like I had been starving my whole life
and when I found out why; I wanted everything of Him
that was available!  Oh, my God was so loving and patient
with me.  

Not long after I started seeking for the Holy Spirit, I was in the
hospital with a blood clot in my left leg from a surgery and
the blood was shut off in my leg.  My friend came to see me
and I asked her if she could speak in tongues just any time
and she said yes.  I said, would you do it now?  She laid her
hand upon my head and began to pray in tongues and I
knew when I heard it that it was God!  That night the Lord
filled me with His Spirit in my sleep.  When I woke up the
next morning the colors in the room were all brighter and
everyone that came to see me in the hospital I told about 
Jesus.  I drove more people off that day but, the Lord replaced
my old friends with new friends.  When I got home from the hospital  
I began to speak in tongues and I led my four children to the 
Lord and three of them were filled with the Holy Ghost in ages
11, 9, 6,  only the four year old didn’t receive right then but hez
has now. 

The Lord has cultivated my life which had been sad and
lonely but now He has filled it with joy!  As a baby Christian 
He began using me to pray and intercede for others and used
me in a healing and deliverance ministry but really for over
40 years He has used me as a prayer warrior as well. My God 
was so loving and kind with me, yet firm and He helped
me to grow up in Him mentally and spiritually and I even have 
become an ordained minister of the Gospel along with my second

The greatest part of this testimony of my life is that if He did
it for me I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, He can do it
for you!

God bless, 

Written by:  Marilyn S. Jennings
July 2018

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2018

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The World Upside Down and Backwards

The World Upside Down and Backwards

One of the funniest things in an amusement park are the mirrors
and the way your true image comes across
but unfortunately without the Blood of Jesus applied to your life
this is the way you and me look to God for without Him we are lost.

We in the natural with a humanistic twist
have tried to work out a clean and bloodless redemption plan
but the Lords way was perfect in the price of His Son
so how do we them match that do tell me if you can!

This old world’s views since the fall
are backwards and upside down if you please
its ways, take all of you can get while the Bible says
to get you must give and it says so not for us just to tease.

A life without Jesus is upside down and definitely
out of control
going nowhere in the fast lane as there is no way to escape 
and one day all of us will have chosen where we will go.

As I mentioned before so say I again
we are backwards without Jesus as to how we are to view this life
for when He arrives on our dreadful lowly scene
if you will allow Him to, He will rid your life of peace stealing strife.

As a babe new born in our world
one of the first words a new baby will learn to speak is No!
they answer no to even good and wonderful things
that would have brought to their little face an awesome glow.

The central theme and message to this poem
was meant for this one fact
a life without Jesus, the Author of life is upside down and backwards yet
its needless to stay that way when He is wanting and welcoming to call you back!

Written by:  Marilyn S. Jennings

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2018

Details | Marilyn S Jennings Poem

When I Consider Life Without You

When I Consider Life

As a baby, I was laying in my bassinet when a rifle bullet was shot through
 our living room window and passed through right under my bassinet not hitting me. 
  Was that Your Hand, Lord?

As a young child around three or four, I was riding in the front seat of our car
on my mother’s lap.  We had a car wreck that day and my head broke the
windshield, I was not badly hurt.  Was that You, Lord?

When I was a young girl around 10 or 11, we went to the beach and a
friend of my mother’s and her young son went with us.  We stopped by
the side of the road for a picnic.  I wanted to go across the road and
I asked the boy to come with me.  I was unaware a car was coming
and we ended up running in front of it, the driver swerved
to miss us and went up on two wheels.  He was so upset with my
parents but, we were not hurt.  Was that also, You Lord

When I was 16 years old, I was a high school cheerleader.  I
used to do a string of back flips across the gym.  One night
during a game, I did a string of five and on the fifth one, my 
arms gave out and I landed on the gym floor on my head.
I was badly hurt but didn’t know how bad for years.  I was
not taken to the Dr.  I had broken 3 vertebrae in my neck
and was not able to turn my head for several weeks.  
Again, was that You, Lord?

