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Best Poems Written by Sandra Haight

Below are the all-time best Sandra Haight poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Eternal Life and the Total Self

Life is but a fleeting whisper echoing through time, never dying, always being- magnificent and sublime. The body's a receptacle, a superficial shell, but in it dwells the gift of Soul; eternity knows it well. The Soul contains the truths of life, to all that's ever been; to all things now, and yet to come, but guards them deep within. The mind has hidden doors to Soul; we long to find the key, unleash the vision waiting there, that lives eternally. And so mind seeks to open wide, grasp firm the light of Soul. and at that moment when it does, we know we will be whole. So when we penetrate the shield that stands between these two, we will perceive with inner sight- our Soul, complete and new. If in this life, we cannot grasp this bond of Soul and mind, we'll be reborn to live again, till total self we find. We've been before, so many times; we've known many a past. We'll be again- an echo in time, till mind and Soul are fast. And when that final day does come, at last to lift our Soul, for Him to gather in His arms- our perfect self- now whole. May 19, 2016 ~1st Place~ Premiere Contest: Imagine A Freedom Beyond Imagination Sponsor: Mystic Rose Rose Judged: 02/25/2021
Some religions, like Hinduism, believe in reincarnation which refines the soul by it living many lifetimes, and after it is perfected, goes back to God. My poem is based on that belief. So many people, including myself, have inner feelings or momentary flashbacks like they have lived before in another life.

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2016

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We Rulers of the Earth

We Rulers Of This Earth

Homo-Sapiens we call ourselves, rulers of this Earth,
   Intelligent and civilized, but what is all this worth?

We're working hard to conquer space...we landed on our Moon.
   We better solve our problems here, or soon we will face doom.

New industries and factories constructed every day,
   And poisoning the air we this the price to pay?

Energy sources shrinking now...what happens when there's none?
   Will Man of Earth ever learn to work with Nature as one?

Some in this world are starving still while others hoard their gold.
   Intelligent and civilized; at least, that's what we're told.

We cure disease with drugs that may cause sickness as result...
   How many dearly paid for this ‘experimental cult’?

We have become a plastic world where everything is fake,
   From foods we eat to how we look...oh, when will we awake?.

We're civilized we tell ourselves, but fight our fellow man,
   If only we could solve world stresses through a better plan.

With government corruption...morality sinking low…
   The price of progress we may this the way to grow?

We have upset Earth’s balanced ways, destroying Nature’s scheme...
   We’re intelligent and it all a dream?

Will we ever walk on Nature's path, take her by the hand,
   Restore the beauty meant to be on Earth, our dying land?

Homo-Sapiens we call ourselves, rulers of this Earth...
   Intelligent and civilized, but what is all this worth?

Sandra M. Haight

~4th  Place~
Contest: People
Sponsor: Richard Lamoureux
Judged: 12/11/2017

~1st Place~
Contest: Best Old Poem
Sponsor: Judy Konos
Judged: 12/17/2015

~2nd Place~
Contest: Let're Rip – Shoot from the Hip
Sponsor: John Lawless
Judged: 04/06/2015

I actually composed this poem 30 years ago…but it is still appropriate today for venting because nothing has changed.  Homo-Sapiens means “man of wisdom” in Latin.

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2015

Details | Sandra Haight Poem

The Gift of Time

The giving of time is a special gift-
     can never be wrapped in paper and bows.
Always delivered with love in the heart,
     to give and to share wherever one goes.

Time is a gift never measured by cost,
     just priceless minutes or hours to supply
comfort in sadness, or laughter in joy 
     to a loved one, friend, or a passerby.

Much harder than simply giving a gift
     sought for and purchased with money we earn,
time is a jewel, more precious than gold-
     something to offer with thought and concern.

Be there for one who has lost a dear spouse,
     a mother, father, or special someone.
The gift of our time…to listen, to care…
     this sacred present cannot be outdone.

Be there for a child, a neighbor, a pal,
     even for joy- give some time to commend.
Say well done, give praise, be happy at heart;
     this welcomed support wins out in the end.

