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Best Poems Written by Julia Ward

Below are the all-time best Julia Ward poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Cigarette

Empty pack - no cigarettes,
but another pack has one.
Should she smoke it now?
Cigarette stained fingers
stroked the tube.

She teased her mouth with it,
unlit, but lighter reachable,
calming her a bit...
How rare is it to tease
oneself like this?

Five minutes, and resolve
dispersed. The flame flickered
admirably.  (She saw it.)
Cigarette went gently to her mouth
and she drew breath.

Her nicotine heart thanked her once again.


Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2016

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Ice Princess

At the time,
a princess made of ice
appealed to him.
She came across him gradually
on a nice day.

Her eyes
were palest blue,
looking steadfast, but not cross.
She came across him winningly
on a *n ice* day.

At the time,
he did not know her,
but she soon made up for that,
coming across as a princess-wife -
his love in ice pack.



Contest - Don't Fight It.....Write It!! 

Sponsor - John lawless 

1st place win

Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2015

Details | Julia Ward Poem

Weather Forecast

My Spring will be sunny - all plans ahead,
and Summer quite sprightly... plans won't sink like lead,
No rain here, or thunder - why, tickle my toes,
why people want rainy, the Lord only knows.

Autumn will be fog-bound... I'm joking my friend.
I live in a country where fog won't itself lend.
It will be joyous and sunny like spring in the South,
and my plans won't go haywire like a kick in the mouth.

Winters I love here, and my plans will go well.
What my plans are for the moment?  Can't tell,
but they will be sunny like all my plans are,
and if you're good, Mr. Viv, we'll meet up in a bar.



Contest  - Weather Forecast 2018

Sponsor - Viv Wigley

2nd place win

Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2018

Details | Julia Ward Poem


Going on a tram to Lattes*,
the tram rails winding this and that,
but first, Montpellier was seen.
Tall buildings, cream and white,
and the sight of seagulls
near bright sea.

Best day was to be had in Lattes,
and ice-cream from bow-fronted shop.
Eight euros then to pay...
Tall buildings, monochrome,
and the sight of seagulls
near the sea.

The seagulls followed the tram back,
the tram rails winding this and that,
and then Montpellier re-seen.
Shops were shutting for the day
in tall buildings cream and white,
before the seagulls went away.


* pronounced Lat.


Contest  - My Abiding Memory

Sponsor - Viv Wigley

1st placement win - a real prize for it (a ornament of a bird).

Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2015

Details | Julia Ward Poem

A Kite

blue kite in the sky

so lost in the blue above

one side catches sun


Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2016

Details | Julia Ward Poem

Love In a Beach Hut

Love in a beach hut came my way,
and, a bit cramped, we lay
until the moon rose over
Kettle's Bay.

Polly, the maid, came opportunely,
to bring us tea
and the three
of us sat happily.

Love out of a beach hut came my way,
and Polly came half-way through
with tea
and that's when we threw her in the bay.



Contest  - Just make me laugh

Sponsor - Christine Lehman

3rd place win

Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2015

Details | Julia Ward Poem

The Lake

The lake was only small
But we boated.
Not far to go...

Back and forth
On the little lake
And watching the boat go.

Back and forth and go  -
Using up the day
That won't return.



Contest  - STRAND Choice 8

Sponsor - Brian Strand

2nd place win


Featured poem for the week commencing 5/1/2016

Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2015

Details | Julia Ward Poem

Why There Are Stars

There are stars to remind you of pinpricks
in case you ever forget the word or meaning.

There are stars to remind you how small you are
in case you are grandiose.

There are stars in case you worship them,
though I don't know why you should.

I guess there are many reasons why,
so I shall go on counting...

There are stars so "Milky Way" is not just a chocolate bar,
but has another meaning...

There are stars to light up children's eyes
when they look out of Granny's window.
(Granny's invited them to tea,
but they stay till bedtime comes.)

There are stars so Granny can explain them,
and I will stay around,
for I have only skimmed the surface
of why there are stars,
and Granny is -



Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2018

Details | Julia Ward Poem

Southend Pier

Pevec in Czech -
a poet in our tongue,
and I see him there, composing.
His poem is about the sea,
and how the crabs are dancing
slowly to its rhythm -
side-going to the end of Southend Pier.

Pevec in Czech -
a poet in our tongue,
and I see him there, composing.
His poem is about his Love,
and how she is dancing
in the evening's cool,
twirling to the end of Southend Pier.

Pevec in Czech
and all his words
cannot describe his feelings...
He gives up, and instead
applauds the dancing...
She hears him not, and with a devilish cry
hurtles to shocked, unready sea.


Featured poem of the week
commencing 5/8/22

Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2015

Details | Julia Ward Poem


Coconut shy at Reece Fair...
Auntie Margaret is sure she'll win this time.

A shy goldfish travels home
in ornate container.


Copyright © Julia Ward | Year Posted 2015


Book: Shattered Sighs