On summer day in July, our family went to a dam where there is swimming
and picnicking.  Several members of our family went that day.  I
swam out to the dock because I wanted to do some diving.  I was
on the dock when a boy I knew who was 19, asked me to go out
with him.  When I told him no, he picked me up and threw
me off the dock.  I didn’t have any time to take a breath before
this happened.  So, when I came up, I was out of breath and
he pushed me under again.  I came up again, and he pushed me
down again.  This time I was in serious trouble.  I knew he would
do it again so I had to make a quick decision otherwise I was
going to drown. I stayed under but, my lungs felt as though they
would bust, but I swam under the water to the shallow end where
the little kids were playing.  When I came up, I almost felt
as though I would pass out but, I revived.  I told my parents what had just
happened.  I am sure my father was irate but, he kept his cool.  Funny
thing though, this happened 56 years ago and I have never seen this
him, again!  Was that also You, Lord?

And one more time, it was when my youngest was a just a little
baby.   It was November of 1971 and I was bit by a mosquito.
I thought at the time, a mosquito in November?  But I ended
up with sleeping sickness from it and one other man in our
little town had the same problem.  I then had four children
to take care of and my father was dying from pancreatic
cancer.  I could not stay awake to take care of my children.
Their father would go fishing and leave me alone, sick with the
kids.  I would tie the two doors together in the hallway and
leave my bedroom door open and have the baby in bed with me.
The thing that happened though, after I was over that part, 
it left me with a severe migraine headache that didn’t go
away day or night.  I went to my Dr. but he put me on valium 
and didn’t check into the root of the problem.  As it ended
up about five years later, I was born again and heard of a
lady that had a healing prayer ministry.  I called her and asked
if she would pray for me.  I told her what the problem was and
she prayed and fasted about a week before she had me come up
and lay hands on me.  The Lord showed her that I had a 
bulging blood vessel in my head.  As it turned out, I could have
dropped dead any time and would go straight to hell but, the
Lord kept me alive.  She prayed and I was healed.  Praise God.
This time Lord, no doubt, Your Hand was in this!

I know the answer to the other questions.  I know that the Lord has had His
hand on me from the womb.  My mother rejected me from the womb
because of personal problems in her life.  When she rejected me, the
Lord took me up and at 29 years of age, I came to know this God
Who saved my life these many times as well as other times.
I thank Him every day for Who He is and the fact that He saved me
many times before I knew Him as, I would have ended up in Hell
for an eternity!  
Praise God.

Written by:  Marilyn S. Jennings
July 3, 2018

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2018

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When I Consider Life With You

When I Consider Life Without You

As a baby, I was laying in my bassinet when a rifle bullet was shot through  our living room window and passed through right under my bassinet not hitting me. 
Was that Your Hand, Lord?

As a young child around three or four, I was riding in the front seat of our car on my mother’s lap.  We had a car wreck that day and my head broke the windshield, I was not badly hurt.  
Was that You, Lord?

When I was a young girl around 10 or 11, we went to the beach and a friend of my mother’s and her young son went with us.  We stopped by the side of the road for a picnic.  I wanted to go across the road and I asked the boy to come with me.  I was unaware a car was coming and we ended up running in front of it, the driver swerved to miss us and went up on two wheels.  He was so upset with my parents but, we were not hurt.
Was that also, You Lord?

When I was 16 years old, I was a high school cheerleader.  I used to do a string of back flips across the gym.  One night during a game, I did a string of five and on the fifth one, my arms gave out and I landed on the gym floor on my head.  I was badly hurt but didn’t know how bad for years.  I was not taken to the Dr.  I had broken 3 vertebrae in my neck and was not able to turn my head for several weeks.  
Again, was that You, Lord?

On summer day in July, our family went to a dam where there is swimming and picnicking.  Several members of our family went that day.  I swam out to the dock because I wanted to do some diving.  I was on the dock when a boy I knew who was 19, asked me to go out with him.  When I told him no, he picked me up and threw me off the dock.  I didn’t have any time to take a breath before this happened.  So, when I came up, I was out of breath and
he pushed me under again.  I came up again, and he pushed me down again.  This time I was in serious trouble.  I knew he would do it again so I had to make a quick decision otherwise I was going to drown. I stayed under but, my lungs felt as though they would bust, but I swam under the water to the shallow end where the little kids were playing.  When I came up, I almost felt
as though I would pass out but, I revived.  I told my parents what had just happened.  I am sure my father was irate but, he kept his cool.  Funny thing though, this happened 56 years ago and I have never seen this him, again!  
Was that also You, Lord?