Be it, minutes or hours, days, even weeks,
     small gifts of time that encourage, console,
cherished by all- immeasurable worth
     remembered, treasured by mind, heart, and soul.

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2014

Details | Sandra Haight Poem

Forgotten Soul

I turn my head, and there she is once more
in her disheveled, worn, and tattered dress,
one pew behind me near the exit door-
she sits head bowed- an image of distress.

Two weeks now on a Sunday, she is there-
the same pew in the church, the same old clothes.
She shows forlornness that makes me aware
her life is sadly filled with countless woes.

This time, she lifts her head and looks at me,
as tears swell in her eyes and down her cheek.
My heart is broken by the hurt I see
within her wanting eyes so dark and meek.

I gaze into her face and see her fears.
With a slight twinkle in her sullen eyes
and tiny smile, she wipes her falling tears
away; but still, I hear the painful cries

that echo from her heart so silently-
her weakened body, anguished mind, and soul.
I wonder what in life could possibly
have caused her to now suffer such a toll.

And I surmise that homeless she must be.
But still, some faith has brought her to this spot
where healing strength from God might possibly
renew her spirit- when her life cannot.

The mass soon ends, and I arise and turn-
so now, in front of her, I sadly stand.
She grasps my hand and says, “God Bless, you earn
His blessings- for a heart that understands."

November 16, 2014

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2014

Details | Sandra Haight Poem

I Wish I Were a Unicorn

I wish I were a Unicorn
   So smooth and white with shiny horn
To prance and dance on clouds up there
   And spend my days surveying air
I'd stop and visit clouds of rain-
   Those darker ones, which are a pain
When they release their water flow
   On earthly beings down below

I'd  then check out a fluffy one
   The kind that always blocks the sun
There would be best to take a snooze
   While 'neath blue sky I'd float and cruise

I'd love clouds more at sunset time
   When glowing colors make them shine
A Unicorn would like it best
   Upon a cloud that's shiniest

At night, I'd fly up near the moon
   See how the tides are kept in tune
Come morn, I'd go close to the sun
   To see how brand new dawn is done

Again at dark, some stardust find
   The finest and most brilliant kind
To sprinkle on my wings of white
   And store to share the starry light

Perhaps I'd make it way up far
   To find the place where blessings are
I'd seek the ones with greater worth
   And gently throw them down to earth

I wish I were a Unicorn
   So smooth and white with shiny horn
I'd monitor the earth below
   And sprinkle it with stardust glow

January 30, 2016

~3rd Place ~
Contest: If I Had A Secret Life
Sponsored: Caren Krutsinger
Judged: 02/02/2019

~5th Place~
Contest: I Wish I Were...
Sponsor: Viv Wigley
Judged: 05/06/2018

~1st Place~
Contest: Imagination
Sponsor: Shadow Hamilton
Judged: 01/30/2016

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2016

Details | Sandra Haight Poem

Listen With Your Heart

Listen, my fellow dreamers, But listen with your heart, And hear the silent music of which we're all a part. Cover your ears, my dreamers, Lest the worldly tunes drown out The inner magic symphonies of what life's all about. Listen, listen, listen, And hear the song of Love; It's echoing within you, outside, beneath, above. It's playing in the meadow And in the city street; Resounding in your friendships and the stranger that you meet. Listen, listen, listen, To the symphony of Hope; Its crescendo's growing louder to help you grasp and cope. It's drowning out the concert Of trouble and of strife; Just close your ears and listen to this melody of life. Listen, listen, listen, To Faith's unending song; There's magic in its music to make and keep you strong. Feel the mighty power, It's flowing through your soul. Its tune will conquer mountains and fulfill your every goal. Listen, listen, listen, But listen with your heart, And hear the silent music, of which we're all a part. Sandra M. Haight
~3rd Place~ Premiere Contest: 2019 Marathon Mile 12 Sponsor: Mark Toney Judged: 01/26/2019 Listen With Your Heart ~1st Place~ Contest: Life ~ Premiere Contest Sponsor: Janis Thompson Judged: 05/15/2016 ~1st Place~ Contest: Simply Beautiful Sponsor: Kelly Deschler Judged: 04/05/2015

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2015

Details | Sandra Haight Poem

Snow Falling

Snow falling—
Feathers escaping from the pillow-heaven
Confusing the air
With the steadiness of a stampede
Advancing, clinging, smothering.