And one more time, it was when my youngest was a just a little baby.  It was November of 1971 and I was bit by a mosquito.  I thought at the time, a mosquito in November?  But I ended p with sleeping sickness from it and one other man in our little town had the same problem.  I then had four children
to take care of and my father was dying from pancreatic cancer.  I could not stay awake to take care of my children.  Their my husband their father  would go fishing and leave me alone, sick with the kids.  I would tie the two doors together in the hallway and leave my bedroom door open and have the baby in bed with me.  The thing that happened though, after I was over that part, 
it left me with a severe migraine headache that didn’t go away day or night.  I went to my Dr. but he put me on valium  and didn’t check into the root of the problem.  As it ended up about five years later, I was born again and heard of a lady that had a healing prayer ministry.  I called her and asked if she would pray for me.  I told her what the problem was and she prayed and fasted about a week before she had me come up and lay hands on me.  The Lord showed her that I had a bulging blood vessel in my head.  As it turned out, I could have dropped dead any time and would go straight to hell but, the
Lord kept me alive.  She prayed and I was healed.  Praise God.
This time Lord, no doubt, Your Hand was in this!

I know the answer to the other questions.  I know that the Lord has had His hand on me from the womb.  My mother rejected me from the womb because of personal problems in her life.  When she rejected me, the Lord took me up and at 29 years of age, I came to know this God Who saved my life these many times as well as other times.  I thank Him every day for Who He is and the fact that He saved me many times before I knew Him as, I would have ended up in Hell for an eternity!  
Praise God.

Written by:  Marilyn S. Jennings
July 3, 2018

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2019

Details | Marilyn S Jennings Poem

To the God of All Creation

To the GOD of all creation: 

First of all PAPA GOD, I ask YOU to forgive me and cleanse
me from all unrighteousness and cleanse my heart and my
mind for, I know that I have opened my mouth and spoken things
that would have much better left unsaid and now, I want to come to YOU and pray for our nation and family members who do not know YOU.

So now LORD, I ask YOU that YOU would touch this nation and
our leaders, our President and his family, our Vice President
and his family and all other members of his administration.
LORD I also ask that YOU would protect members of the press that
are unveiling what is happening deep inside this nation
at its core.  I ask that every serving member of Congress, 
and the Senate, Judges, our Pentagon and military, be touched by
one more time on this nation which has strayed so far away from
YOU.  GOD, that YOU would give us another chance, individually and
collectively as a nation to REPENT before the GOD of the ages.

Would YOU pour out of YOUR SPIRIT – a sin-killing revival 
a devil stomping, BLOOD bought revival… Would YOU pour out
the FEAR OF GOD, that people could know like never before
that YOU are alive and YOU are still on YOUR throne and that they would
come to KNOW JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR and that HE
 is about to come back to earth for HIS church – the BRIDE OF CHRIST!

Would YOU touch our unsaved members of our families.  Sons
and daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, cousins
and nieces and nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren,
sisters and brothers, in-laws and our neighbors and friends.
OH, GOD, we need YOU like never before!!!  We are desperate 
for YOUR touch, for YOUR presence, for YOUR leading, for 
YOUR love, for YOUR forgiveness as, we have sinned before 
YOU.  LORD, YOU are needed and desired by many, many people
 – please touch us again!  Be LORD of this nation once again!!!  
And, touch YOUR people, ISRAEL once again!  

LORD, thank YOU for listening to my prayer and I am thanking
YOU for answering!!!  

I love you LORD!  YOUR daughter, Marilyn

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2018

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The Earth To Be Full of His Glory

The Earth To Be Full Of His Glory

The Heavens oh God declare Your awesome glory
giving heed to Your presence so high above
but yet my Lord so great and so majestic You are
still You want to fill the heart of man with Your love.

Your glory, my Father is soon to be seen
for You are going to disclose
Yourself to Your creation
opening to it one of Heaven’s glorious doors.

Angelic visitations in the earth 
will soon be on the rise
signs, miracles and wonders to with such mind boggling events
to happen just before our very eyes.

There will be no doubt for man will say
this something that only a Great God can do 
for look at all these miracles He has
done my brother my sister for me and for you.

Then His remnant church will rise
out of the religious body of faith now so dead
and with sword in hand and with a shield of faith
will by their God march forth and by Him they will be led.

Camping under His cloud of Glory
like His people of the past
only this time His Glory 
on earth will be cut so short and it will not last.

This glory will usher in that 
last day great harvest of souls
and once this job has been accomplished
off to Heaven His Bride will go.

Oh Father to know Your Glory and
awesome presence now so complete
Lord my all I surrender so totally to You come and by your Spirit
direct this child and order this path for my feet.

Written by:  Marilyn S. Jennings

Copyright © Marilyn S Jennings | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things