Snow falling—
White fleecy lambs atop every protrusion
Sleek ermine boas
Draped upon the naked arms of nature
Bare of their green velvet capes.

Snow falling—
The spatula of wind
Smoothing mounds of marshmallow frosting
Billowy swirls
Of whipped immaculate splendor.

Snow falling—
Obscuring the drab tired earth
Her deep wounds of time
Dissolving shadows of other seasons
That Spring may arise again.

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2015

Details | Sandra Haight Poem


As dawn would bring no daylight without dark
empty night; the clearest day no beauty hold
without the dreary rainstorm's dismal mark.
As spring would bring no rebirth without cold
winter sleep; the fallen snow no cleansing
without the ashen stain of fall.  As love
would bring no healing without the stinging
wounds of hate; and laughter give no joy of
gladness without the woeful tears of pain.
As peace would have no glory in its quest
without the fear of war.  Life's thrill would wane,
no meaning hold, without the awe of death.
As heaven is no prize without hell's fires therein;
forgiveness is no virtue without the sinner's sin.

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2015

Details | Sandra Haight Poem

The Stars and Beyond

As we speculate the clear evening sky
Iridescent with gems, which we call stars,
Alive in our hearts stir the endless dream
To unwind and solve the puzzles of Earth-
The unfathomed vastness of cosmic space.
Since time began, this has been our great wish.

Because of this strong and enduring wish
Our minds are forever drawn to the sky, 
Where in the blankness of great timeless space
Drift all the planets, our Sun, Moon, and stars.
And amidst it all, our minuscule Earth-
Seems lost in this cloudy, galactic dream.

But humans will always anxiously dream
Of someday achieving this inborn wish;
Discovering answers about the Earth;
Exploring the unknown realms of the sky
To find our way among planets and stars,
Erasing boundaries of time and space.

What truths does it hold, this infinite space?
Will answers always be- vague as a dream?
Do other planets with suns as our stars
Have beings like earthlings who hope and wish?
Do they gaze at their vast eternal sky;
Know of our galaxy, Sun, Moon, and Earth?

Though we're secure on this great mammoth Earth,
When we contemplate the vastness of space,
We know we are only dust in the sky
And our importance dissolves like a dream,
For matter not how we wonder and wish
We are naught amid the planets and stars.

Gems on black velvet, our heaven of stars;
So close they all seem to mortals of Earth;
So often we stare at them- make a wish-
Yet billions of light-years measure the space
In between. When will we wake from our dream?
Solve all the puzzles that darken our sky?

Twinkle on, great sky, with your rhinestone stars-
Continue, sweet dream, for beings of Earth!
Eternal as space, is our hope and wish!


Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2015

Details | Sandra Haight Poem

Recipe For Happiness

Recipe For Happiness

Happiness is like a cake we bake that creates the joy and fullness of life.

And, the recipe begins with one cup of resilience to keep it all together

Place next, one cup of acceptance for loving yourself dearly as you are

Put in one cupful of appreciation for your life and the beauty of nature

Insert one cup of direction to help follow those special goals you seek

Next, blend in one cupful of emotion for life's intense love and feelings
Enter then, a heaping cup of relationships, made of family and friends

Stir in one cupful of giving for sharing your love and kindness with all

Stir, then add a cup of meaning for purpose that makes happiness rise.

There you have it! 

February 16, 2015

~2nd Place~
Contest: My Secret To Happiness
Sponsor: Line Gauthier
Judged: 10/18/2017

~1st Place~
Contest: Happiness Acrostic
Sponsor: John Hamilton
Judged: 12/19/2015

Copyright © Sandra Haight | Year Posted 2015


Book: Shattered Sighs